From Sea To Shining Sea… The Beautiful That It Really Is… The Love…


A good, good, day to each and all and a “weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” to this beautiful new day, today, that we are already charging up our own hills of, being who and what we are, doing really all there is to do, seeking truths, being our best, bringing our best, taking the natural hits, avoiding the unnatural hits, putting out as much good energy as we can, and who knows, there’s still much to this day, perchance we find magic or a miracle. Ya never know!  You always hope but never expect!  We’ve witnessed enough of both to know hard work brings luck…

Some days roll right along and are gone before we know it, and others, well others can seem to last way too long.  Aint that the truth!

We’ve all had days we couldn’t wait for and days that we hoped we didn’t wake up for, as dumb as that is of any of us to think it.  lol

The worst days are always the ones we let our self down, those days we thought, said or did things we didn’t want to or should not have.  To be less than who we are and know it, worse if by choice, is our hell!  Yep, isn’t that every day!  Ignorance is bliss!  Hahahahahahahahaha…

A side note there though is wondering if there is a study or any research going on as to the correlation between the ever rising depression, loneliness and suicide rates and the increase in selfishism, which is more ego, that has been increasingly programmed since the baby boomers started it, worsening with each following generation?  Good for the ego is bad for the soul (consciousness), just saying…

Anyway, it’s a trap!  The more you do know internally, the more you know you don’t know.  The more you don’t know, the more you seek.  The more you seek, the more you find.  The more you find, the more you apply.  The more you apply, the more you evolve.  The more you evolve, well, the more you want to evolve.  The more you want to evolve, the more you want to be, and the more you want to be, that alone, starts with knowing you are less than you should be right from the freaking start.  There is no way to go but up any time we wake up!  Every day starts with failure, starts with knowing that, and how each, any and all go from there, those aware of it in any way internally, is up to them and their free will.  Bwahahahaha…

Life, consciousness, within a human pack / associate animal, is a race we can never win, a task we can never accomplish, a mission we can never complete, it is hell on earth.  Plain and simple, it really is…  If there is a heaven it is our consciousness without matter the noun, a body, and hell, well hell is our existence here trapped in these bodies.  lol  We are all our own gods and devils!  The battle is internal…

We’ve long said we don’t believe we need these containers and that once we personify our consciousness enough we could shed them.  In some early writings, the stuff we let ISPE copyright that was then published, we wrote of how we believed we, consciousness, individually and as a whole, actually are passing through the animal container, evolving with it as it evolves but at the same time we can evolve faster than it, we’re not matter the noun the animal, those things are natural.  We on the other hand, consciousness, are the only unnatural thing in the entire mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe.  We are the only thing outside the parameters of Natural.  When matter the nouns interact in any way the universe does the math and presto.  Add consciousness to any equation of interaction and instead of math it’s a crap shoot!

Anyhooooooh, not sure where that discombobulated rambling came from, we must be having too much fun.  lol  We actually wanted to just put something down after traveling so much on the roads about how beautiful the landscape is.

We purchased the RV in Miami, Kendall to be specific, then we drove it to Manchester and then Berlin, NH with stops all along the east coast.  Then we drove to Mobile, Alabama, but staying further inland from start to finish.  Then we went west to Mississippi and then north all the way to Iowa City, Iowa before turning west again.  We went from Iowa City to Denver and then Boise, Idaho and from there to Spokane and then Seattle, to Portland and then back again east to Boise and now back to Spokane, Washington.  From sea to shining sea for sure!

We have been on very high mountains looking down on vast landscapes and we have been in very low valleys looking up at majestic mountains.  We have gone from coast to coast and from top to bottom, in a relatively short period.  IT’S BEAUTIFUL!  The landscape of this country is incredibly beautiful and we couldn’t count the number of times we went “wow, awesome” or had to stop for a good feel.  We could not think of a single state we were in that did not have some beautiful landscape we could easily run off and live with.  We’ve crossed the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains, and seen the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as well as the Gulf of Mexico.  We’ve seen forests as far as the eye can see and seen crops of anything and everything grow-able for miles and miles.  We’ve seen the skylines of the cities and been through the smallest of rural towns.  The land here is beautiful, amazingly so, and not the same as seeing a picture or even watching something filmed.  To see it, to breathe the air, to sense it on and in and through your body and BE there, you feel it.  You feel the natural beauty, the expression of love that it is, everything being what it is and being the best it can be, Nature is always reminding us that all there is, is love…  Many times it was easy to see why a man would want to find a woman and run off to start a family and their future together “out there” somewhere, anywhere in Nature, where all there is, is love…  Love begets love…

Now, it’s where to next…  We’ve visited with our son and clients and everyone is happy and healthy, and we’ve nowhere to be.  The weather is nice here in Spokane and we are certainly not going back to Florida or Mobile until the fall and the heat of summer breaks.  We’ve learned our lesson far too well.  lol

We’re thinking about staying out here in the Northwest, hopping around, visiting here and there off the beaten track so to speak, but staying close enough until our son graduates in October from Northwest Lineman College to be there for him, and then heading down the California coast and through Texas and on to Mobile and then Florida at that time, but we never know.  We could make that trip tomorrow and be back, we’re cray cray that way.

We’ll have to play it by ear, one day at a time, unless an emergency or something, and see how it goes and how we feel.  We try to do as much as we can by intuition, by feel, and find that the more we do it the better the results and the better we get at it, so we might as well keep running with it.  lol

Back at it, we’ve a busy day to continue playing with, but again, just wanted to put something down about the love of this land, how beautiful it is, and how much we thoroughly enjoy and are in awe of it, the love it is.  The love it is reminds us of the love we are and the love we live, and for that we give thanks and appreciation, do our part, Be, by loving, by being who and what we are, love…





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