The Truth Is Not Something Any Of Us Can Run And Hide From Forever…

A Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, feel the beat of our heart forward, forward, always forward good morning to each and all, and a screaming ready roar to this brandy dandy beautiful new day we have before us, for those fortunate or unfortunate, however each wishes to address it, to be able to experience it.

The day don’t care what you bring, and we are never clear as to why folks think differently, good days, bad days, blah, blah, blah…

The mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe don’t give two grains of sand about anything whether alive or not, that does not concern it.  It is nothing but and all about interactions and the equations relative to those interactions, and that’s a whole heck of a lot of interactions on scales from one particle to certainly unknown to us.  The mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe aint got time for any of our man made make believe pretend external ego nonsense just because we happen to be both matter the noun ka-ka and the only thing unnatural to it, consciousness, the only thing with influence throughout the entire matter the noun universe that doesn’t actually have any matter the noun that the universe can apply those interactional equations to.  Consciousness is the only thing that can influence without repercussions or actual interactions relative to matter the noun stuff.  Pretty freaking incredible when you think about it.  Not that very many do, we are sure.  lol

One thing to always remember is that the ego actually knows it has influence on things, it is not matter the noun so it does, important stuff to be aware of, it just unfortunately thinks it has to manipulate matter the noun things big and small, including other humans, which is its downfall. lol Which is why we always say it is those in the fun times wading pool of consciousness, just smart enough, just aware enough who do the most damage.  Once aware, folks start to see things others don’t behind them in awareness, behind them in the waters of consciousness.  When folks first find awareness it is exciting, they learn things about themselves and things around them that empower them so to speak.  We have long said that when we were young we just always thought we payed more attention than other folks, that anyone could see the things we saw but weren’t paying attention.  That’s how it works!  Once folks see that they can change things with this “awareness they have found” they use those truths forward, learning about themselves and the external around them.  Fun, fun, fun to learn why they like chocolate or why their sister hates whatever, stuff like that.

We tell the tale of when we first got our driving license.  We were already in the service, and every time we would be driving we never had to go more than a few miles and our back hurt, and it was constant.  The longer we drove, the more it hurt.  When we addressed it and tried to establish why, after the first ego answers which we knew to throw out, we realized we had learned how to sit in the driver’s seat by watching our father from the back seat while little.  We sat like he did, held the wheel like he did, and that is why our back hurt. Once we understood this, anytime we went to drive we would stop and take control, we would sit, get comfortable and then drive, and our back wouldn’t hurt, and after 4-5, whatever, we didn’t even have to think about it anymore, we had changed the programming our ego had learned, for us, when it came to driving.

That’s how the ego works and that is how awareness works.  The ego doesn’t know we, consciousness are there but we know it is there, a huge difference which once you add awareness to the equation means pretty much that after that it comes down to that free will thingy.  lol  Really…  The issue with awareness is you can’t undo it!  lol  That’s where the old Native American quote about not being able to wake someone pretending to be asleep comes from.  You can’t see the light of truth, awareness, and undo it, you have to turn away, big difference, and where all the trouble starts for sure.  lol

As we said, those folks in the wading pool waters of consciousness run off having fun right up until they come to truths they don’t like, rather, truths their ego doesn’t like is really what it is though.  They are there, that’s for sure.  There are lots of truths that none of us are comfortable with when we find them along our journey forward into the deeper waters of consciousness.  The old you stare long enough into the abyss it stares back is real.  To see the very worst of yourself, the monster we each all are, is pretty frightening and can be very dangerous to any of us in lots of ways.  But if you can’t look the devil in the eye, and the devil is our worst self, any of us, not some horned anything in continuous fire ka-ka, you are in serious trouble.  WE ARE ALL MONSTERS!  Even Shakespeare wrote that hell is empty and all the demons are here.  lol

