Be Who You Are… Do What You Do… It Will Take All You Have, But All You Have Will Always Be Enough!

An oom boppa mow mow good morning to each and all, and an all out roar of readiness to this beautiful new day that has come to take us on.

Most folks don’t look at it that way, them against their day.  It’s not them against the day of course, there are lots of days any given day depending on perception, perspective, and individuality.  Each’s day is their own!

We always look at it first as umm one of us aint gonna make it, which to us is kinda important, that being and not being stuff.  The day, our day today, with its hills we must charge up chasing amazing and magic, being all we can be and putting out as much good energy as we can seeking truths out there among the delusional illusions in the man made make believe pretend skeleton land of the external while dragging our meat puppet around with us, that being a person stuff that we must do to exist “out there”, always can only be what it is.  It just is what it is and will do what it does! Really.  It is going to bring its best though, that we know, hard, hard, hard.  It is just what it is though so it can only be “This Day”, and nothing else, which means either we experience the end of it or it experiences the end of us, and we take that kinda personal.  Hahahaha…

Every single one of our days, any one of those “This Days” is a mission if we wake to it, with the first initial goal being to freaking survive…

What we have come to understand though is that it is not our external survival, well not so much, we do need our meat puppet, but rather it seems obvious to us that it is much, much more about the survival of our internal, our consciousness, the “personified” energy that we are.

The entire man made make believe pretend external skeleton land is temporary, everything matter the noun comes and goes, has a beginning and an end.  It’s time if it comes, will always come to pass!

Energy though…  Hmmmm….  That’s what we are, that’s what consciousness is, without matter the noun, that stuff is forever. Always has been and always will be, regardless of the frequency and vibration it is sensed at.  IT CAN NOT BE CREATED OR DESTROYED!

Heavy stuff we don’t understand, know we’re not suppose to understand, and stuff we don’t want to understand, at least not yet anyways.  lol  Because we only know what we know, and we always know what we know and only what we know, and that we always know what we know only when we are suppose to know it.  Consciousness is funny that way!  lol  Heck we have long said one life, one lap around, regardless of our meat puppet’s or any other’s longevity, there just seems no way to scratch the surface of knowing what we don’t know.  What we do know though is that it is serious stuff that sure seems important.  Consciousness is the only thing we know of that is something without being something.  Meaning being freaking “something” without being any matter the noun stuff, none, zip, nada, zero little particles of spinning anything.

Knowing this, knowing what we “are” so to speak, and that whatever we “are” is the only unnatural thing in the entire mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe somehow “feels” kinda like it’s pretty important.  Just seems mighty, mighty peculiarly strange in a very something aint right way that everything “out there” externally has nothing to do with it…  Just saying…

Yea, survival, that safety and security first stuff, this life stuff, this being alive stuff, the meat puppet human animal stuff alone all by itself is pretty freaking dangerous “out there” externally but dangerous even more so internally for sure, and each of us, each and every single one of us, is alone in our head with this “out there” externally.  Energy entities that have to also be whatever we are matter the noun externally just to be able to go “out there” and get anything done, to find anything out about our self as energy, that seeking truths stuff, as well as having to live the life of our human animal container, that being a person stuff.  Whoa, this shit aint for the weak for sure, and we aint even talking that we are all silly, silly human stuff ka-ka!  Holy toledo…

Anyhooh, so to us anyways, that means no sense bursting into flames from all this in our heads every time we wake, and there really are only two choices to us with any day’s this days mission, two choices to use our free will thingy to decide, and those are that we either better charge those hills hard, hard, hard, being all we can be and bringing our best us we possibly can or we might as well just get in the river and save the day the damn trouble.  Pretty easy choice the way we see it, be or freaking don’t be by golly…  Every single day…

The fun, the fun, the fun…  All we have is fun!

We’re between stops, well sort of.  That places to go, people to see, things to do stuff, always forward stuff.  Our days are busy working and nights spent traveling or resting.  We’re getting tons done and all is well, from safety and security on up.  We’re observant and aware, paying attention to all we can and sensing all we can as well.  Externally it’s all about that matter the noun staff that we may interact with during any part of our day, air, rain, sunshine on down to grass, flowers, trees and then of course all creatures including other humans, but more importantly it’s about the energy we sense, the feel of anything and everything.  It’s all about the wonder and awe, the love, the pure light of true love for anything and everything, finding that, seeking truths of the truth so to speak, lol, the beauty and uniqueness to any truth underneath all that matter the noun blah, blah, blah stuff “out there” leading our way.  The rest is just ka-ka we have to do!  Bwahahahaha…

No, really, that us and ours and our world for a better stuff, that is what we try to focus on “out there”, which to us is the easier part of the two.  Getting done the things we must, doing the things we have to do towards what we are doing and forward with anything we are working on, a very dangerous and be careful and survive day, every day, any “This Day” we wake to.

Being on the road down south or anywhere rural we have been in the last few years, ummm, to us, we see lots of poverty and misery with an odor of acceptance and underlying levels of separation, despair and reluctant hopelessness wallowing in mundane and trivial.  Dollar Stores and Dollar Menues everywhere.  Every freaking where!  Work seems to be infrastructure, some sort of government funding one way or another for most, and the rest appears all skyline based in the bigger cities.  Agenda 21 is rolling forward on this continent for sure, and if you have never gone and looked up UN Agenda 21 and how the U.S is one of the strongest proponents and hardest working at it here in America, secretly and silently, camouflaged by good causes and grassroots campaigns that are neither, well, oh well.  lol  They are changing things dramatically in this country right under the noses of the sheeple with little to no opposition, nary a word here or demonstration there, and they are getting better and better at it.  Just saying…

Anyone not paying attention, most, haven’t a clue what’s going on…  well, that’s their own fault.  lol  In the age of information there is no excuse for ignorance…  It is more a choice, that free will thingy, where any of us spend our time, attention, and energy.  Oh look, something shiny!  Hahahaha…

Actually, they keep you focused on matter the noun stuff, especially that selfishness and auto pilot ego stuff, distraction, entertainment, blah, blah, blah, so most folks never stand a chance anyways.  Important!  Figure that out and stick to it, the important, and you might, might make some progress forward, but it starts with questioning and what is IMPORTANT, for any of us…

Oh well, the day is young and we are old so away we go, more hills for us to charge this day, this day today, our day.


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