January 2018 is Already Long Ago and Far Away…

  Good morning, good morning, good morning, to each and all and everything.  Another awesome day for those fortunate enough to experience it is upon us.

They come and they go, moments, days, weeks, months, and years, and before we know it we have all this background information, mostly ka-ka, that we bring forward to whenever we are.  There’s an old saying that if only we can apply what we have learned forward without having to remember how we learned it.  lol  That is so true!

Survival is still the instinct, still the very basis of each cell, let alone a collection of them.  The question becomes how far we each believe we are from survival, from needing to fight to survive.  Of course a very true and real test as to where we are with that is simple, just put a bag over our head until we gasp for air and can’t breath, and the thoughts that run through our head at that time are a time and tested indicator as to what is important to us, any of us, each of us, relative to our survival.  It is a well known fact that folks who have a near death incident tend to be better people, better them their true self, even if only for a short time, afterward.  You would think the true frailty of our existence would always be first and foremost in our thoughts but it gets worn down with the day to day grind, the mundane, the boring same old same old wears us down protectively, our survival instinct, our maximize our existence, all that good stuff, us, ours, our world becomes shallow and we settle for easier and easier, always the path of less resistance, into living lives we really don’t like and being the very least of our self needed rather than the most and best of our self.

Always forward, always forward, we need to be always pushing forward, wanting to be more, wanting to become more, wanting to put out more good energy, wanting to do more good, wanting to, wanting to, wanting to…  We have to stay hungry in life!

So much of our existence, any of us, these days, has no value, and makes us weak.  Weak from the inside out, the worst kind!  The ever growing list of things we can do nothing about gets bigger and bigger and we feel smaller and smaller, less influential, less important, less and less valuable to the world, less important to us and ours and our world, and the world itself is merely a reflection of this.  The response is always the same, to care less and less about things on the greater scale all the way down to the personal scale.  Folks go from valuing important stuff to valuing unimportant stuff, from associating their self with great things to associating their self with small trivial things, and most of us could use a smack to the back of the head or a kick in the pants every once in a while to remind us to get our head back in the ballgame of life and stop being ridiculously silly and petty and foolish with our time, energy and attention and get back to important being important, us, ours, our world for a better world, that’s all there is, and everything else is ka-ka and we know it when we think about it.

Observationally, we are befuddled every day as we go about our work staying to our self and trying to get things done forward, us and ours and our world for a better world and all that good stuff.  We are very good at not interacting with the external and understanding it is more of a movie show to be observed and learned from.  With Nature it’s easy, and that part of any day is always enjoyable.  All of Nature is an expression of love to remind us that love is all there is and being who and what we are is our expressing our love just like anything else in Nature.  It’s those silly delusional illusions we encounter constantly that befuddle us, the humans, and when we were young and first aware we always fell between feeling sorry for them because life is difficult and not liking them for the decisions they make that hurt themselves and theirs and their worlds.  Free will is certainly the most dangerous thing there is but of course it is the only unnatural thing in the entire mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe so we know it has to be pretty darn important.  You could almost hypothesize that consciousness is all there is and the entire mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe is its way of figuring itself out.

When you consider the fact that any and all matter can be broken down to the smallest of particles and at that level they are all constantly moving and even worse they aren’t even there unless you are looking at them, well, that will make your head hurt, and if it doesn’t your not that bright.  lol  It isn’t that far a stretch to ponder that consciousness is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end of all things and that nothing can “be” without it.  We have always been a fan of Tesla, and not the company, and one of our favorite quotes of his is that if you want to figure out the universe you have to think in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency, and we always try to.  The issue though is how many lifetimes does it take to know anything since it is obvious that one is nothing, a blip, a grain of sand, the blink of an eye.  Everything is nothing and nothing is everything makes it difficult to say the least…

One thing we believe through all this, as ridiculous and far fetched as it seems, is that all there is is the pure light of true love of everything and all, and everything else is just to get us there, and that we are all one and one is all when it comes to being matter the noun, and any and all matter the noun is not real and not even there so it doesn’t really matter, only consciousness is, and so only consciousness matters…  Which is why to the best of our guesses, we are either creation (consciousness) creating or created by creation (consciousness), or we are just a memory.


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