Don’t Stop Believing… Never Stop Chasing Your Dreams… Understand The World Is Against You, And Deal With It…

A let’s get this party started good morning to each and all, and a woo-woo like a choo-choo ready wink and smile for this beautiful new , today, which we sort, kinda, maybe experiencing, or at least thinks we are experiencing, and that’s all that matters, really, what we think inside our head.  lol

We haven’t seen any whatever they are since leaving Florida.  We saw something similar in Alabama, smaller and darker, looking more like a salamander than the lizard relative varieties in Florida of which there were lots, and almost no two we saw looked alike, very weird.  We saw one in Florida like the one on the tree, left, that was over 2 feet long, just waltzing nonchalantly across the sidewalk, like we were in it’s way, literally.  It was huge!

Alabama had the ants once the rains stopped, and when we left they were blowing up through every crack, every crevice, anywhere there was dirt they could push up and out of their way.  You could stand pretty much anywhere and look around you and see their hills dotting the surrounding landscape even in downtown Mobile.  Sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, anywhere, just these piles of dirt they push up and out.

Well, it seems everywhere is different, because in South Carolina it was the flying pests.  We haven’t swatted so many since leaving New England, and you couldn’t walk from the hotel to anywhere without encountering them, morning, noon, or night.  The weather was nice, but who is a fan of buzzing pests.  Even with the winds blowing, even when it was raining, didn’t matter, in South Carolina there was always some buzzing, flying little this or that bothering us.  Some would say is because we’re ka-ka, but they were buzzing everyone else we saw, the swatting sort of gives it away.  lol

We’ll have to wait and see what Virginia has for fun on the critter side of things.  Headed there for a quick stop before Philly, some work to be done in Arlington.  Heading to DC and will hop back across the Potomac for a day, and am going to make sure to visit the Arlington National Cemetery while there.  Did a burial there once long ago, and could even be buried there our self but we aint like that.  lol  We would like to visit and intend to spend a few hours there on our way through to pay our respects, then it’s back to DC and on to Philly.

Once we wrap up in Philly we will be visiting a friend in NYC, a brilliant guy we have worked with previously in Florida before he returned to Midtown, and we are doing some work together so will spend a few days or so back in the Big Apple.  We haven’t been there since leaving after two years there, in 2010 or thereabouts, a long time ago.  We may stop in to visit some old associates while there, although not the bad guys in the MCA industry, them folks have all but put a bounty on our head.  lol  Apparently hurting their multi billion dollar illegal loansharking gig has made us enemy number one in the unregulated industry.  Gosh, if we had feelings, we’d be hurt…  lol  Although staying on the road might be a very good idea for a while!  lol

With the events of March 17th and then June 6th we know there’s trouble we will have to deal with there as well.  Naughty folks never just go away quietly, but we are already working to make sure safety and security is in place at all times when even close to that trouble, and we will never be alone so there will always be a witness.  We understand their dilemma, the naughty folks, our business with them is finished soon and that “he’s gonna kill everyone” stuff from heck almost 15 years ago just doesn’t hold the steam it use to, lol, even though it was all make believe anyways and just a tactic.  There really isn’t any defense from such ridiculousness, and at the time, the system and the naughty folks all knew that but all wanted to destroy us for catching them being naughty.  We have never been a fan of frauds and crooks, but we sucked it up, took everything they threw at us, never snapped so they could all point and saw “see, we told you”, which is the funniest thing to us.   They were always waiting…

We figured, sure, we could probably take out 12-13 of them before the “accidents” got connected and pointed at us, but really we just knew that our child would be an adult a lot longer than he would be a child and being in jail would not do him well at that time for sure.  Although we certainly told the naughty folks and the system that quite a few of them breathed only because we let them.  lol  We once told the court that if they ordered it we would be glad to reach over and rip the throat out of Skippy, an attorney, so he would never be able to lie again.  That didn’t go over real well, or when we told the ex DCYF attorney turned Family Court Judge that we bet her that if it was her grandchild she wouldn’t put that child through what she was doing to ours.  That one got us 20 something cops, deputies and state troopers at our next hearing, and when we asked if the SWAT team was unavailable the judge said there were folks concerned for her safety.  lol  We’d be worried about our safety if we were that crooked too!  Which even she was eventually reprimanded and retired and is no longer hurting children!  All good though, we never snapped and of course never would, even though we bring our monster with  us everywhere and could have very easily if we had wanted to.  They never got to say “see”, and we eventually of course beat them all at the State Supreme Court and the State of NH itself had to admit that they were wrong and we were right, and that they had actually covered up the abuse of our son by his mother and then on government letterhead from official DCYF staff, lied in court with a letter to have our child not able to see us, his father.  The letter is famous!  The naughty folks not so much…  We wish they would keep our name out of their mouths but eh, we haven’t spoken to them since 2003, you would think they’d get the message…  Hahahahaha…

Ah well, such is life when you fight the good fights.  You take your hits, stand your ground, and win in the end if you survive or don’t screw up.  Well, it’s been said we’re pretty stubborn when we’re right, and we don’t screw up important things very often, and we are very freaking good at standing our ground when we are right.  We’re funny that way!  They never stand a chance against us when we are right!  Hahahahaha…

But, alas, enough, enough, rambling never stops naughty folks and we’ve lots still to get at this day.  Our days are fast and furious and get things done.  We are focused and on point, and as fast as a new situation or fire arises we’re on it and  fixing it, we’re very good at what we do.  Which, we still have a backlog of clients waiting for us to go over their docs and such and speak to them, but they know we are jacked and refuse to bite off more than we can chew and wait patiently, and we expect to wrap up this little travel show after this weekend and be able to hire another assistant specifically for this project and get caught up quickly with the back log.  We know hiring is still backed up as well, but at this point, offering opportunity is what we do, and that does not mean bring your headaches and make them our headaches, so anyone not being who they are and doing what they do, well, they aren’t usually around very long.  Next!  lol

Hi ho, hi ho, and away we go!



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