Kool Aid, Kool Aid, Get Your Kool Aid… Kool Aid Everywhere, Folks Don’t Stand A Chance…

A Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown Good morning to each and all, and a wah, wah, wah, crying is dying to this beautiful new day all up in our face like and all that, looking like it wants a piece of us, as always.  ROAR!

We thought our head needed a flush…  We felt like we had put too much ka-ka in it lately, traveling a bit too much maybe, observing a bit too much perhaps, dealing with too much at once possibly, all good questioning stuff but…  Then all of a sudden we realized it.  It’s the energy!

Thinking about it further, we’re funny like that, looking back it’s as if we were prepped for it.  We’ve been hot as fire, and anything and everything has been at worst a quick fix here, a quick fix there, that adjust, adapt, overcome stuff, following the processes of anything, that walking the dog stuff as we say.

We’ve never really “been” to DC.  We’ve been around it, through it, over it, everything but been there, spent some time there, felt there…

The leading up we mentioned, we’d been pointing out Kool aid here and kool aid there as we’d been seeing and / or sensing it along our way, all really minor though in the big scheme of things, easy stuff to pick up observation wise.

Now we know this is just us, and we are Commander Cray Cray and know it, but we only know what we know and we always know what we know, and we know we don’t wanna come back to Washington, DC.  Hahahahaha…

What a feel?  The worst overall energy we have ever sensed somewhere, anywhere, and we’ve been to some really not nice places, although we will say that at that time we were not as aware as we are now so perhaps didn’t “tune in” the way we do now, we don’t know, or really care, we’re forward, forward, forward.  We also know we may some day find somewhere that tops it, sure, we aint been everywhere!  What we do know is having been in DC for about a day and a half, although not there all of that time, a few trips across the Potomac, we’re good.  lol

We walked a lot, we always walk a lot, it’s what we do.  We can stop and talk to clients or whatever, we can come across a wifi spot where we can sit or get some chow, we never know, and we do love to explore and observe.  lol

Our stay was all within the good, the bad, and the ugly of any city, that’s our norm.  Just another casual dressed guy with a backpack walking around a city or whatever.  Coming from down south we had noted the poverty and infrastructure and skyline work in pretty much anything that’s a city these days, but DC whooped all of them with the little stuff as well.  The street population was huge, there were tents, yea tents, literally, here, there, everywhere.  There were tent communities, even right on sidewalks, lined right up.  Cups out was a big thing here and there as well, a corner or exit from parking or food or whatever, but there were folks laying down, covered up, and right out in the open nodding, the opiates, with cigarettes still in their mouth or just laid over with their hat having fallen off and their hand still holding a lighter or cigarette.  The infrastructure was was also visible, road, bridge, we even say welders cutting railroad ties on what must have been a train or subway route.  As for the skyline, we told someone we were speaking with that the skyline was full of cranes, they were everywhere up in the sky.  Hordes of skyscrapers all over the place filling the sky with cranes swinging here and there.  We watched several sites and the work is all fast and steady, they are putting ’em up quick.

The strange though, not considering the magnitude of the others was the all out money walking inches from the street communities and people, literally, and had it been something on the tv a hand would have grabbed tons of ankles all day long, and if it had, the next person would have just kept on walking instead of freaking out.  The top and the bottom in DC co-exist, co-mingle, they share the same spaces, almost.  The out and about, open and public areas, they share and the separation really comes from gates, fences, cameras, alarms, guards, and the multitude of law enforcement agencies and such.  We even saw barracks with “troops” doing morning PT right across the street from where we were standing, not on some base, any base we had been on, but obviously a base of some sort, they seemed “stationed”.  DC is the first place where we have seen police cars that drive around with their blue lights on.  Not flashing or with any sound, but you’d see them in traffic or well ahead because of the blue, usually lined across the top of the vehicle, several lights.  Our hotel had gates on the parking lot and hotel, and gates and fences were consistent wherever we went.  Then we went to the Capital!  Hahahahaha…

We walked around the entire White House, all the way.  Actually about one and a half laps but our circle got bigger as we were heading somewhere else.  What a beautiful building!  We were impressed, it really is something to see, a magnificent building, and we were glad we got the chance to admire it all the way around.  Any one point of view, or going past it say on any of the roads or from afar does it no justice.  It was the kind of place where you could picture in your head that if it didn’t need to be so well protected folks would be picnicking, playing ball, flying kites, visiting it much differently right outside the windows, and it really seemed Roman-ish to us in a good way, the leaders and the led, together in this, that sort of thing.  Had it been a castle centuries ago, the serfs would have been close and happy to their lords, that kinda look and feel.  It is even built on a slight hill with long slow slopes.  We must say, very well laid out when you think of nothing there but the land, really a nice place.

Now the strange there was that we could tell, to us, just us, that it certainly wasn’t the source of the overall not so hot energy feel or sense that we thought it of course would be.  lol  Nope, there was some good energy there, and plenty of it, there and other areas close.  That at least aint it, which of course we would have to say is a good thing, right?  Hahahahaha…

We’re good though, and the once around was plenty for us.  We will say we did interact with some good energy folks, and there were lots of them roaming around, always nice to see and feel, even though it was obvious they could use more in the area. lol  We’re not tuning forks though and we know if we were forced to be there in DC for any length of time we’d be doing our concentric circle stuff and with all that bad energy we’d be tracking some of that ka-ka down.  lol  We always see it as safety and security, so wherever we are for any length of time we start walking circles, usually streets or roads, but paths, cut throughs, whatever we can use, around where we consider we “stay” or are, and we make bigger and bigger circles as we walk more and more times and become familiar with the inner routes.  We’ll still walk all the routes, all the circles, but keep going further some here and further some there, pushing out the radius of our reach of “knowingness”  it might be called.  We know where trouble may or may not be, the workings of the neighborhood here and there along the way, all kinds of stuff from food, shelter, clothing, where we could get what, service and support, hazards, blah, blah, blah.  Ridiculously we admit, we soldierize our environment.  lol  We really do it though internally minded, it’s the energy we follow and pay more attention to.  With good energy drawn to us and us to it and not so good energy always whacking us or wanting to “take us on”  or “put us in our place”, hmmm, yea, we’re good with DC, thanks.  We don’t see it as any of that Armageddon kinda stuff, it’s more the area is probably full of wading pool fools as we like to call them, those folks just aware enough to be dangerous to those around them, which does sort of make sense now that we think about it.  Kool aid, kool aid, kool aid of all sorts for sure!  Bwahahahahahaha…

The fun, the fun, the fun…

From DC we are in Philly for a client but the foul weather is limiting our walking.  We sort of skirted it with DC, and the worst we saw there was the on and off sprinkling while we were in Arlington across the Potomac for a courthouse and the National Cemetery before we caught our ride to Philly.  We will only say that anyone who has served in the military should pay their respects to those there who came before them if they are ever in the area.  A very honorable and respectful place, humbling, and as we said, although we had participated in a burial there long ago it wasn’t the same, and we are very glad we made it a point to take the time to stop and pay our respects.

Enough rambling though, we’ve nasty weather to deal with but fortunately not much to do in Philly for us, not really here long enough and we’ve been here before a few times.  We’ll get done what we came here for, an attorney we hired for a client, and then stay inside as much as possible and just get stuff done from there.  Weather, it’s what’s outside!  lol


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