Actions Are What Matters… Actions Get Things Done… Actions Change The Future…

A mighty and magnificent good morning to each and all, and a roar of anticipation excitement for this beautiful new day, today, that we think, that we sense we may be experiencing.

Being disappointed is a natural occurrence in life.  We all have a picture in our head of how things are suppose to be or how they should happen or something of that sort, and when it doesn’t we all deal with it in our own way.

Some folks take everything personal and let any little thing disappoint them and hold them down and back.  Others don’t let anything get to them and could care less no matter how disappointed they are.  Most of us share both sides of the spectrum, there are things that matter to us and there are things that don’t matter to us when it comes to disappointing.

A good thing to learn is that sure, what comes around goes around, and everyone gets theirs for sure, but we have to remember and realize that we probably won’t be there to see it, but that is okay.  lol

Of course when we, any of us, see someone who could use a bit of karma, we might wish we could be there to see it when they get theirs, that would be so nice.  The odds though are not in our favor and what we walk away with, the frustration or acceptance of that fact, can influence us and ours and our world for a better world.

There are lots of wrongs in the world to any of us.  Things that we wish or we want or we know should be different, and accepting that is mandatory and not optional.  Our fragile bag of ka-ka ego does not handle disappointment well, any of us.  It is not a fan of criticism, being wrong, or any negative towards it without getting all defensive and such, which to it is protective of us.

When things happen, they happen, that’s the way things work, and if it is not our own thoughts, our own words, our own actions, we, any of us, have just about zero control over it.  The decision is merely to accept it or not, whatever it is, which to us is an easy decision and makes no sense for it not to be since to us once something happens it was suppose to happen, and we know that because it happened.  lol  Everything happens for a reason even if we never know the reason.  We just know it was suppose to happen, it happened!

Forward, always forward, helps make sense of anything that does happen, or at least give it a bit of perspective once in a while.  Sometimes we will realize down the road why something happened, other times, most, we never know.  We, any of us, only know what we know, only know what we know when we know it, always know what we know, and should know that when we know something we are suppose to know it or wouldn’t know it, so we always know what we know for a reason.  That reason stuff gets us every time!  lol

Without free will reason is an easy equation naturally in the day to day life “out there” in the man made make believe pretend skeleton land of the external.  Without free will, the only unnatural thing in the entire mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe, everything is just simple math and the mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe just does the equations of the too many to count interactions of any matter the nouns at any given moment.  Some serious work and quite the task…  Interaction after interaction, right down to quantum single particle level, unbelievable calculations but really still simple math, all knowns or abled to be figured out.

We’ve been busy, we’re always busy, places to go, people to see, things to do.  The fun, the fun, the fun…  We’ve been handling things and of course are always well.  We’ve made a few trips here and there as needed, and we spent some time with our son, which was thoroughly enjoyable.  We also are doing well with our weekly or so don’t worry calls to our mother.  lol

Our gig helping folks with the illegal loans is going extremely well, and we are making non stop progress forward.  We have had to educate every attorney we have spoken to for our clients regarding these loans and the usury laws except one, but once they understand, and we always know when they do, it shows in their eyes, their face, they say about the same thing, that they could pretty much walk into any courthouse and find victims that they could help, which is what the one we didn’t have to educate is already doing.  lol  They see the money, since any fees are deducted from the principle and more importantly the bad guys have millions and millions so there is plenty of money there for fees for them to collect.  They see the money and they see how easy it is to prove the loan was illegal, and once they understand that they love what we are doing and want to work with us, and we have attorneys wanting exclusivity to our clients in several states and even one bunch of attorneys that wanted nationwide exclusivity.  Right now we are sticking to state by state, taking it slowly per client.  We are trying to build a solid base process, a foundation, so that we can help more clients, save more merchants.  Even though uncharted waters, everyone, attorneys included, are telling us to get folks on the phone calling merchants and offering our services or asking to partner with us and get it going, people on the phone.  They are all after the money though, and we don’t care about money, we care about our clients.  The money comes by doing right!

Once you have the facts and evidence that the loan is in fact illegal though, and most of them, MCA’s, are illegal, there is no way out for the bad guys and everyone we speak with sees that.  They bad guys have to come to a settlement because they can’t risk providing anything in court that an Attorney General could use to shut them down for knowingly selling illegal loans.  They would also see hordes of class action lawsuits quickly filed as well.  Although on that point, we have been told by some insiders that the bad guys, the funders, already have a half billion, that’s with a b as in boy, set aside for class action law suits.  They know they are coming, they know regulation will eventually be coming as well.  There are already states trying to curb their rampant theft with limits on what they can charge and such but that is always a long and slow process easily held up when you can spend millions to do so.  The industry is a racket that will continue until shut down or regulated, and we can see where the RICO laws may be helpful in some regards and are already all over that.

In the meantime, our handful of clients are informed and educated and understand the process and what we are doing.  The funders we are dealing with are either still screaming mad, which is worthless and stalling, have filed their COJ in a state not the client’s, which is also nothing more than a stall tactic, or are still running and hiding, also always a stall move.  Stalling is their game for a very simple reason, to keep making the illegal money!

Every single business day they have people cold calling merchants and they do more of these deals, selling outrageously expensive money that comes with high commissions, fees, and interest.  As an example, we know PAR, because they have bragged about it, does 50 million in funding every month, and they are just one of many, many, many out there.  With most of these loans being for less than 100k that’s a lot of merchants being taken advantage of, many of whom will end up closing their doors because of these illegal loans devouring their revenue.

We’re almost there!  Our base process and fee structure is almost ready to put into motion so that we can take on a lot moresee if yours is clients.  We’re looking into advertising now.  We don’t need people calling merchants, they will call us.  We just need to tweak our incoming process logistics to be able to do the volume.  We could do newspaper or radio or even social media advertising, something short and simple, like “Is your Merchant Cash Advance (MCA) loan illegal?  Most are!  You might get your money back, you might be owed money from the lender if the loan is usurious.  Contact us now!”  As simple as that, and we’re quite sure folks will come running, which is why we have to be ready and able to help them. lol

We’re almost there!


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