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The World Is A Scary Place… Nah, Pretty Sure They Have a Plan…

An it’s a wonderful life good day to each and all, and a whoa there to this brandy dandy new day, today that is all up in our ka-ka so far today.  Some days one or more of the hills of your day get you and some days you get one or more of the hills of your day, that’s the way it goes.  lol

Busy, busy, busy, us and ours and our world for a better world and all that, and thinking and thunking as much as we can.  Everything external comes from within, so anytime you have to drag your human animal container meat puppet with its fragile bag of ka-ka ego out there externally into the man made make believe pretend skeleton land, let alone interact with others, being and bringing your best is the only way to love any others you interact with, let alone your self.  That’s a tough gig!  Hahahahahaha…

We try to stay alert, stay alive, so to speak, and that entails everything from safety and security of us, ours, and our world for a better world to keeping an eye on local, national, continental, and world news here and there as part of that.  Heck, news and what’s going on in the world around us is what has driven human civilization since word of mouth and exploring way back in the day.  It’s also part of that consciousness stuff, especially the where am I, lol, but who and what, blah, blah, blah…

None of us can control the thoughts that come into our heads, that is for sure.  We have all thought lots of things we wish we never thought!  lol  Now what we do with any thought, well that’s where all kinds of ka-ka can come into play.  Too many to count and also individual perspective, perception and personality thrown in, for any of us.  We are each gods and devils in our own heads, our things “we” deem acceptable and our things “we” deem unacceptable, and to each their own.  No two puzzles with the exact same pieces!  lol

We each have our own journey regardless of ours and our world, and that’s where that being and bringing our best to any and all interactions starts.  If we can’t figure out who is running our own show, just who is at our controls, lol, we bring all that to ours and our world whether we wish to or not, that’s the way it works.  The mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe just does the math to what is brought to any interaction and could care less.  Really really…  Who and what we bring to any interaction is pretty darn important!  We all have far more to do with things than we think…  We is all ignant!  lol

Anyhoo…  We’re pretty sure the folks running the show, the world show, know what they’re doing, long have, and are always playing out the actions in always variety, as is forward per the plan.  Sure some veering and weebling and wobbling and inter show running drama and disagreements, but the show is the show, there has always been folks running it until joined or conquered.  We are all conquered peoples!!!

We’re also pretty sure that for as long as they could, conquering sorts would plan forward, generation, generation, generation.  Heck the UN has figures for the next couple of hundred years and is freaking easily documentably implementing that Agenda 21 stuff.  We also remember a story about some Bedouin Tribes that could recite word of mouth stuff passed down for some 18 generations or more.  Like that’s not outrageous!  Conquerers always have plans and everyone wants them and theirs and their world to last forever, that would be kinda human like.  lol

Some of what seems to be going on across the world makes perfect sense forward, not counting the discomfort of course.  lol  If you had “1st world” “Countries and States” and “3rd world” “Countries and States” and were trying to bring them all together even though they were so very different, there are going to be lots of ways to go about it and some of them are not going to be pretty.  You certainly can’t bring everyone “up” so you have to bring those at the top “down”.  Makes sense.  They call them refugees and immigrants, and they are flooding into “1st world” “Countries and States”, fleeing war, man made famine, poverty, and corruption in their “3rd world” “Countries and States”, their mostly one to two dollar per day survival costs per person going to upwards of thirty and more dollars per day per person survival costs.  It’s just math…  You have to lower the standard of living of the poor in the “1st world” “Countries and States”, and that will surely do that.

There also seems to be religion strife drama, race strife drama, gender strife drama, and political strife drama all thrown in just to really cause a fuss so folks don’t stop and pay attention for long enough to use any critical thinking and thunking they could and should be doing for them and theirs and their world for a better world and all that.  Silly humans, tricks are for kids…

Those in charge have always used religious strife and drama to divide and conquer.  It’s easy to take someone not that bright and not that deep and get them to do anything for a god.  Humans have killed more of other humans for religion than anything else.  Any religion should be ok if believing in it makes you a better person and the religion let’s others that do not believe, not believe, and the religion is fine with that and wishes them well with whatever they believe as well.  Anything else aint right!

Race is also an easy dupe for strife and drama, playing up the differences in cultures of history and the rights and wrongs done by conquering humans of one color to humans of another color.  As someone who has been surrounded by all folks of my own color as well as by folks of all colors, it’s easy to see that individuals of not that bright and not that deep, regardless of the color of their own skin, may and sometimes do choose to not like others of a different color or others of their same color, for whatever rationale and reason in their own head, which is their right.  As for folks with any smarts or depth, they always seem to get along with others of any color, duh!

