Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow…

A knock, knock, knock, who is it good morning to each and all, and yes we know, Mother Nature always bats last, have fun, to this laughing with a snowstorm, beautiful new day we are experiencing, pretty much while trapped in our shelter.  Not that we mind, safe and warm in a snow storm is way better than not, that’s for sure.  lol

Internet of some sort, at least wifi, and we’re rocking and rolling like a day in the park or sitting at a meeting in someone’s office, and we are constantly in awe of technology and what it allows us to accomplish over great distances these days.  It really is amazing!

The snow is piling up outside here in the Northeast.  It may be ugly now but everyone we have spoken to seems to agree the winter was a mild one regardless of any late season blizzard.  We had already mentioned how there was no snow on the ground all the way north until we hit the storm in Philly, and none afterwards, north, all through, into NH.  There was the storm a few days ago, and that was heavy and wet and the roads were cleared and it was melting still when this latest cold and dry snow started with this storm.  This one is just pounding the snow, several inches per hour, and it is drifting with the winds burying corners and such, the snow is so light.  Once it is finished and the temps rise again tomorrow into the 40’s F and the sun hits it, this snow will not take long to be gone.  A few days, into the weekend and next week, only because there is so much of it, but that is the most we give it, we’ll see.  Welcome to mud season!  Hahahahaha…

We keep checking our list and checking it twice, we’ve been spread pretty thin lately despite our attempts otherwise.  Some times resolving an issue creates relative issues that have to be addressed, jump ahead in line, and everything else shifts, adjusts accordingly, collaterally, and we keep opening doors with multiple doors behind them.  All good stuff, nothing negative, but any time, attention or energy is valuable and we only have so much of those.

We know, we know, we know, if we got the 30 hour day we wished for we’d use that up and want more as well.  Time, attention, energy, we, any of us have so little of it and so much to spend it on…  there is never enough…  We spend most of ours thinking, figuring, or researching, which leads to more thinking and figuring.  After that is actions, and thirdly is speaking, we do that the least.  Perhaps because it is harder to observe when speaking, harder to pay attention, to sense.

We’ve picked up a few more clients, small stuff, just helping out because we can.  We’ve been holding off taking on bigger gigs for a bit, and are glad we did with the out of nowhere multiple doors here and there lately.  We have plenty of connections with good funders selling legitimate financial products, and energy and the processing and the phone and internet, anything else, all those verticals love us and know we help folks.  Our reputation, Captain Save A Hoe as we are known in the money game, comes from always doing what is best for the client, no matter what!

Regardless of the product or service, all you can do is inform and educate the client, anything else and it becomes a hustle…

We may be in uncharted waters with the crooks in the unregulated business funding industry but we are getting more and more feedback showing we are right.  Although we have had to educate attorneys as we go, there are already several who have seen the light so to speak and who are now actively seeking clients to do what we are doing.  A loan is a loan is a loan, and loans are subject to the usury laws!  Just because everyone is doing it does not make it right or legal, and it is not our fault we caught them.  Every client we help get out from under an illegal loan helps at policing the industry, and until regulation, except for the attorneys we turn on to the gig, there is nobody else doing what we are doing.

A few have taken us on, and filed suit, but that is merely a stall tactic, there is nothing they can really do to stop us.  It is pretty simple to prove internally that they are selling usurious loans and even easier at the front end, at the sale itself.  Whether an in house sales staff or an ISO or a Broker, these loans are sold as loans at the front end.  Nobody calls a merchant up and asks them if they would like to sell some of their receivables, that pitch doesn’t work, they all ask if the merchant needs a loan.  The pitch is loan!  Just because the final paperwork states a purchase of receivables does not make the deal not a loan.  lol

If a loan, they are usurious, and they are loans so they are usurious.  lol  The law is clear, the contract is unenforceable and the borrower is only responsible for the principle minus any and all monies paid, that’s it.  If there are costs to establish that, they are also deducted from the principle.  A borrower can also make claims for damages the illegal loan may have caused, so a borrower could end up with principle minus monies paid, plus their costs, plus any damages.  Attorney fees to address the lawsuits are costs that will be deducted from the principle, so are our fees.  There is also the value of the borrower signing a non disclosure agreement, like paying off a mistress, so that the borrower does not run and tell everyone he was sold an illegal loan.  For uncharted waters we are pretty sure in our position and the process, and only unsure of the money a client should charge for the non disclosure agreement or for damages.  The rest is cut and dry, pretty simple stuff, but the damages and favorable terms to sign the non disclosure, those numbers are not established anywhere, nothing to go by, and we are researching and speaking to attorneys and such to get an idea of the potential values.

Back at it we go, the day is still upon us and we’ve lots to do before we’re through with it.


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