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We All Get Comfortable In Our Own Hell…

A roaring roar good morning to each and all, and a glare and stare of readiness for the beautiful new day upon us.

You see it in their eyes, you hear it in their voices, and you feel it in their energy, the woe is me, nothing I can do, oppressed, downtrodden, sad sack attitude with plenty of blame to go around for anything and everything which they will gladly share as their belief of why they are who and what they are and where they are in life.  We don’t do well with such folks and there are far, far too many of them, they are freaking everywhere.

We try to straight out avoid them, the smart thing to do, but sometimes, despite our attempts, they are front and center pretty much demanding our attention, as if they want us to know, as if they want to make sure we know.  They are never happy with us but perhaps our response, our abby normal us, lol, is not what they expected from their woe is me sad sack ka-ka that apparently usually works for them with others.  But then again, we know it’s nothing but a hustle!  lol

We are approached every day, all day, and some will cross the street to get in our face with their poor me won’t you help, or we’ll see them target us and make sure to sit next to us or stand next to us so they can start talking to us. Big mistake.  The more aggressive they are to get in our face the more we are apt to address them directly with truths they hate, and that is never what they expected and never goes well.  The funniest part is that when they do turn away from us, sometimes with words of insult or disgust, showing their true colors, we eat that up like Birthday Cake because it just validates what we said to them and our assessment that they are happy being who and what they are and have chosen with their free will thingy, just like each of us, to be who and what they are and where they are in life.  They have chosen the path of least resistance, the easiest life for them, and like most, have become comfortable in their own hell and even more comfortable by associating with others doing the same, which comically lets them think they at least are doing better than them, and they use those others and are used by those others in a cycle of energy draining and misery loves company associations.

We try, don’t get us wrong, to make them think, which is all we can do with anyone, but they don’t want to think about the things they should, that stuff is garbage to them, even though it is their life, which makes no sense and is comical.  They don’t want to answer as to why they don’t change things in their life, the response is always that they have tried but, and the buts are endless.  lol  We ask them why, our question to everything within and without, whether us or anyone else.  Why do we think what we think, why do we say what we say, why do we do what we do, why do we like this, why do we not like that, it really is pretty simple.  Of course we have to throw out the first few answers because they come from our ego and are defensive, but if we persist we always get the answer and we always know when we do, any of us, we feel it.  lol

Whether homeless or pretending to be, or on SSI, which those are younger and younger we see, or some other assistance, or some menial low paying dead end job, they are oh so quick to point out it is not their fault, which is freaking ridiculous and we sometimes burst out laughing.  Really?  Not your fault?  Sometimes we literally will ask them that if they are not in charge of and responsible for their self who has their hand up their ass and is their puppet master making them do what they do and be who and what they are?  Which really catches them off guard and rattles them!

There is a famous line that in America it doesn’t matter if you are born below the poverty line, if you stay that way it is your own fault, a choice, because capitalism is nothing but opportunity, it is everywhere.  If you can do anything even remotely well, any service, any task or chore, even sweeping or mopping or cleaning or raking, you can be successful if you live within your means, work hard, and keep pushing forward, a better you, yours, your world for a better world.

The reasons are endless, the blame is spread far and wide, but the truth is that we, each of us, are responsible for who and what we are and where we are in life.  Our entire reality from birth to death occurs in our own heads, and when things go south, when things are not the way we wish them to be, there is no place to run, no place to hide, the answers are there within us, they always are, but folks just don’t want to go there, don’t want to accept that responsibility, some of which is understandable of course, being pack / associate animals, most humans are followers and not leaders, so left to their own without good and proper leadership, well look around, you get sheeple and you get lost and you get dazed and confused, that’s what you get.

We have often asked folks why they have thrown themselves away, especially if they are young.  Why they don’t change the things about their life that they are not happy with?  We are not trees and planted, we can go anywhere we wish and start over, any of us.  Every day is a fresh start to make the changes, take the actions needed, to get us where we know we are suppose to be and to be who and what we are, our best us, in our head.  That if only ka-ka don’t fly, it is us and our actions that make things happen, that bring about the changes forward that will be better us, better ours, better our world for a better world.  It is always the people, places and things, always!  We refuse to remove the people, places and things from our lives that we should and so stay on fragile bag of ka-ka ego auto pilot most moments, same old, same old, and then just live miserable lives and complain about it until it is too late and we are sitting in the county nursing home before our time, slurping canned fruit and watching Wheel Of Fortune with the same regrets as everyone else there, that we didn’t live enough and that we didn’t love enough.

Life is not a dress rehearsal or practice, and is filmed before a live studio audience, which most obviously can’t handle that pressure, the criticism, the laughing at our mistakes, the embarrassment, the humiliation, all the things that are really quite natural and promote thinking and learning and development, better forward. We have all seen children learn how to walk or ride a bike, or how to drink from a cup, the fearlessness that everything is approached with, and we all are born with it, it is natural, yet we turn around and unnaturally allow life, anything and everything around us, to wear us down quickly and we lose our fearlessness, we conform, we capitulate, we give in, and we give up.  We settle!  We sell parts of our self for less and less until we strip our self of our own value and think we are no longer in charge of our self, responsible for our self, and then the ego takes over, convincing us that it is not our fault, the blame is elsewhere and we are victims, persecuted, pushed down, kept down, by some unforeseen and unbeatable power.  When the truth is that we have tricked our self, we have let the man made make believe pretend skeleton land, the external, keep us ignorant and ego out, a manimal we call it, instead of the natural us we were born, fearless and forward always.

We each have one shot, one lap around, just one, to be our best, to be all we can be, to put out as much good energy as we can, do as much good as we can, to make as much a positive difference forward in us and ours and our world for a better world as we can, and wherever we are, it does not matter, it is just the next position from which to move forward from, and the actions we take with the people, places and things in our life that hold us down or back are what make the changes forward to not only get us back in charge of our self and our life and being who and what we are, but also shine our light of being us naturally and that will always influence others to do the same.  We must be the love and light that we are or by choice, our own free will thingy, accept being less, and whether we know it or not, whether aware of it or not, become comfortable in our own hell…

Life, living, is across the board not for the weak, which is why all life, any freaking thing alive, is naturally fearless!



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