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Honey Badger front and center…

Welcome to Guldies 1  Good morning, good morning, good morning, and what a beautiful morning it is for any of us fortunate enough to awake to it.  Another day to charge the hills of our day chasing truths, learning and becoming, being, all that good stuff.  It’s pretty hard not to be excited about waking up!

Although the info on Alabama is that January is usually the coldest month of the year, the crazy cold and icy here on the coast as of late is rare they say.  Is ugly, that’s for sure, and folks are pretty unhappy with it.  Not being use to it or having experienced it too often makes it even more dangerous for way too many of them.  It’s Mardi Gras time here soon with The Big Easy just across the lake and they are all getting ready running around and there are accidents big and small and people slipping and falling pretty much non stop, from crossing the street, walking on the sidewalk, certainly any stairs, ouch after ouch, it’s ugly out there, be careful.

The days fly by still and have for some time.  We have long said and continue to, that we need at least 30 hours in a day to get everything done, but we know if we had 30 we’d want forty, is just the way it is.  All you can do is stay focused, stay on point, the things you are working on and where they are and what needs to be done with each and all of them forward.  Forward is the key though!  It’s the actions that make things happen, that get us from point A to point B.  We can want it, or do that silly picture it stuff, or we can talk about it, but it is going to be our actions that either make it happen or make it not happen.  Actions get things done!

Güldies is rocking and rolling forward as always, the anomaly that we are, and our latest growth spurt forced us out from under a few umbrellas of others so to speak, where we’ve been in the trenches grinding hard, nothing but work, no distractions, getting things done for folks non stop for quite a while.  We are grateful we learned tons from our time with THG and are glad we were able to help them.  We worked with some wonderful people and continue to with other projects.  After one of the owners, the bad energy guy go figure, destroyed THG, what grew out of that, GNG and Nova, was nothing but awesome and we’re glad to have been there and a part of it.  Finding and working with good people in crooked industries is like finding friendlies behind enemy lines, there is an instant bond and friendship.  We wish GNG nothing but the best and know that as good guys helping folks they will stand out and do well, be successful, and treat right any client referred.  We’ll continue to be one of the managing consultants for Nova and thoroughly enjoy it, one of several wonderful projects Güldies is thrilled to be involved with, we love helping folks.

Ed should be in Florida early Feb and once he gets caught up there we’ll figure a rally point so to speak as we coordinate Berlin.  He might be able to catch a ride with one of the Sober Living RV’s if timing is right and meet us in Ohio, or just fly back to NH, we’ll see.  The office in Berlin is a go pretty much as needed now though so we’ll probably, and should, start the ads there soon, and could send Mike or Sindy or someone immediately for a few weeks if the need is there sooner than expected.  The restaurant might not be until Summer but it’s only because we aint staying.  lol  We can set the office up and staff it and get it going well without being there but have to be there to get the restaurant going even if we’re not cooking anymore and just need to train staff.  It still has to be Güldies or else, and we wouldn’t be able to leave until it was.  Right now we can’t spare more than a month or two there, tops, if that.  There just aren’t enough hours in the day…

Hordes to do, so much to do, a very busy day ahead, and nothing gets done itself, that’s for sure.  So we’re off, we’ve bad guys to fight and folks to help, another awesome Güldies day!




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