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To Be Or Not To Be Is Never The Question, Except For The Weak…

Good day, good day, good day!  What a glorious day we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to experience, for we never know if another may follow, which is kind of hard for our fragile bag of ka-ka animal ego to comprehend so it kinda doesn’t register with most of us.  Kinda funny!  Nobody ever awakes and departs from where they slept and know they are going to get in an accident or have some other fatal experience that day.  Oh yeah, my fatal heart attack is this afternoon, that kinda thing.

One of our favorite examples, a terrible one, one which we just giggle that it isn’t front page every day and top news item, but what do we know, is that on average 50 children every week, that’s 7 PER DAY get backed over by vehicles.  Really?  No, freaking really?  Usually in their own or family or friend driveway, so can you even imagine the trauma to families and relatives and the children and adults involved?  Who is headed out today thinking they are going to back over a small child?  Well we know 7 of ’em are getting whacked today in America and we would think that’s more than any terrorist is gonna whack today, just saying, but that’s another giggle all by itself.  lol

Alright, since we brought it up, our own fault…  We like to ask folks who the American people were mad at before the terrorist and all that quantum thermite blowing all over Manhattan.  lol  Nobody seems to remember, not that we are ever surprised.  Then we’ll say, umm… if we remember it right, if there hadn’t been that stupid day care in the building most Americans were quite happy someone took off the front of the Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City back in 1995.  Which is true!  The American people were mad at the American government and system and had had enough.  Militia groups were everywhere and they were arming to the teeth!  Folks were certainly not happy when they shot that man’s wife through the front door while she was holding her child, at Ruby Ridge in 1992.  Didn’t that one start because the guy sold a sawed off shotgun that was cut too short for the likes of the government?  lol  Ahh, the short term memory of the masses….  Good thing we gots them terrorists to worry about and be afraid of nowadays and now every small town police department gets to have battering tanks and assault weapons. lol  Ahh, the fun, the fun, the fun…  Silly sheeple…

We’ve been busy as always, here there, everywhere.  A fire here a fire there, some days we spend too much time fixing little stuff that always gives us a laugh.  People never cease to amaze us.  They are so smart and so stupid, and probably the only creature alive to have that capability.  The weak don’t last long in Nature.  The other beaver don’t set up a gofundme or even share their wood when another beaver is an idiot, never seen it.  Humans are the only creature that not only takes care of the weak but freakin promotes it.  Unfreakinbelievable if you ask scientifically. lol  If you don’t think they are promoting it go look up how easy it is to find a safe space these days.  For the record, we have said more than once that we would recommend selling shirts that on the front said WORDS HURT? and on the back said FUCK YOU!  Hahahahahahaha…

Of course another fun point there is the white male sperm count has dropped significantly, unbelievable numbers, over say the last 30 years.  That’s cray cray systematic stuff there.  Kinda foolish if you think about it.  The female only brings her mother, an x to the equation and it is up to the male to bring either his mother, an x or his father, a y to the equation.  Apparently with less sperm the odds improve for the x’s and not the y’s.  Maybe they think women are easier to rule and start less revolutions, who knows.  lol  But for sure that 50 / 50 males to females stuff is going out the window.  You can look at any maternity ward, any child care or early childhood anything and you are looking at lots more girls than boys if mommy and daddy are both Caucasian, just look next time you go by a class field trip or outing of young children.  Out with boys and in with girls.  lol  Heck it’s femininity at the top of the value scale and masculinity at the bottom, and even can’t make up their minds or anything goes have more value to society than masculine males it seems these days.  lol  Hey we called bullshit years ago when it was big news for Tom Brokaw to cry on the evening news like a sissy and it was big news, the new softer male, yea right.  lol

Anyhooh, can’t ramble all day, won’t get anything done.  Things come up in conversation here and there and then our whacky head has to address it all by itself.  We are always telling someone that all of us are trapped in our own heads, that’s our world, our reality, what we think.  Next thing we know we’re doing research and chasing down truths we could care less about, stuff that has no value to us and ours and our world other than something we got in our head and would rather spend less time than more so we go and get it done and out so we don’t have to pay attention to it anymore.  Like a landfill in our head!  Toss that ka-ka…  lol

So we’re off to enjoy the day’s adventures, to be, to be, to be, and like we say, that to be or not to be, that pondering death and suicide ka-ka, is for the weak who should get in the river.  Whether it is Hamlet or anyone else, there are no such thoughts anywhere in Nature.  No tree, no bush, no bear, no fish, not even a squirrel has such thoughts or could even contemplate such nonsense, only humans, and only our fragile bag of ka-ka man made ego can do such ridiculous things that we could all do without in our head.  There is no woe is me in the real world naturally, it is all man made make believe pretend ka-ka and we must never forget it.  None of us can control the thoughts that come into our heads, we firmly agree, but we can certainly control what we do with them and how much time and attention we give them, and for most of us there are tons of thoughts that come into our heads where we need to say yeah right, you can sit back down and shush up with that ka-ka ’cause we aint playing that game.  We rule our thoughts, or they rule us!


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