Doing The Right Thing Is Almost Never Easy, But It Is Still Always The Right Thing To Do…

A love, love, love, all we need is love good morning to each and all, and a not today, oh no not today, you won’t beat us today to this beautiful new day we find before us.  ROAR!

There is a saying that sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you, but we can’t make sense of that, since if a bear eats you, that’s kinda like a one time thing and you certainly don’t get more chances to eat the bear.

The day, now that can whoop ya good and you still get more chances, if you get up of course, because for any of us, any day, today could be our last.  There are no guaranteed tomorrows!

Pretty strong motivation if you ask us, there is always more living and loving forward if we beat the day, any day, any today.  There are good days and there are better days, but for sure any day we survive is a good day! lol

Makes it hard not to focus first on safety and security and see the day as a mission, but actually life is a mission, a mission to be who and what we are despite anything and everything, not an easy task, but as we have always said, life is not for the weak, it aint suppose to be easy.

It gets pretty easy though sometimes, especially if we listen to our fragile bag of ka-ka ego, to not want to take on another day or this day or even parts of our day, any day, but we have learned to shut that whiny fool up and get back at it.  That woe is me stuff, that silly human stuff, always must be understood if we are to overcome it forward and get anything done.  The ego does not like anything it can’t control, anything outside its comfort zone, but nothing ever gets accomplished forward if any of us stay in our comfort zone.

We, each of us, have to remember our fearlessness, we have to motivate our self daily, we have to understand our ego and our self and know when to step forward that next step in the dark and when to stand our ground and not turn back if we don’t like it, regardless of our ego, regardless of our fears.  We have to learn the tricks to keep our ego out of the picture as much as possible, by using goals, by using being productive, by using our talents, by using our will to do right.  The ego likes to be good at what it does, it likes to feel important, it likes to feel content and on the “right” side of things, and it likes to get things done, even if only because it is lazy and wants to rest.  lol  Our best solution of course is to follow our passions!  The ego will work hard, chase results, and defend its love for anything.  Parenting is a good example of this for sure, and can better any of us.  The old saying children make us better people stuff is true, go figure.  lol

We’re tired and sore but always well.  We are for sure funny that way!  We’ve been good with our weekly don’t worry phone calls to our mother, bless her heart.  We’ll see her perhaps the end of the month or a few weeks thereafter, we know she’d like us to visit any time we are near.  She wanted shorter updates because we have been on the road more than usual as of late with quick stops and not longer stays but then again we are always on the road and have been gone and here and there really since we first left long, long ago.  We have been very fortunate to be stubborn enough to follow our passions and that do right stuff.  Although we are close to our mother, she was always like a little sister to us and we looked out for her as much as we could.  Her naivete is cute, and she is liked by anyone who ever had the pleasure to meet her, a wonderful and warm, kind, loving person.  The running family joke was that she was so nice she would not say shit if she had a mouth full!  lol  We have been very lucky to have her as our mother, and always wish she could understand just how powerful and important her impact on our life has been and is.  We can’t speak to the value of motherhood to a daughter, but to a son it is surely priceless!  The female is already closer to creation than a male, the mother of all mothers, one can only imagine the love there, so to experience motherly love is to enjoy a glimpse of the expressing of creation, powerful stuff.  That’s the kind of stuff that is the amazing and magic we chase charging up our hills of the day, any day.  That is the kind of stuff that makes us strive for worthiness of our mother, all mothers, and the mother of all mothers, creation. We would go so far as to say it is probably instinctual internally as a male to seek the approval of a good woman!

Now that we think about that, it makes some more sense why the external man made make believe pretend skeleton land of the external works pretty darn hard at making it easier and easier for women not to be a good woman and then to like their self less and less for it.  Less good women equals less good men!  Women are the barometer of any species we know of…  Hahahahaha…

Ahhh, see, there is always fun to be had with thoughts and reasoning and questioning and working to understand.  Figuring, thinking, which is part of the process of learning, is always fun to us!  lol  Heck the external is pretty much nothing but funny to us, even though that gets us in tons of external troubles, but we have learned that when interaction is a choice we can usually avoid it if focused and on point.  It’s the caught off guard moments that others are not so happy with us, but it’s not our fault we don’t come with a warning label.  Hahahahahaha…

Enough, enough, we’ve places to go, people to speak to, and things to do, and this day, today, still has plenty of chances to whoop us or worse, put out our light, so we better get back at it, back to charging up those hills of our day, this day, today, always forward…


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