Children Make Us Better People… If We Do Them Right…

A great and grand good morning to each and all, and a well now whatcha got there, to this beautiful new day, today, that we are oh so excited about as always.  The day, the day, the day, this day, today, is ours to use or lose!

A memorable one for us, we have waited a very long time to finish up some business with some naughty folks.  We may wish them well, but surely well away from us, and yet they never seem to be far enough away.  lol

Always forward, and we are very good at that even when some folks just want to be a pain for extra, extra innings and you just wanna slap some sense into them if ya could.  Good thing we have learned instead to settle for hoping they trip and bump their head and that knocks a little bit of sense into them.  Hahahahaha…

March 17th, 2018, yep, a good day, and we are pretty excited.  We waited twelve years for this day!  In the old days we would have been handling justice, but the rules of engagement are very different these days.  The weak, the naughty, and the downright evil intented all get to roam free in today’s culture and civilization.  Heck these days they are victims and run with that woe is me stuff, my childhood was horrible or someone treated me wrong, wah, wah, wah.  Far too many folks throw away their adult lives due to bull ka-ka that they did or that was done to them when they were a child.  Makes no sense!  We, any of us are only children for a very short time but adults and responsible, supposedly, for our self, for lots more years.

That old nobody understands stuff is old too.  Of course none of us can understand the perception, perspective, the individuality of any experience of any other of us, get over it.  That’s just common sense!  We understand you are different, we all are, no two are alike even when experiencing similar situations.  Life is not suppose to be easy though, what part of that is not comprehensible?

We, none of us, should put up with weakness or naughty or bad energy folks in any form, fashion or manner, yet we all do.  We either rationalize it to our self or we don’t understand our own wrong thinking and nobody is helping us with it.  lol  Humans, we are all so fragile…  We all learn almost everything the hard way!  Hahahahaha…

We are back in a hotel room, that on the road again, people to see, places to go, things to do stuff.  Although we have to stop going north, it’s cold up here this time of year still, up in the mountains, with temps in the low teens F and crispy cold winds whipping the light snow like ice pellets so the wind chill takes it to below zero.  Brrrrrr,,,

We went from too hot to too cold, we’re like Goldilocks and the porridge, and we could use some nice in between weather soon.  Spring is coming and about here, but we are staying up in the Northeast for a while, so we will get to enjoy a long spring.  Heck up here we can get snow in April!  lol

All is well though, and we are getting things done, steadily and surely.  We even managed a bit of shopping today while traveling, we rarely shop.  We are not one to want and unless we need something we really can’t see wasting money on anything, but we did need some footwear more appropriate to the cold and snow.  lol

We’re looking out our window at six foot icicles, lots of them.  The cold temps freeze what the sun’s strong rays melt before it gets to drip and the icicles get very long hanging off anything.  Looks like spring in New England!  lol

The day is out there and we’ve still lots to do, some good, some bad, and some ugly, we never know what any day may bring.  We, any of us, only get to decide what we bring to the day!  We try to bring our best, so better get back at it…



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