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Moments… Strung Together, Is All We Have…

Today, today, welcome to today.  Another hard charging day, up the hills of our day chasing amazing and magic and all that good stuff.  Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…

Where did the week go?  The days fly by when you live and love hard, the fun, the fun, the fun. High energy, ready to go, following your passions, helping folks, putting out good energy, there is always more to do and more to be done, and more to do and more to be done, and more to do and more to be done…  We are certainly sleeping well!

We have no idea how folks ever have a chance to get caught up internally with all the external interaction they choose.  It dumbfounds us!  But then again it makes it clearer and easier to understand the confusion in them.  It really comes down to just hoping they don’t hurt themselves or someone else.  lol  Nothing else you can do…

We are constantly getting in trouble for laughing.  We can’t help it and, really don’t care about the trouble it gets us in, just not having it.  You can either laugh or cry and crying as we all know don’t do nothing, adds misery to misery, suffering to suffering, draining good energy and darkening skies rather than brightening them and being positive no matter what, like the silly Black Knight in the Monty Python scene, or Don Quixote chasing down windmills and believing in Dulcinea.  We’d rather be the Black Knight or Don Quixote than the woe is me, woe is you, woe is us, woe is all, that ka-ka…

We’re down here in ancient Chickasaw Territory…  They are some serious folks, ancient and long ago origins, read that history…  They were like the Freakin Spartans, seriously.  Great and wonderful peoples and renowned Warriors.   Funny how all the great and old, ancient anything, has to do with energy when you get to the bottom of it, the non matter the noun stuff.  It is everywhere and everything can feel it!  Energy…  Which, can you see why everything about the man made make believe pretend fragile bag of ka-ka ego matter the noun world is designed as if anti energy, anti consciousness, which is that energy?  It’s like the only eternal war, eternal battle, is being (existing, being something) without matter the noun versus matter the noun.  lol  Just saying…  We have long said, consciousness is the only unnatural thing in the entire mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe, and yet it has influence, so how the freak is that possible?  Bwahahahahahahahaha…

We’ve been having some wonderful conversations, both internal and external interacting, and of course that always just gets us thinking.  We always know when because we are told we make their head hurt, and that is always a good thing.  lol  We also always know because we end up walking and thinking and walking and thinking far too many miles and feel it.  lol

We were walking a minimum of about 5 miles a day, six days per week in Florida, just walking to and from the house to the office every day.  So that’s not counting  weekend walks or night time think and thunks and such.  We rarely took an Uber or ride even though we did get soaked more than a few times, usually our own fault though, we just didn’t care.  Florida weather did not like us because it knew we didn’t like it.  lol  We use to say it was too hot and even the Native Americans who were there only went there when chased by their new European enemies.  It’s hot!

We were talking to someone about Ingo Swann.  We hadn’t had his name in a conversation in some time, an awesome being.  Astral projecting, awareness, that guy had some connections going on in his head, he sure did.  Some serious synapses most of us can’t even comprehend, but it is always that way.  The connections are there within all of us.  Everyone has the same abilities, the same knowing of all, that kind of stuff, in our heads.  It comes down to which circuits work inside each one of our heads, and which ones are on and which ones are off and which connections grow and which connections succumb to entropy, the whole thing is boggling to say the least, and clearly a long way from being understood in any form, fashion or manner with any relative accuracy, regardless what anyone says.

Which…  Here is our biggest funny with that.  They know the connections cross nothingness.  To say, they know that the matter the noun parts communicate between other matter the noun parts WITHOUT MATTER BETWEEN THEM.  Energy…  Oh trust us, there’s something there!  Hahahahahahahaha…  Our issue is we think the matter the noun stuff is only there because of the non matter the noun stuff there and not the other way around, which we consider to be the kool aid drinking model.  Yep, we’re funny like that…

Another funny as of late, from conversation, we had stated that unless love, where equal and give and take and no rules, sex is always about power and control or a commodity in trade.  To which we were called sexist, which burst us into laughter.  In our defense we stated that we have nothing but the highest regard for any and all women, they are closer to creation than the mere male we are.  We also stated relative to sexist because of such a statement that in our defense how many have heard women putting their men down sexually in front of others compared to ever hearing a male put his woman down sexually publicly among family or friends.  We’ve all heard the women do it, everything from see if you get any later or tonight to wish he could last more than a minute to wish he could take care of me to more trouble than it’s worth, etc…  but unless a pimp you don’t hear it from no males, that’s for sure…  So who rules what?  Unless love where the two are equal, it is about power and control or a commodity in trade, and that is seen in observation all around.  Just a quick question, would you say it was women or men that overall use their sexuality for power and control or as commodity in trade?  Hahahahahahaha…  Now you see why we burst into laughter when called sexist for the statement, somebody was drinking the kool aid.  lol

Ah well, back at it.  There’s more to do and more to be done, an awesome day it is and we have to keep it that way, and only we can control that so we have to stay focused, we have to stay on point.  We have to pay attention and remember as we make our way through the forest of delusional illusions seeking our truths or getting things done we have to get done and so have to drag our meat puppet out there into man made make believe pretend skeleton land that interaction is a choice, which is another good conversation we recently had.  It’s a choice, that silly free will thingy, and we could all do better with more observing and learning than willy nilly interacting that has no value and wastes our time, energy and attention.  Externally, it is safety and security first, then whatever has to be acted upon relative to us and ours and our world for a better world.  In other words…  IMPORTANT STUFF!  Which is why you wish everyone well but wish most folks well away from you…  They are dangerous to you and yours and your world for a better world.  It’s not ALL their fault, but…  Come on evolution…  Heeheehee…



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