You charge up your hills of the day chasing amazing and magic, seeking truths, putting out as much good energy as you can, being the best who and what you can. You give your best and accept the results!
Results! You gots to be shooting for results though. They may not matter as long as you did your best but if you didn’t do your best they do matter it seems. That is where regrets come from, and the only way to avoid regrets is to always do your best. Always give it your best shot!
Ka-ka is always gonna happen, it is a part of life, shit happens, but we have to let it happen when it does and keep right on rocking and rolling, that oh ka-ka, gotta bring more to the game, whatever it takes, but you have to already know ka-ka can happen, what may be ka-ka coming, if possible, and as many contingency plans and ready fors as you can, and even then… never, never forget, shit happens! Hahahahahahaha…
We’re back in Florida, temporarily, very, things to do. People to see, and places to go, all that fun. From hot to cold and cold to hot again, the fun, the fun, the fun…
We are delayed while engine work is done to our RV. We are always a better safe than sorry kinda fool, and knowing we gots 120k miles we can go on an almost completely rebuilt engine is good thinking. lol The rest of the RV was awesome but the owner raced speedboats and cars and beat the ka-ka out of the chevy 350, tinkering, adding adapters, and such. All better though, a valve job and all new parts and that baby is tearing up the highway.
We should be out of here in another few days and headed north again. The RV means no planes or trains or buses or hotels or motels or rooms now though, and that still makes us smile when we think about it. Same thing with food and not having to eat out or grab something on the go, and we are even cooking breakfast and other meals, so much easier and cheaper, we hate wasting money. The stand up or sit down shower, the bathroom actually has it’s own door, is awesome, plenty of pressure, and the RV does easily sleep 4 adults, and we are still surprised it, the whole thing, is only 20 feet long. We could not be happier with it!
We’ve picked up more clients, and more enemies in the funders, but oh well, the law is the law and these guys are destroying businesses. The funders already have a half billion dollars set aside for class action lawsuits and such, these guys know what they are doing. They know regulation is eventually going to either set the rules or shut them down, and the gold mine that is purchases of receivables will dry up and they will switch to something else.
For now they are tightening up with their ISO relationships and Brokers, and sales teams even though they know nobody calls and asks if a merchant wants to sell their future receivables, that pitch would never work. lol If sold as a loan or if called a loan or if documented anywhere in an email or text from the salesperson or underwriting or management, even collections, then it is a loan, which it really is anyways and they all know it, and if it is a loan it is subject to the USURY LAWS, even though they want to call it a purchase of receivables and say it is not a loan. Hahahahaha…
If proven to be a loan it is illegal!!! Most of them are! Most of them are easily proven to be a loan with documented internal emails and text messages or from front line sales people with their emails and texts and pitches to merchants. Once proven to be a loan… It is a loan!
If a loan, and they are, the borrower is only responsible for the principle minus any money paid, and that is any money, like broker fees, commissions, origination or set up fees, factor rates, interest, any of that all comes off the principle. Merchants with illegal loans can get out of them and many are actually owed money and don’t know it. In some states even if already paid off you can go back and get your money owed to you from these crooks.
The business funding industry is unregulated and the crooks re destroying small businesses by eating up their revenue with these outrageously usurious high interest short term loans that take advantage of folks in desperate need of cash, many times to pay the illegal loan they already have.
We’re doing the best we can, but even when we speak to attorneys we are educating them. There are lawsuits already, there are attorney generals already, there are class actions already, but these things take time, years, and the bad guys know it.
The new thing is they are all selling consolidations, where they cover up the crimes and hide the bodies by paying off all your illegal loans and giving you an expensive but legal apr or asset based product.
We are working now with clients across the country and attorneys spread out even further than clients thanks to the bad guys filing their sometimes worthless COJ’s in states not where they or the merchant do business. Some states, like Alabama and Tennessee do not even allow a COJ, yet the bad guys file them there against merchants and the merchants go along instead of informing and educating themselves so they see these loans are illegal in the first place let alone the COJ is worthless in their state. Many merchants have claims for the illegal loan and the damages they caused but never know it or get their money they surely could. We can only help as many as we can!
Which, that is our focus, trying to put together the foundation to be able to do lots more clients, and we are all over it morning, noon and night. A few here a few there is nice and we love it but the bad guys are destroying them way faster and nothing is being done. When a small business closes it hurts a community, the staff, the vendors, the service and support, the whole community suffers and these illegal loans close businesses doors!
We’re working on all inbound though, no sales, never, never, never. We’re just looking for folks to help and have started ads here and there stating that many Merchant Cash Advances (MCA’s) are illegal and that if they think their’s may be they should contact their Attorney General, their attorney, or they are welcome to contact us to get informed and educated regarding the unregulated industry and the usury laws and such. lol
We’ll stay on the road, for sure safer than sitting in an office. Threats are serious, these guys are making billions and don’t want anyone messing with their gig, we understand that, but it’s a gig that hurts people, lots of them, and it’s not our fault that we caught them and know how to help folks prove their loan is illegal and get out of them or get the money owed them or even close down some of these bottom dweller worst offenders in the industry.
We’re going to keep doing the right thing, no matter how ugly it gets, we’re funny that way. But we still will stay safe and secure on the road and do everything, even our mail, through an attorney. Buckle up boys and girls, the new fool, Commander Cray Cray is going to try and press for faster and more proficient policing of the industry from within as well as through Class Actions and Attorney Generals taking further actions against these guys while we help as many Merchants as we can get informed and educated. We are stubborn when we are right! 😉