Once folks start seeing these truths, especially about themselves, that they are not happy with, they tend to turn away, and that is not allowed even though none know it, and they shall pay dearly internally and externally for doing so.  Evolution is a forward moving operation with or without any help, the interactions, the influence, anything matter the noun involved.  Heck the entire man made make believe pretend external world we all know, skeleton land full of meat puppet, pack associate, auto pilot ego out humans is designed by those running the show at any time in civilization solely to slow down the process of evolution of consciousness within anything it’s in (humans) and as a whole.  That’s an easy connect the dots!  lol

Anyhooh, what usually happens as these folks find and face truths they are not happy with is they stop pushing through the waters forward, usually because of their ego, that fragile little bag of ka-ka we all bring as consciousness to the animal container we drag around, and whether related to something when they were young or whatever reasons the ego will use defensively as to why any of these truths they are not happy with, they stop pushing forward and then usually use their powers of awareness from there to take advantage of the external world around them as much as possible, with manipulation using there awareness ahead of those around them to their advantage to build a comfortable little bubble of a life that they can be comfortable in while they wait to die.  Really, you see it all around, the worst people are those just smart enough to be dangerous among a general population of less aware, vulnerables we like to say. The Buddha quote applies…  There are only two things you can do wrong with the truth, not seek it, and stop seeking it once you start!  lol

The problem there though is it only works on folks behind them in the waters, not ahead, and that’s where these naughty folks go what we call, DEMON.  lol  They don’t think anyone else is ahead of them in the waters let alone can see that they have turned away from forward and don’t want anyone else around them to go forward without them being in control of it and their seemingly permission, and only if drinking their kool aid.  They have to be, in their head, ahead of everyone around them, which clearly shows ego, ego, ego…  lol

It’s how lots of followers become leaders of folks more of a follower than they are, and is quite funny to watch, and why they hate us.  lol  We see it, from the waters ahead of them we see their plays, manipulations, games, control, whatever, and when we do it instantly gets their attention whether we want it or not and then when we don’t drink their kool aid like they think we should, lol, we become an enemy, they have to take us on, is all ego ka-ka, although a position we certainly don’t mind and have no problem handling with laughter if unavoidable.  lol  We are far enough on our own journey forward internally to handle any “demon” we have ever encountered and would continue to expect to do so.  lol  We know that at this point we are our worst and only enemy and certainly the most dangerous monster wherever we are, or as we say, we are never scared of the dark, we are the scariest thing in it.  lol

The fun, the fun, the fun…  Gosh we love the truth!  Did we mention that?

We’re pretty excited, some upcoming awesomeness, ah, how should we put it, several long running make believes are coming to an end soon, and some things that some wading pool fools, as we call them, thought would never happen are about to be front and center in their faces and they are not going to be able to deny truths they have long been running from at the expense of others with lie after lie after lie.  Doesn’t get any sweeter than that! Nice stuff for sure…

It is going to start March 17th, a big day for us and ours and our world for a better world forward and all that good stuff.  We have waited patiently for these truths, we’re funny that way.  lol  We always knew they would not and could not be hidden nearly long enough by those that thought they would be.  lol  We knew the day would come and it is nearly upon us, and we are already working our schedule to be where we need to be when we need to be there. We are also looking forward to another related big event, our son graduates from high school this year.  A big day in his life that we will not miss and we are looking forward to being there.  Again, the fun, the fun, the fun…  We love the truth!  Hahahahahahaha…

Enough rambling, for sure.  We get going and it just spews out, but that is why we write, to get it out of our heads, get it out of our way for other thoughts, other things to think about, and we have always written, either journals or blogs, whatever, even though we never go back and read them, which is comical even to us.  We don’t even go back most times right after we write them, before we even post it if a blog, could care less.  Just the ramblings of an anomaly, Commander Cray Cray, Nobo Dy, a silly fool with a fragile bag of ka-ka ego like every other human, ramblings that make most folks’ head hurt when they try to read it.  lol We get that a lot when friends or clients or what have you attempt to read some of our stuff.  We’ll get a text or email or a call that it made their head hurt.  Go figure!  A moment in my head and they’d burst into flames…  Bwahahahahahaha…




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