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Our Best, Our Worst… Us And Our Ego, Any Of Us, And That Free Will Thingy…

A trip the light fantastic good morning to each and all, and a wink and a smile we got this to the beautiful new day we have the opportunity to take on today.

Even in Bedrock, our good friend Fred knew who his real enemy was, who he had to be careful of, who was going to get him in the most trouble, we saw it all the time.

Fred knew that he, Fred Flinstone, was the culprit, his was the blame and his alone, and despite the humor and despite like most cartoons he survived when he wouldn’t have, the point was still clear.  Kinda obvious when you have a Fred with a pitchfork on one shoulder and a Fred with wings on the other, and this duality has been displayed since the dawn of man in all forms of the arts.  It is pretty obvious that “mankind” has known since the very beginning that he is the problem.  The duality of “good” and “evil”  being within each!

Umm…  our trouble with that is twofold though.  First, if humans are natural, there is no good and evil or good and bad in Nature or anywhere else in the Natural world besides among humans, and secondly, you don’t see it without the presence of Ego.

You of course don’t see but surely can’t imagine a beaver or fish with its good beaver or fish on one side and its evil or bad beaver or fish on the other side with any part of their existence from birth to death.  Nope, nope, nope…  So where did it come from?  Doesn’t anyone ask?  Seems pretty man made to us…  Just saying…  lol

It does seem, certainly to us, to have something to do with consciousness for sure, and duality as well, which leads us to postulate a sneaky and deceptive tactic relative to the separation between the pack associate human animal box and the consciousness within it and the ego that comes with consciousness and keeping some truths there out of sight out of mind, but that’s just us.  lol

We’ve been straight out, from wake up to fall asleep most days, cray cray busy even for us.  No time for anything except getting things done but boy are we getting things done.  Sometimes things go so well and so quickly that it’s like riding your bike and coasting no handed down an easy sloped hill with the wind in your hair and the sun on your face and good music in your ears.  Fortunately we know that’s when comes the rock you don’t see or the car horn you don’t hear!  Safety and security first always, and we are on it.  We know to check and double check and triple check everything when things are going so well, and we are trying to stay on top and ride that bike as far a hill as we can, because they always end, they always end.

We picked up another couple of major clients.  By major we say hiring us directly with POA.  Some good restaurant guys out in the North West who have had enough of the crooks had been chasing me down, wanting to “Go Nuke” on the bad guys as they said.  When we couldn’t talk them out of it, lol, we agreed to help them and will be helping them with their situation starting this week.  Everything else is going very well, up and down, throughout, business wise.  All clients happy, work caught up to speed, we likey, we likey…  With the federal holiday Monday we might have some extra personal time to wander and ponder, perhaps further than we have been, the things we enjoy.  A clear head is the biggest asset we can ever have no matter what we are doing.  Clarity is needed for intuition and intuition is needed for EVERYTHING, since intuition is about energy and EVERYTHING is energy.  Duh!  Hahahahaha…

With March 17th fast approaching and graduation in June we’ve been having some relative conversations of course with several, including Ed.  He has about the best photographic memory anyone could ever have without being that cray cray can’t function sort of way.  Unbelievable memory, every day since he was less than five he can pretty much remember at will.  Serious synapse stuff.  We’ve been friends and business partners for about 28 years now, and been through a lot together, some serious adventures with huge consequences and life changing events.  He’s more excited about the upcoming events than we are, and back in the day was as much a parent to our children as most parents ever are.  He was there when each of the last two learned to walk, in two different restaurant locations.  lol

Enough, enough, the day is still very young and hasn’t given up and we are getting older every moment and would like to outlast this day and make it back to sleep with as many awesome moments throughout it as possible so we better get back at it.  With very little work that needs our attention this day we see more triple plus checking and making sure all is right and tight and then may get in some good weather wandering, which we have noticed, and we remember from our days in the service and many weeks in the woods of Georgia and Alabama now that the rains have seemed to stop, just before we were going to look for an ark, lol, the ants, the ants, the ants, they are everywhere.  In just the few days since it has stopped raining we see the mounds everywhere, sidewalks, parking lots, driveways, footpaths, those little buggers are building empires everywhere we look.  We can’t even imagine where all these ants were during the month plus of rain, no wander they are pushing up the sand so darn fast, grain by grain, and reaching for the sun, who wouldn’t?  lol


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