Situation Dictates… Always Has, Always Will… Thinking Otherwise is Just Wrong Thinking…

An am I coming out of left field good morning to each and all, and a run, run, run, you better run to this beautiful new day, today, that we are already charging at with make believe youthful enthusiasm and vigor, lol, because we know to take our cray cray to the day rather than let the day bring any other cray cray to us, and besides, a little sip of our own kool aid helps keep the awareness tuned for other kool aids. lol

We are the variable, each of us, we bring the unknown influence, with our free will thingy, our kool aid, lol, to any interactions with anything matter the noun besides humans that we encounter.

We “decide” whether we crush and kill the ladybug on our sleeve or gently let it know to continue elsewhere with a light brush of our hand nearby, or even whether we scoop it into a tiny jar and watch it unknowingly suffer.   The mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe just executes the equations from the interactions based on what’s brought by any and all matter the noun stuff to the interaction, and if there were no other aware humans, no other consciousness, we would be the only thing not matter the noun in the entire mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe.  If that ladybug were interacting with anything else matter the noun and our free will thingy, our kool aid was taken out of the equation, it would just be simple math! Free will is the only unknown…

Ouch! Could that have anything to do with why the magic that we each are, the love and light of creation, that spark, is spread out among so many?  😉

Our head always hurts…  lol  But we know it’s suppose to!  Hahahahahaha…

Staying focused in the land of confusion is why solitude supports strength and growth internally, and we try, actively, lol, but that aint easy “out there”, and to be a “person”, to get anything done, we, any of us, have to dress up our meat puppet and drag it around trying to get done what ever this or that while trying to keep the little shit out of trouble, our manimal, our pack / associate animal human container that comes with a fragile bag of ka-ka ego that doesn’t even know we are here.

Ours is an alpha male, the worst!  Well it use to be the best, lol, but, really, come on, unless Armageddon happens and civilization gets set back a few centuries or so, an alpha male human has little to no value except his dna, so he gets women trouble.  Hahahahahahaha…

There are lots of women that are right for any man but there are not a lot of men who are right for each woman.  Women pick their men!  Women pick the wrong men lots!  The further one is from their true self and true path the blurrier and more distorted their decision making capabilities ladies.  lol We have been saying this for years, it’s not rocket science.  It’s a trick!  Women have lots of men that will love them, yet they will love few men…

Women are smarter and more aware over all than men.  Men are simple and women are complicated, but it is perhaps their line directly to creation and the mother of all mothers being a part of each of them.  The knowledge, the awareness within that speck of them would burst them into flames we would thinks.  Hahahahahaha…

Women human animals been figuring lots longer than males, been thinking, pretty important stuff, promotes growth.  lol  The old behind every great man there is a great women is more than very true.  Whether it be his mother, his grandmother, his aunt, his sister, his mate, his daughter, doesn’t matter,  one great woman in a man’s life, let alone more, and you have much better odds of having a good man.  We’re lucky there, we had our mother to start and now know all women are all that mother of all mothers in pieces and parcel stuff and we can never be as holy, closer to creation, as a male than any of them but also know we’re still suppose to try to be all we can be, our spark, our true self true path, worthy of our creation.  Anything in Nature, even male, shows us that!

Being human is messed up, but it appears to be the only place consciousness can grow, and umm… it also appears that the only way consciousness grows is love.   Is the external man made make believe pretend skeleton land making more sense now?  lol

Love in any form, fashion or manner though don’t forget, of anything.  For love is love even in some very not nice ways, never forget that, and there have been lots of ugly things done in the name of love.  But yep, it would surely appear that our mission, should we choose to accept it, and we’re kinda suppose to, is, in these meat puppet containers, in this matter the noun existence do our “part” or whatever, and love, because we know it makes our own little spark grow, beckons others to shine and grow, and collectively takes us each and all closer and more a part of and together the pure light of true love for everything and all, creation.  We’re suppose to follow our passions, we’re suppose to learn and grow and be more, love…

Yes, some days the cray cray vortex is strong around here.  But then again some days perhaps we drink too much of our own kool aid!  😉


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