You Might as Well Laugh, Crying Never Helps… And Nobody Cares Anyways…

  Good morning, good morning, good morning, and what an incredibly awesome morning it is for any and all fortunate enough to experience it.

Yesterday is long ago and far away and tomorrow may never come, so all we have to work with is the right now, today, this day, the day in front of us, to  charge up our hills of this day chasing amazing and magic, seeking truths, being who and what we are, any of us, to the best of our abilities and putting out as much good energy as we can.

A funny thing about energy is that the more you rely on it, the more you learn to use your intuition, the more you internalize it relative to the external man made make believe pretend skeleton land, the better off forward you always are.

Understanding who and what we are is a huge part of being who and what we are, and as we have always said, the further one is from their true self / true path, the blurrier and more distorted their decision making capabilities, which is why to us it makes no sense holding ill will towards anyone.

Humans are pack / associate animals, like wolves, like monkeys, whether we want to accept it or not.  Nature doesn’t much care about the pretend that any culture or civilization or religion chooses to incorporate as to the latest greatest definition of Human that it wishes to propagate.  Any and all are merely efforts to conform and control the masses.  The world is full of packs, associations, big and small, of a very wide and diverse nature relative to humans.  Cultures, civilizations, religions, governments, these things are designed to keep you from going to your neighbor, kicking his butt, and taking his shit!  Combined they are used to divide and conquer the masses, to keep the have nots from the haves, and are merely facades perpetuating a time and true separation built on fear.  There are lots more have nots than haves!

We’ve been busy, it is our nature, and the days fly by.  It is so true that the older you get the faster time seems to pass, which makes it very relative to our existence.  We’ve been waiting for the weather to warm up here in Mobile but it is taking its sweet time.  We are seeing more sunshine finally, so less rainy, cold and overcast, but the winds are swirling and it feels like autumn in New England if you ask us.  Florida, or at least southern Florida where we were, it was just hot, and we have long said we see no reason to go that far south again.  Heck the Native Americans didn’t even go that far south until chased there, and if it were not for irrigation and air conditioning humans wouldn’t be there now.  On a bright note, we usually just figure weather is whatever is outside, so we really don’t let it bother us, but we are learning that we prefer temperate weather over extreme, go figure!

Lots going on, and more so since popping back up so to speak, even refreshing relationships with a few old clients.  We have always been one to shun the spotlight, preferring to operate and put out good energy from the shadows, less trouble that way, but at the same time, we always seem to do quite well in the light.  The issue is that when in the light, good energy becomes a target for bad energy folks, and we find our self dealing with ka-ka heads more than we wish we had to.  They are so draining and high maintenance when in their attack modes.  It takes all kinds to make up this beautiful world, and we are reminded of this every single day!

We’ve been hiring attorneys for several clients and are working hands on with a couple of serious situations, the crooks within the unregulated business funding industry and a few others that have taken advantage of some good folks.

The haters list is growing rapidly as the word spreads of our position relative to the crooks in the business funding industry, and we completely understand.  Nobody is doing what we are doing, it is all new to them, and they do not want anyone spoiling their sweet gig whether it is illegal or not, which a funny, they all swear up and down they are legal, but with two plus years working from deep inside the industry, they all knew what they were doing wasn’t right so they had to figure that eventually someone, somewhere was going to call them on the carpet for it.  We just happen to know how to expose the truth, and knowing so, we’d be wrong if we didn’t.  A somber situation we have found our self in many times throughout our life, and as we have also said, backs up that theory that ignorance is bliss, because once you know you are responsible for what you know.  We akin it to watching someone steal from your neighbor.  If we didn’t see them we have no obligation to do or say anything, but the moment we do see them we have what we believe a moral obligation to either do something to stop them or to say something to someone else in an effort to stop them.  Once we do know, the onus becomes on us, whether we want it or not!

To the MCA creditors we can only say that we firmly believe that we can prove they are criminals violating the usury laws and taking advantage of desperate people in desperate situations and are willing to prove they are criminals every and any chance we get with the use of the discovery process afforded in any tort court.  What is going to happen is that either one of them is going to step up and dance through the discovery process with us and be able to prove they are not criminals and be the hero in the industry for shutting our position down or they are going to become our poster child that will lead to them falling like dominoes and sweeping industry wide changes.  You know where our money is!  lol  The question is who is it going to be?  We would love for it to be any one of the worst offenders but will settle for whoever steps up.  In our two plus years we never saw one that we didn’t think we could prove was a crook.  We are about three handfuls deep in creditors with several clients but as of yet, other than swearing we are wrong, calling us an extortionist and other fun names, although several are threatening to file, we are waiting for them to, any one of them, which is why we are in Alabama, where our clients are, so we can properly address any court filings and work with the attorneys for our clients right from the start of the discovery process that we believe will expose them.  If they file in another state they would still need to domesticate and bring the matter to the state of the client eventually to stand any chance of collecting on the funds they swear they are owed legitimately or to go after the assets of the client towards those efforts.  We can only be ready, and are!  Once the attorneys for our clients are on the same sheet of music so to speak, we won’t need such hands on, so we’ll see.  Places to go, people to see, and things to do, always forward…


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