We Must All Follow Our Own Path, No Matter What… If We Dare…

A great and glorious good morning to each and all, and a what are you gonna do, take away our Birthday, mocking, sarcastic glare to this beautiful new day, today, we are ready, willing, and able to face this day.

Don’t get us wrong, we respect the day, we’re not that dumb!  We know we have to take it on and somehow survive, let alone get any forward accomplished, find any truths, or even better, come across some amazing or magic, but boy oh boy it’s persistent isn’t it?

The day, any day, this day, today, whenever we are experiencing it, any of us, will pound us down relentlessly if we let it.

From the time we wake until we sleep again, the entire external man made make believe pretend skeleton land is out to get us to not be us.  Add our own thoughts into the equation, our silly human fragile bag of ka-ka ego with fears, insecurities, self doubts, all that fun stuff, and it is easy to see life aint for the weak.

It is a continuous uphill battle of our existence, internally way more than our external, our meat puppet.  We could all stay in bed under the covers any day we chose and keep our meat puppet safe, or heck check into a hospital for that round the clock monitoring if we so choose.  Of course any of us could be hit by a bus just as well, we’re not saying the external isn’t dangerous to our meat puppet, we’re just saying it aint nearly as dangerous to our meat puppet as it is to our true self, our internal, our consciousness.

The game is really in our head, which is where our reality, each of us, really is.  Everything starts and finishes there, our whole living existence happens in our head.  The only thing external are the interactions along the way, the learning and growing, the becoming who and what we are to the best of our abilities stuff.  External is merely the scratchpad to show our work so to speak.  Hahahahahahaha…

Well, we hadn’t seen any snow except the storm in Philly during our trip North but we showed up in time to enjoy the latest winter storm here in New England, that’s for sure.

We woke today to about 15 inches of wet sticky snow that painted the landscape that beautiful coated in snow look.  It is the picture perfect White Christmas painting here in New England today.  The trees, the power lines, everything has snow on it, slowly melting in the 30 plus degree Fahrenheit weather already, a beautiful sight to experience.

It will all be gone in a day or two.  Temps are in the 40’s F during the day these days, and we’ll probably hit that today.  This late in the year, unless inland and higher in the elevations, the snow don’t last long no matter what falls.  Spring is nearly upon us!

We’ve been walking the dog, doing what we do, following the processes, addressing the situations along those processes, all that blah, blah, blah stuff, the fun we have.  We are further along here and there with the MCA illegal loans and helping clients, merchants, small business owners who have fallen victim to these shenanigans.  It’s a tough road with these crooks!  lol  Fortunately, or unfortunately, we are stubborn when we are right!

They are loans!  They are sold as loans, treated like loans, have the consequences of loans, they are loans…  Ummm…  We know it, the funders all know it, everyone in the industry knows it, and there is plenty of evidence lying all over the place, plenty of documented trail, everywhere, from the front end sale to the behind the scenes internal operations.  It’s a loan…  Loans are subject to laws…  Usury Laws to be specific here!  lol

If the loan is usurious according to the law, which they are in almost every instance of an MCA, Merchant Cash Advance, you know, where all you need is 3-4 months bank statements and a one page application, lol, then the law states that the contract is unenforceable.  The Law further states, because it won’t let anyone just keep the money they got, that the borrower is responsible for the principle minus any and all monies paid.

Pretty simple stuff.  If the loan is usurious the contract is unenforceable and our clients only have to repay the principle minus any monies paid.  This is what we straight out from the start inform the funders, as they are called in the industry.  The unregulated industry…

It’s like poking a hornets nest!  Hahahahahaha…

We have quickly become an enemy of the state to them, but we don’t mind, it’s not our fault we caught them.  Our first day in the industry we said they were all crooks and instead of helping folks they were just stealing their money.  The banks are only coming in now to hide the crimes, pick the bones, and be ready for regulation.  This billion dollar industry just sucks the revenue from small businesses, closing many of them.  It’s a hustle!

There are plenty of legitimate financial products out there, these are not those.  These are usurious loans masquerading as Purchases of Receivables.

When our clients send the funder our POA with our package presenting our position, they go nuts.  They scream, rant, rave, threaten, harass, tell us we’re illegal, our theory is worthless, we’re not an attorney and no attorney can guarantee any legal proceeding, they tell us we’re doing debt settlement, blah, blah, blah.  Our response is always the same, we are very good at staying focused and on point.  The sarcasm just comes with it!

We repeat that our goal is the resolution of these matters in the best interest of our clients as amicably and quickly as possible.  We explain that this is not debt settlement and there will be no debt settlement companies involved.  This is about usurious loans, this is about the facts, the available evidence, and the laws.  We explain that the choice is theirs.  Our client is responsible for principle minus or principle minus plus costs or principle minus plus costs plus damages, and that we will pursue this until we get a zero balance letter and the UCC lien released.  We also let them know that given very favorable terms, our clients might consider signing a non disclosure agreement to not run and tell all the funders other clients. lol

We express that they need only take our package and position to the legal counsel for the decision maker(s).  Counsel will ask if what we say is true, decision maker(s) will then say yes, and at that point the concern becomes exposure to liability and damage control.  The problem is we won’t speak to them!  lol  We don’t play with non ducumentable, we learned that dealing with the State of NH long ago.  They blow up our phone, but never leave a message…  They send emails that say if we want to resolve this call today, we don’t…

We have several court cases but they are going nowhere fast and none of them have even reached the Discovery Process period, which basically starts  the clock for the funders to resolve it.  Court is merely a stall tactic by them, and they’ll be picking up our costs for that as well.  lol  Once Discovery starts and is given the deadline, that’s how long they have to not provide the evidence we ask for at the beginning of Discovery before a judge will order them to produce it, and they can’t let that happen.  No, they won’t let that happen!  They do not want to provide evidence that they know they sell usurious loans, not real good for business.  Sort of invites the Attorney Generals and Class Actions…  Hahahahahaha…

Of the ones just hiding, we’re not sure what they are thinking.  We will take them to court if we must, we have to get the zero balance letter and the UCC lien released and will not stop until then.  We’re actually waiting to see if any of them just send the zero balance letter and release the UCC lien and hope we go away.  😉

Outstandingly awesome news though, we will say we just had one, a very legally aggressive major funder we have been back and forth regarding hundreds of thousands of dollars with, putting up with several months of their threats and foolish intimidation and such, without really doing so, and with paragraphs telling us we were worthless, had no authority and other nice things, email that they would accept the amount we “alluded” to.  lol  They then went on to “surmise” it down to the penny.  It was principle minus!

There’s a new Sheriff in town…



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