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The Sufferings of Love, and Learning That Love Doesn’t Conquer all, After All…

Good morning, good morning, good morning!  Another beautiful day is upon us, to use and abuse as any and each see fit.  Our day always belongs to each of us once it shows up, well once we and it show up of course.

It’s Saturday morning here.  We’ve been out early, a walk in the brisk cold, that first cup of coffee from the corner store, then some eggs and wheat toast at the Waffle House, a pretty good start.

We think when we walk, it’s what we do, always have, always will, there’s just something about it that helps us think clear, especially at night, but anytime is fine with us for some good thinking.  We’ll head out for a walk anytime!

It never fails, the moment you think you have everything under control and things are going well, you have to remember it aint gonna last.  Never does!  Such is life.  Best times pass, troubles pass, everything has it’s time and comes and goes.  Doesn’t matter if it sneaks up on you or charges head strong.  Doesn’t matter if sneaks away or you throw it out.  We try to always remember, this too shall pass…

We all want what is best for those we care about, it’s sort of included with caring about them.  When it comes to us and ours and our world, caring is a big part of it, as well it should be.  But what do you do when you can’t care because all it does is hurt?  What do you do when someone you care about is so far off their true self true path that their life is just a cesspool of critters and no-lifes, the same cycle repeating over and over, like some Merry Go Round of misery that they seem to choose to ride and there’s nothing you can say or do that seems to get through to them?

We all have our strengths and weaknesses.  Us, we have one kryptonite, just one thing we know of anyways, love.  Love of course is the most powerful and also the most destructive force there is.  When it’s good it’s incredible but when it’s not it’s a nightmare.  The thing with love though is we don’t get to choose.  It is impossible to pretend to be in love and it is impossible to pretend not to be in love.  It strikes us to the core of our very being, any of us, when it enters our world.  The song is so true, the owner of a lonely heart is much better off than the owner of a broken heart.

We had thought we were doing ok.  lol  Our love was in our heart and a part of us as we lived our life.  We were quite happy with it.  It’s been almost 2 years since Dulcinea.  We don’t waste our time with hook ups or shallow relationships, they have no value to us.  We know that only love is important and anything else is a waste of time and energy.  She is always with us, in our heart, and that love keeps us straight.  Why would we want to taint that?  Why would we want to lower our self worth or self respect, or worse, someone else’s by using them or pretending?  Life is too short for meaningless!  lol  We have to live with our self, and work hard to like who we are, it’s important!  That be true to your self stuff sits strong with us!

Ah well, ramble, ramble, ramble…

This has all come back up because for the last few days we’ve been in contact with our past.  It’s hard not to care about someone when you believe in them, when you know who they really are, even when that is not who they want to be.  Our life is ours though, each of us, to get the most out of or to throw away if we wish, it is our own individualistic free will adventure.  We are all going to the same place, and each’s journey, each’s route, is their own, and we have to remember that none are good and none are bad, none are right, none are wrong, each’s is just different.

We have children, and anyone with children knows you can’t protect them from their selves, from the mistakes they will have to make on their own as they travel their life’s journey.  We want to protect them, we want no harm to come to them, but the reality of it is they have to fall, they have to make mistakes, they have to make bad choices or they will never get to be who and what they really are, their best self.

The bad news, life is not for the weak!

The good news, life is not for the weak!


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