The gender strife and drama, that one is like hey Rocky watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat, and is all nonsense.  There are two parts of a biological equation to reproduce any humans, eggs and sperm.  The biological “male” provides the sperm and the biological”female” provides the eggs.  No other way has ever worked that we know of.  Any abnormalities of “Nature” does not change that or mean that they, the person, “doesn’t exist”, that’s ridiculous.  We all do our best to survive in the world around us however we are ever different, and some are good with being different and some are not so good with being different.  Some are good with others being different and some are not good with others being different, pretty simple.  Be and let be…  The gender strife and drama seems to have piggybacked into the “Feminist” stuff as of late, which that is a battle that went from fighting for equality to fighting for special rights and anything else they can ask for.  Women and men are different but equal, and related, we have rambled before about 94% or more of abortions are merely a women’s birth control and how come “Feminist” don’t seem to have a problem with strippers, escorts, prostitutes and women in porn willingly, let alone any advertising, where any fool knows “sex sells”.  All women and stuff supporting the female as a sexual object EVERYWHERE, lol, let alone why it is ok for women to use their “power of the vag” at will, which most women are aware of, but not for men to use their “power of the peepee”, if such even exists, which makes no sense.  Why is it ok for a women to say no to a relationship or sex but such a bad thing for a man to say no to a relationship or sex?  We have long said the cover up is that women choose their men.  They are the original, of the original mother, and we are the weeds that pollinate them gene wise forward as the female evolves forward.  Every women carries parts of her that are of their mother’s mother’s all the way back to…  Yep, who, where and when, we’d love to know!  We have long said creation is female and women are “holier”, closer to that creation.

The typical and current political strife and drama is just the same old record going round and round, left and then right to be more specific.  The pendulum swings left and then right throughout any collective of humans and then left and then right, but always forward.  Names of “Parties” change, roles change, but the game is always the same, a face to leadership when those faces are, nowadays, and for all we know have been for decades or centuries, nobody in charge of anything.  Just someone getting paid or pushed to say and do what they are doing and to give the masses the illusion that they matter in some form, fashion or manner in the decisions that control their lives.  Humans ran and ran from control by others since the dawn of time, until they were all conquered!  Politics in today’s world is a facade at almost every level, so to be “political” seems quite redundant.  The lesser of the evils available seems to be the choice or “vote” of most these days.  A sure sign of their refusal to accept that they have no say.  Being a have not, we know we do not matter to the haves and know they are going to do what they do whether we “vote” or not.  We wouldn’t “vote” if you dragged us to the polls!  Hahahahaha…

Strife and drama, strife and drama…  The world is such a scary and dangerous place!  Nope…  Just means you don’t “get it”.  lol  Just means the “picture” is bigger than you are comprehending.  If it is not you, yours, and your world, for a better world, it really has nothing to do with you and the “plan” is going to be played out whether you pay attention or not, whether you get involved with any of the strife and drama or not, and you are just, in most cases, being used, drinking someone else’s “kool aid” of some sort or another, or publicly or privately being paid.  Anyone living and loving hard, true self true path conscious, them and theirs and their world for a better world, is busy doing that, and there are lots of folks across the world doing just that.  That’s how you make a difference in the world, by doing it right and being a role model for any you interact with while doing that.  Love begets love, and when we be and bring our best, the love that we are, to us and ours and our world for a better world, any of us is doing the rest of us right, and that’s all any of us can really do.  The rest, the further one is from their true self and true path, the blurrier and more distorted our decision making capabilities, and their is always going to be others, especially the haves running the show, taking as much advantage and use of that as possible.

The haves want the have nots to fight amongst themselves.  They always have and the have nots always do.  How a human can be “proud” of where they were born or where they live, or the color of their skin or their religion or their gender or the way things are done around them is foolish.  Not to mention “pride” like a school or team or who even a brand.  To be proud of something means something had to be overcome.  OVERCOME!  The rest is just of selfish importance, silly ego ka-ka, that’s all.

There are only three things any of us can control.  Our thoughts, our words, and our actions.  If we start with those and apply them to true self true path we start our journey, any of us.  A journey that reminds us of the quote, from Buddha perhaps, that when it comes to the truth we can only make two mistakes.  The first is not searching for it, and the second is stopping…


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