We All Pay For The Music When We Let Our Devil Trick Us Into Dancing With Them…

A smile, smile, smile more good morning to each and all, and a yea, yea, yea, we heard that ka-ka before to this beautiful new day we thinks we may be experiencing.  You never know?  lol

Realistically, factually, neither one of us are here, the day or us, neither are anything but energy vibrating at the frequency at which observational or sensed by any observer when you come right down to it, and we always try to get to the bottom of anything and everything.  Kinda the thing to do, ask questions, find answers.

Answers, well that’s another fun, fun, fun.  Answers only lead to more questions, and always more and more answers sought.  Ask Alice about that Rabbit Hole stuff ’cause that’s what it’s like chasing truths, as anyone past the wading waters will tell you.

More fun, ’cause you know those silly truths want in on it as well.  A truth right here, right now may not be a truth right now somewhere else.  Heck it might not even be a truth in just a few moments.  A truth for one may not be a truth for any other, truth’s some slippery slope stuff.  The truth is a very tricky thing to chase down, let alone begin to understand and that’s nowhere near where the trouble starts.  Accepting owns that huge bag of scary!

We’d like to say it’s easy, sure, wouldn’t that be nice.  We could all just lay on our backs and float out to deeper and deeper waters of consciousness until we personify enough to be without matter the noun.  We could get paddles, and even speed up the evolution.  We’d all be what men call gods in no time.  Hahahahahahaha…

On the bright side, doesn’t concern us, most things don’t.  We try to stay focused and on point with the three things we can control, our thoughts, our words, and our actions relative to us, ours, our world for a better world and all that good stuff, always forward, and try not to be concerned with anything else, because it doesn’t concern us and we know better.  lol

Back to reality, at least ours anyways, we been owning our days, chasing them down like they stole our new bike, getting hordes done every day, plenty of head time before and after, thinking is more than half the battle, and jumping right up each day in attack mode after falling asleep worn and tired the night before.  Good days, good days, they are all good days, just some better than others, but any day survived is a good day for sure…

We’ve been progressing outstandingly well with clients and getting them forward, educating and informing them, involving them in the process whatever we are working with them on so they learn from their mistakes and don’t let themselves get into such situations again hopefully.  Same with anything and everything else it seems, right now anyways, we know that always changes, but at the moment all good across the board.  Staff, projects, family, associates and acquaintances, we even have been good calling our mother once or twice per week so she doesn’t worry even though we have been telling her since we were 14 she never has to worry about us.  lol  We did drink someone’s kool aid, not much just a sip, and it of course cost us but we regained our clarity and put the cup down before further kool aid troubles.  lol  It was that of our kryptonite so we can’t really be upset with our self.  Love is love and when you believe in someone you want to believe them.

We’re off to get things done so not much rambling today!  It may be another one of those consumer capitalism Federal Holidays or what have you but we’ve plenty to do and the day is still to be beaten down further.  We’re late, we’re late, for a very important date.  No time to say hello, good bye, we’re late, we’re late, we’re late.  lol



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