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What Any Of Us Do While We Wait To Die…

An up an at it, let’s get to it good morning to each and all, and a come on, come on, come get you some to this brandy dandy beautiful new day we seem to think we be experiencing.  lol

Another day to charge up the hills of our day, any of us, chasing amazing and magic, seeking truths, or of course just getting ka-ka done, out there in the man made make believe pretend skeleton land of the external where all the delusional illusions roam and where we have to drag our meat puppet with us to get anything done.

We have often been asked about that we stuff, but it is the only way we make sure we don’t ever underestimate our fragile bag of ka-ka ego, the one that doesn’t even know we’re here and can not only get us in trouble in the blink of an eye but can literally destroy our lives, create life changing disasters and catastrophes, and even get us killed.  We make sure we never not know it is here!

Which, it is kind of funny, as we have previously touched base on, using our good friend from Bedrock, with a pic that had Fred standing there with a little Fred with wings and a halo on one shoulder and a little Fred on the other shoulder with a pitchfork and horns. How can Fred say I?  Which I is he when he does say I?  Which shoulder is he saying I from?  Bwahahahaha…

Us being who we are, we understand that picture quite literally, but unlike most we don’t pretend to not be in control of who and what we are and acknowledge that we are always a monster, always our worst self, and always will be.  He goes everywhere we go!  It would be pretty ridiculous for us to pretend otherwise.  What, we left him at the house?  We keep him locked up in the basement somewhere or buried in a deep hole out in the woods?  No!  That monster that will eat your children and do the worst possible things that any human is capable of if it has to and would have no qualms about it under the right rules of engagement is with us at all times, really, right here, right now, and always has been and always will be.  The funny thing, and it is actually hilarious to us, is that so is everyone else’s monster but they refuse to accept it, choose to ignore it, or are letting it control them, or worse, are on auto pilot and don’t even have a clue!  Hahahaha…

Ahh, the fun, the fun, the fun, all we have is fun…  We are all just silly, silly humans trying to figure out what to do while we wait to die, which we all certainly will do whether we run from it or hide from it or ignore it altogether, and we’re never sure why folks don’t want to deal with that or understand it.  None of us can avoid it!

We’re headed out, it looks like our time in Alabama is about up.  We’ve well accomplished what we came here for and it is obvious we are getting to be too known to our regular spots for Wifi as well as to the local street population, of which there are many. lol  It’s hard enough that everywhere you go they want your name when you make a purchase, which we always use Nobo anyway, but when they start talking to you more and more, asking what you do, where you’re from, making small chat and such, or let alone getting personal or going out of their way to speak with you, or worse, well we’re good with that, and it’s time to move along.  Don’t get us wrong, we have met and spoken to and had some great conversations with some wonderful good energy folks while here in Alabama, and certainly come across tons of good people, and of course most folks really are harmless to us anyways, even those that might be under the impression that they are not.  lol

We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay, and have put some serious miles in walking and observing the peoples and the cultures and have especially enjoyed the incredibly impressive history that surrounds the area, but time is time and time is all we have while we wait to die, and our time here is up and we can feel it.  Places to go, people to see, and more things to do!  Forward, forward, forward, always forward…

We’ve got a few stops to make but have to start making our way back to New England anyways.  We have big things going on up there soon and need to make sure we are where we are suppose to be when we are suppose to be there, we’re funny that way.  March is nearly upon us and the 17th starts a new adventure forward for us that we are very much looking forward to after waiting 12 years, a long time, very patiently.  Leaving now gives us plenty of time to make the stops we need to make, and we have already started coordinating things up there, so everything should work out as long as we follow through and we are very good at that as well.  It is always the actions that make things happen, that get anything done, always the actions.  Without actions anything and everything is just words and wishes.

Other than that, always well of course, but we’re always well.  Clients are happy and we’re making progress with the situations we are working with them, and staff and the other projects are all good, a bit backed up on remotes but that is normal and always gets caught up sooner rather than later.  The waiting list is always there and the turnover is high.  Folks think they can work on their own but unfortunately don’t understand the focus needed when not in an office or working with others around them also working.  It’s just too easy to put it off or get distracted or to fall away from it, and since we don’t care and only offer opportunity it’s always just who is next in line to us and very minor at this point.  We do not concern our self, is not our circus, not our monkey, and although we are always available to help and have staff assigned to do nothing but help them, they are not our responsibility and we sure aint paying them if they don’t work or don’t produce.  Heck we even tell the plumber if we’re paying them, if they aint working and we aint sleeping with them they better get to work or get out!  lol

Enough rambling though, lots of coordinating to do and still a day to beat down until it’s over.  We have clients flying us West for some hands on and face to face for a few days so we’ll be working in even more time zones for a bit and then we’ll boogy off towards our stops and start our slow trek towards the North East.  Our mother of course expressed her worries as always during our weekly don’t worry call, which we always tell her not to since we are easily the scariest thing out there, at least to us anyways, and we’re always safety and security conscious and certainly not afraid of anything.  Fear is not something to ever let get a hold of you and is all man made of course, which, we always work pretty darn hard anyways not to drink that freaking kool aid!  Hahahaha…



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