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The Zoo… Captivity Never Changes… Take Away Survival And Things Go Amok…

  A some kinda wonderful good morning to each and all, and an oh yea, oh yea, oh yea to this beautiful new day we are sensing that we may or might be experiencing.  There really is no way to tell, and we have long said it is our thinking that we, consciousness, are either creation creating, created by creation, or just a memory…  Fortunately in one lifetime that doesn’t really matter now does it…

We had never been to a Zoo but knew and understood why.  Natural habitat is important to any living thing.  We had never given it another thought, even when cartoons or movies portrayed zoos as wonderful places full of happy creatures, common sense wouldn’t let us drink that kool aid.  Don’t get us wrong, for the creatures that don’t know any better it is at least a place where they are in most cases well cared for.  But then again of course once you take survival out of their awareness their internal systems run amok.  It is kinda the driving force for existence!

For those creatures that do seem to be aware of this it was quite what we expected, they were all mad, sad, or bored, which is kinda what the masses are for the most part, but theirs has more to do with free will and choices and despite the man made make believe pretend of the external, out there in skeleton land where we all have to drag our meat puppets with their ego around at any and all times, it is still a choice for each, any and all to live and love or to exist.  Once any of us get comfortable in our own hell though it’s a tough forward, and the weak, which most are, never make it.  Life aint for the weak though, in reality, and on any fair playing field any and all other creatures except humans would clearly demonstrate that.  lol

The zoo was clean and neat for the most part, probably standard for such places.  Perhaps it makes the creatures observing the creatures feel better, normalize it so to speak.  There were places to donate and participate in hordes of programs to help creatures posted all over the zoo, again perhaps something to help make it more comfortable for the creatures observing the creatures in captivity.

As we walked slowly through the entire zoo, it took several hours, we saw what we expected, that most were unaware of their captivity and the rest were mad, sad or downright bored as ka-ka.  We watched a snow leopard lick a rock for 15 minutes.  lol  The mad ones paced anxiously or lashed out at inanimate objects, or sat stoic, staring, with that, you creatures are lucky I am a captive or I would, look.  lol  The sad ones paced as well but much slower, or were either actively trying to go under or over or around whatever kept them captive, and the ones who were just sitting always seemed to be even then glancing around looking for how the heck they were going to get out of there, what hadn’t they tried yet.  lol  The bored ones showed it in everything they did, everything half-assed with not much effort into anything whether eating or putting around their small secluded or semi secluded captivity area.  These of course reminded us of the masses the most!  lol  Yea, zoos had to come from rich fools back in the day when they started, conquering creatures, humans seem to think domesticating or keeping other creatures captive separates them from being creatures themselves, makes them not the animals, pack / associate animals to be precise, that they are, or elevates them among them, one or the other or both.  Oh well…  Our motto for creatures great and small is the same, leave them alone!  Stay away from their natural habitat and let them be, there’s plenty of room for all of us.  If you have to encroach on their natural habitat you should provide them another one, the same though, a natural habitat, not captivity, that should never be an option.  Changing the name from look what we caught and or keep, to Zoo, well, things are what they are no matter what we call them.  Correctional Facility feels better than Punishment Center for sure.  lol

Was one of those things though.  We met someone, a local, a good energy person, always a great find, and after a few hours of awesome conversation we were about to retire for the evening, it had been a very busy and long day. As we explained our needing sleep as the reason we had to go we were asked how long we were going to be in town.  We of course answered we had no clue and that although we were on our way to visit clients we had no schedule and did what we wanted.  That’s when we were asked if we would like to continue the conversation and if so the zoo opens at 9 am and we could walk and talk.  How could we say no after a wonderful time with great intelligent conversation with depth?  We didn’t!

If not for the wonderful company and conversation we would not have stayed long at the zoo, that’s for sure.  Unless they don’t know any better, captivity is not something creatures deal with well no matter how good the care, it just isn’t the same and knowing it rots them from the inside and we’re pretty sure has consequences all the way down, or up, lol, to the DNA level.  Not something we would ever enjoy watching, although there were bunches of people here and there, many with children, who seemed unaware and were having tons of fun looking in the cages and pens and enclosures at the creatures that didn’t belong there.  This of course gave us a chuckle as we thought to our self that at least the creatures at the zoo get better care in their captivity than the humans watching them that were unaware of their own chosen captivity and lack of care therein.  lol

Ah well, the fun, the fun, the fun…

We are well, always well of course, and even recently gave blood, they love our AB+, and were told we were in excellent health, but we already knew that.  Bwahahahaha…

Clients are happy, new ones and old, and everything is well taken care of for projects and current items of focus with each client.  We’ve some more research to do but there’s always more research to do isn’t there now…

The day is still young though and we’ve still much to do.  We’ve some laundry to do and some errands and we’re meeting our new acquaintance for drinks and local fare later in the evening.  They said they had to make it up to us for the disappointing zoo experience, which for the record, before entering the zoo we warned them, and when we left they did say that we were right.  They said they had never thought about it before like that but that now they looked at the zoo different and it was our fault.  lol  Oh well…  See the kool aid, don’t drink the kool aid…


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