We All Fail Our Self, We All Fail Others… We Are Humans With A Fragile Bag of Ka-ka Ego… The Goal Is To Fail Forward…

A tweet, tweet, tweet good morning to each and all, and a come on in and get comfortable to this beautiful new day we are already beating like it won’t give us ours.

We’re not sure what it won’t give us, any day, this today or or any other, no day comes with instructions, manual, or tutorial, being alive is funny that way.  We do somehow perceive though that it is us, humans that are the ridiculousness in Nature, nothing else alive seems to have as much trouble as we do being alive.

Pretty sure we’re, humans, the laughing stock of the being alive club.  Everything else has no problem just being what it is and us silly humans spend our whole lives trying to figure it out and fouling it up, that being who and what we are stuff, the stuff everything else alive has no trouble with.

We had a conversation recently with a smart guy, we like communicating with intelligent people, we’re funny that way.  He brought up something we had written about long, long ago, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid, or Triangle as some call it.  His thoughts were that most humans never get further than the first one or two levels and that’s just the way it is.  Although we share similar thoughts on several things, that is not one of them, and a defeated attitude is never a position from which to project.  No good coming out of that, and smells kinda woe is me-ey to us…  lol

If forward is always unknown, it would certainly seem that being optimistic rather than pessimistic might be the better approach, to anything!  lol

Perhaps it is a frame of mind?  Perhaps it is hopelessness, although some say realistic or reality based, even acceptance, which is all by itself enough to make us giggle when used that way.  It is a choice!  A conditioned, beaten down, sunken choice but still a choice.  Acceptance is letting things be what they are and as they are, but optimism, hope, are what make the changes forward internally that then are expressed externally, which then influence other “matter the noun” during interactions or when observed or sensed in any way.

Woe is me is now so prevalent in society that we give up on our self and others easier and easier.  Folks are being taught and trained to address everything with their emotions, their ego, which is basically just conformance into the woe is me club, and any excuse for anything is validated these days.  Not sure what part of the human being a pack / associate animal that is easily led that folks aren’t getting, they sure swill that woe is me is the way to be kool aid with reckless abandon.  Selfishness is also well indoctrinated these days, that definitely helps!  Hahahahaha…

Wallowing in woe is me and the of course joint, group, whatever, blah, blah, blah movement or combined or get together woe is me is a victim mentality that gives control to others, umm… and that always opens the doors to a free for all of not good things, non stop.  It’s a trick!

There are lots of people…  Too many…  What are they for, what is their purpose?  What is their value?  We are certainly going to run out of room and resources eventually, both are finite.  Then what?

Folks have no problem saying doesn’t concern them, won’t run out of either during their lifetime.  Really?  Because the folks running this show are surely concerned whether you are or not, and they have 25, 50, even 100 year and more plans at all times, and for most situations, always forward, them and theirs and their world, and they are not much concerned with the rest of us.  The bottom is an orchestrated act of confusing clusterfuck  but the top is a well oiled intricate operation that knows exactly what it is doing well into the future.  lol

Food, shelter, clothing, money, health, sex, and fads, that’s pretty much it for most folks these days as far as those at the top are concerned.    Not very difficult to lead sheeple…  Fear and pleasure are used for motivation, to keep the ego out, to keep the emotions in charge, to keep folks fragile and more pliable to the sways of the distractions and ignorant of bigger pictures, of behind the scenes.  Although it is funny to us that even though folks see glimpses of the man behind the curtain here and there, more so every day because despite the efforts against, more and more folks wake up every day, evolution is unstoppable, it is still quite easy for most to ignore what they saw because it raises too many questions and they don’t have time for that or don’t like the answers.  Hahahahaha…

It’s a trick, it’s all a trick!  A well organized hustle…  Folks are born, live, and are gone before most of them ever stand a chance to start to figure anything out.  Humans aren’t that intelligent and they aint that deep…  As a species…

As individuals they are remarkable, unique, awe inspiring and beautiful love creations capable of incredible and magnificent things, but that all gets tricked or traded away until the questioning stops and the existing instead of living and loving settles into them.  Instead of passion being the norm it is the rarity, a hell of a stunt on such mass scale, but when it is started from birth and everyone else around them drinks the you must conform woe is me kool aid, well, the might as well drink the kool aid pack / associate animal drinks the kool aid…  This is why most folks who don’t pass earlier for whatever reason, pass away sipping canned fruit while watching Wheel Of Fortune at the local County or close to equal in care not very good, Nursing Home, Hospital or Hospice instead of at home surrounded by family and friends.  That’s a luxury few enjoy, that’s a loving moment few experience…

Folks all dream of passing while holding the hand of a loved one but then live day to day lives that lead them to pass away alone and lonely among strangers, people paid to tend to them.  Even in passing folks are tricked out of love, this love stuff must be pretty important if so much of the man made make believe pretend skeleton land where we must take our meat puppets to get anything done speaks so highly of it but works so diligently and resolute against it in any form, fashion or manner, and at all costs.  Hahahahaha…

There is no love in conforming or in woe is me, no self love, no love of others, it is wrong thinking that holds folks down and back from forward, that’s all…

Love is all there is, and hope, optimism forward, is a part of love, a very natural part of love, and something nobody should ever let away from their grasp, that forward in any darkness, there is always light, that no matter what, there is always love…  That no matter how wrong we may have been in our thoughts, words and actions, our choices, we can change our thoughts, words and actions, we can make better choices forward, with hope, with love.

Unless the spark of creation is out inside us, and we wouldn’t be alive, any of us, if that were true, then love, and thus hope, is always there for us and we need not chase it or hunt it down or look for it in others.  We need only turn within to re-find and re-feel it, re-experience it, to remember and re-know we are a part of it and it a part of us, which leads to wanting to be a bigger part of it, closer to it, more of it, which leads us eventually to express it, enjoy more of it in our lives, gather it, nurture it and grow it, and with hard work that we surely currently thinks takes more than one lifetime, perhaps some day be it, the pure light of true love for everything and all, or at least the biggest part of it that we can be of it!  Hahahahahahaha…

Awareness is a choice once aware, which is where the old saying comes from about not being able to wake someone pretending to be asleep.  Actualization is also a choice, to any aware…  There’s just a lot more hard work, we’re, any of us, only human, and even though all are strong enough and capable and we should believe in every single one of us, that free will thingy and our fragile bag of ka-ka ego out there in the man made make believe pretend skeleton land with our meat puppets all against us and our path of least resistance choices we make, we fail our self and others, until we get comfortable in our own hell, woe is me, no hope, no love, all wrong thinking, and then it’s too late, we’re dead.

We are love, all of us, so there is always hope, for all of us…


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