Stress Is The Number 1 Killer and The Worst Thing To Have In Your Life…

  Here we go, here we go, another awesome day of adventure, living and loving, chasing up our hills of the day, whether we want to or not.  Although we know better so we always want to, and recommend it.  We have found it not to be so beneficial to let the day come to you.  The unnaturalness of it opens you up to any and all unnatural hits that could come along and then before you know it unnatural hits are running amok in your world and the ramifications get worse and worse, spreading from you to yours and throughout your world.

That doesn’t even consider bad energy in the equation anywhere, just unnatural hits.  You add any bad energy to that equation along the way and now you open the doors to even more trouble, holy crap.  You could end up with a tidal wave of trouble or a major catastrophe on your hands quite quickly under such circumstances, and many do.  Why would anyone sign up for that we never know, but it doesn’t take long looking around on any given day and if paying attention you can spot both all over the place among the folks you will come across during the the day.  We call the worst of them smiling train wrecks, and know to steer clear!

Yep, we are but we aren’t that big a fan of the external.  lol  Man made make believe pretend skeleton land is a very dangerous place when it comes to energy.  It’s that silly matter the noun stuff we’re not too keen on, and specifically, only the matter the noun stuff that has free will and can not be what it is really.  Anything else matter the noun at least you know what you have and whatever it is it can only be that, so when you do interact with it, if being true yourself, you can pretty much get an idea what is going to happen as the mighty and indifferent universe plays out the equations of any interaction.  Add a variable here and there of course but overall, within a very known spectrum you can almost predict the results if not at least get an idea regarding the outcome of the interaction Heck a surprise here and there is even appreciated!  lol

Lots going on, we’re making sure to get plenty of head time in when we wake and as well before we sleep.  Staff are handling new hire resumes and contacts and such  Sindy and Mike are both working straight out from separate locations and both are doing awesome as always.  We’re not hearing or seeing any troubles with any projects or programs, which is always a plus, but as long as you understand that everything is a process and you set everything up with steps being a part of that process that make up the entirety of the thing and the process of itself then monitoring and then as well, adjusting forward, becomes a part of the process itself so that once you get to a certain point you have a flow and then with the flow you have the variables and then the differentials, and once you assess the differentials and add or subtract them to the processes within the process with their equations and you keep moving forward.  You get the flow and you get the growth or add-on that goes smoother with the flow.  Gosh we love less headaches!

Of course the only major ka-ka is the MCA crook stuff.  Everything else is that good energy, good services, dealing with good folks on both sides of the equation stuff we enjoy doing.  The MCA crooks stuff is that here we go again, we wish we didn’t know but because we do well then we have to do something stuff that always brings out the bad energy folks in droves.  That defense of doing naughty stuff is always a pain to deal with no matter how much good you are doing or how much fun you try to have doing it.  The bad guys want you to either drink their koolaid, be afraid of them, or go away and ignore what you know, and we’re not real good at any of those.  lol  That mind your own business and let us keep taking advantage of someone or something that we are because we are smarter than them and able to and it doesn’t concern you stuff.  Ah, the fun, the fun, the fun…  We always remember a good example.  When we were working with the Ombudsman system within the State of NH DCYF system and the gentleman, a Doctor we were working with was trying to do his job and produce a report but the lawyers he worked for were not having any of that.  In reference to the fraudulent letter that DCYF had already submitted to the court their position was that the letter did not exist.  Even when we of course produced the letter and physically showed it to the Doctor, he explained that the attorneys would not let him acknowledge the existence of the letter in his report to the point that they would not even let him write a report.  Poor guy was flabbergasted and didn’t know what to do.  He said he had never done an investigation without doing a report and did not even know what to say to us.  lol  Yep, that defending naughty stuff has no limits we’ve learned…

We picked up a few more clients here in Alabama while here already and have retained counsel here and there for a couple of situations ongoing between Florida, NY, Georgia, and here in Alabama as well.  Our own attorney network so to speak, continues to grow, but when you’re dealing with big money bad guys you have to do what you have to do.  When it’s personal we can get most anything done without attorneys, even through the courts as needed, but when it comes to corporations and such, well the courts have a rigged system and laws in place, attorneys representing corporations, everyone an officer of the court and such stuff.  We never like it but you gots to do what you gots to do!  lol

The weather is still like fall in New England, overcast skies with crisp, cold wind blowing dead leaves around, that sort of thing, 50’s at least so not that horrible.  More a bother than anything, we do like being outside.  It’s supposed to finally break though in a day or two and we should see 70’s with sunshine, and January is usually the coldest month here anyway, they just had some extra crappy cold weather this year, that’s all.  The parades and partying don’t seem to be affected, and Mardi Gras is pretty much all day every day now somewhere here in Mobile and will continue to gain steam non stop right up until Fat Tuesday, which we think is the 13th of February this year.  We walk lots, morning noon and night, and we are constantly coming across the barricades for another parade, can almost always hear a band now somewhere around us, and the decorations are everywhere and awesome to see, some really beautiful decorations all over the place.  Of course you can’t walk very far without seeing beads on the ground either, but they are doing good with the trash, and that’s always a good thing.

Enough rambling though, we’ve lots to do, so back at it.  The weekend is upon us and we really want to have some time to enjoy the good weather as it shows up.  Sunshine, pretty girls, and flowers, ya can’t go wrong with days like that…


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