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Gun Control, Safe Spaces, And More… Put That Kool Aid Down…

A bippity boppity boo good morning to each and all, and a you better be ready ’cause we’re coming, living and loving hard, to this beautiful new day we are already up and at.

We don’t do news for a reason.  We don’t do TV for a reason.  We don’t do radio for a reason. We don’t do ads for a reason.  We don’t do politics for a reason.  We don’t do religion for a reason.  The list is longer, much, but the reason is all the same…  We don’t drink the kool aid!  We kinda like to observe, educate our self, research anything and everything, and then listen to our intuition and feel our way with any truths.  Works!!! lol

We have said before and will say it again, stop drinking the kool aid, put that ka-ka down,  Hahahahaha…

Stop thinking, saying, and doing anything that is not your own, that doesn’t come from within, that doesn’t “feel” right inside.  Stop validating ka-ka internally without proper process just because it is easier. Duh!  You will die lonely and miserable with tons of regrets, wishing you had lived and loved more, and many should write that down so it doesn’t come back to haunt them.

Stop wanting to fit in, stop wanting to not get in trouble, stop wanting to be cool or get laid or associate with certain people or want a better anything.  Hell stop selling the only thing you can’t get back, your self, for people, places, and things that do not concern you, don’t give a flying frig about you, and are just using you for their own motives, whatever they are up to.  Usually it is money and power, the big two we like to call them.  Of course sex, drugs, approval, agendas, there are other things they have kool aid for.  The bottom line is stop drinking the damn kool aid and start thinking for your self and get back to being who you were before all the conforming and capitulating any of us have allowed of our self.  It really is quite silly…

The external, that man made make believe pretend skeleton land where we all roam around with our meat puppets, is ka-ka…  Get over it!  lol

We move around, an old parachute jump injury doesn’t like it if we sit too long, so it is always easy for us to catch a glimpse of the latest greatest propaganda being fed to the masses on the Tv or in the papers.  Lately, we’re kinda tired of seeing a pea shooter that fires about the same round as any grandpa’s old squirrel rifle being front and center on the TV and in the papers and being the latest greatest reason for gun control.  Really? Now if some kid brought an M-60, which is a real assault weapon into school and started ripping rounds down range at will, well then you might be able to say there is a problem with folks getting their hands on assault weapons.  Heck, the AK 47 is about the most easily accessible weapon in the entire world and used by many armies, militias, all kinds of bad folks, yet we hear very little about that weapon, and it is a serious assault weapon that fires the same round as the M-60, has much fewer moving parts, and until the latest redesigns of the M-60, was far more reliable than the M-60, which as we use to say, puts out 2/3rds of the fire power of a squad of 10 men but only works 1/3rd of the time.  lol

To put it in perspective, we’ll be concerned with school shootings when there are not 50 small children backed over by vehicles every week, you know, about 7 per day, and usually by family or friends or neighbors.  We never see that front and center on the TV or in the papers, what’s up with that?

Easy, kool aid, yummy, yummy, drink it up and let us tell you what is important and what is not, let us tell you how you should feel, think, speak and react to anything.  Let us dictate your world, poof!  Just drink the kool aid…  lol

Safe spaces is another one we are tired of seeing, and we must say we giggle at that one.  That one is just ridiculous, come on, how much coddling do these sheeple need?  They already don’t have to actually have the right answers to anything, which is always nice when blurring the truth of course, but sheesh, safe spaces because they can’t handle the words of someone else that’s not even bullying them or talking to them?  In the terms of today, WTF?  Of course our giggle response as we have said, we recommend printing shirts and on the front it says “Words hurt?” and on the back it says “Fuck you!”, which we think is hilarious.  Hahahahaha

We have long said nothing surprises us anymore, not when it comes to the ignorance and fears of humans and their willingness to drink the kool aid and be led, be led, be led, wherever, for however length of time, if not their whole lives., right up until they are slurping canned fruit and watching Wheel of Fortune at the county nursing home, usually before they should be there.  lol

The folks running the show want anyone and everyone but them to get caught up in being the most selfish little fragile bag of ka-ka ego out auto pilot they can create.  Be afraid, look to the system for guidance, answers, and protection, and they will take care of you.  Which of course is all a facade and really bs but what do we know, other than not to drink the freaking kool aid.  Hahahahahahaha…

Folks don’t know what to do, that we know.  They are born, have no idea why, and know they will die like everyone else, which they also aren’t too keen on.  Being afraid of death is just a trick, because they are really afraid of life, which is why they accept being led so darn easy.  They do not want the responsibility of themselves, of their life, that is too much for them.  It is easier to not to, and most are weak, the nature of the pack / associate animal we all are.

Life does not come with a how to handbook or instruction manual, and each and every one of us would have a different one anyway because no two are alike and the life we each live in our head is our own with our own perceptions, perspectives and individuality from the time we are born until we breathe no more.  The issue is that folks are scared, very freaking scared, and lost, ignorant(they don’t know) and confused, most of them, and those running the show have known this forever.  Any consciousness awaken has the same thoughts, who am I, what am I, where am I, where did I come from, how long will I be here, where will I go when I leave, and the biggest one, what the heck am I suppose to do while I am here?  Hahahahahaha…

The answer of course, to each, any, and all of those questions, is LOVE!  Just saying…




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