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Wondering Alone But Never Lonely Down The Road, Now At 55, Always Forward…

  A Happy Birthday good day to each and all, and a yep, we’re still at it to this beautiful new day, today, that we have been dancing with since early morning.

We never understood Birthdays or why they mattered so much.  We have long said every day is our Birthday because we are born fresh forward every time we wake, another chance for more forward, a better us, better ours, better our world, for a better world.  Not that Happy Birthday the Frosty or black out from drugs or drink way every time you wake up though.  That not remembering, “huh what happened” or “what did I do” stuff.  No thanks!  lol

A fresh start forward every time we wake, nothing but opportunity!  Must be why we never wanted to sleep when we were young, we were never finished with what we already had going on in our head.  Well that and we never seemed to be able to shut our head off so to speak, even when we wanted to, and remember wishing there was an on / off switch often.  lol  Of course we later learned thinking and thunking and questioning everything is all there really is so didn’t think it nearly so bad finally.  Although certainly not a “happy” trail, living is certainly a worthy one.

The issue is how to keep track of all the unanswered questions in your head that your chasing as they pile up, and you can’t do any searching for truth without them piling up faster and faster.  There are always and always, more and more questions!  Perhaps related to why it is easy to confuse most folks, sort of a “systems overload” of some kind.  What is the old saying, if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit, or something like that.

None of us are ever who we were before right now, this day, today, anyway.  We were lots of different us being different us along the way to today and throughout this day right up to this moment.  Progress or not, further from our true self true path or closer to it, we were, are and will be, always different us.  We put lots of coats, hats and other adaptations and adjustments on along the way and many, many changes throughout our journey, externally as we function as a person, and everything about that is internal as we wonder our own individual ways forward.  It’s always forward even if we don’t think so.  Every cell in our bodies and every bit of our soul evolves every moment.  We can either slow it down, hinder it, or help and hasten it in both cases.  Usually what is good for the ego is bad for the body and soul is a good way to look at it.  Another way to see it is we judge our self and every time we cross the line of right or wrong that we establish, we owe, regardless of the consequences, and every time we do something that we didn’t want to do but knew we should, we grow, regardless of the consequences.  It’s that old doing the right thing is almost never easy but still always the right thing to do stuff that helps any of us.  lol

Things are well, but then again we always think they are well even under the worst of moments.  Something about the acceptance of things being what they are, understanding the 3 things we can only control, our own thoughts, words, and actions and being and bringing our best to as many moments as we can helps.  It is also the understanding that everything is as it should be, always has been and always will be and that the mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe just does the equations of interactions, that’s it.  How could we not be well is our thinking!

We’re alive, living and loving hard, always thinking and thunking, always safety and security, always big, bigger and big as we can pictures on the radar, always seeking truths and chasing up our hills of any day after them being who and what we are to the best of our abilities and putting out as much good energy and doing as much good as we can, always hoping for a little magic or miracle here and there, they always help, along the way.  We awake always in the ready and assess each day and situation, especially any interactions, with as much care and concern and the proper respect due such important and responsible things.  Heck each moment is “holy” unto itself, by or of creation!  If we are lucky we survive the day to see another.  Yes, most definitely, if we are, then we are well!  lol

Most everything, any of us, our entirety of being, is all in our heads.  Consciousness is the only thing there is, the only “thing”, “real”, or in easier terms, the only thing unnatural in the entire mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe.  The rest is just tiny spinning particles with space between them in laymen’s terms.  In reality anything matter the noun is merely energy vibrating at the frequency at which it is sensed at.  Doesn’t matter, no pun intended, lol, the size of any matter the noun in any form, fashion or manner.  If it is matter the noun the smallest piece of it is made up of a whole lot of space and little sparks of energy spinning around really fast, that’s all it is, regardless of what “it” is…  lol

We have been putting out fires here and there all week.  Situations that just kept popping up, whether with clients, attorneys or even family.  Nothing we couldn’t handle, we have always been a go to guy, quick on our feet, and people have come to us or turned to us when the defecation hits the rotary instrument our whole life.  Age, wisdom, and experience, in both living and loving hard, has only helped build our Mr. Fixit while cool as ice reputation along the way throughout our journey.  Our clients say we bring calm assessment and understanding to the situation and processes involved and options forward.  We know to keep our emotions and / or ego out of any equations so we can use smarts, logic and common sense, especially when it comes to helping others.  Like triage, most situations in life are priority based, folks just don’t realize it.  Lots of not so good decisions forward are made by folks who could have and should have made them differently, and we all live our mistakes forward.

We’ve been so busy everything has been delayed as to where we had planned to be and when, but then again we go where and when we want so it’s more like adjusting the schedule and no delay.  lol  We do need to take care of a few face to face meetings in NYC, Philly, and GA, which then we might as well visit the office down by Miami if going that far, and then of course would stop in Mobile when we left Florida.  We have been great visiting clients and even attorneys, and the face to face really helps even if not as much as we always hope it would.  lol  Every client and situation is different and unique and learning how to help each is a constant challenge and part of the gig we gladly accept.  Folks who refer people to us call us Captain Save a Hoe because we will try to help anyone.  Although we are funny that way and always try to help.  They also say all our clients are beggars and thieves.  Good folks who have been taken too much advantage of and that nobody else will help, or not so good folks who have, would,  or do take advantage of others or try to “get over” or “get away” with something and who are upset that they were taken advantage of.  Hey, we just try to help folks and far, far, far more of our clients would be considered beggars than the few any of our referrers would consider thieves.  lol

The fun, the fun, the fun.  Enough rambling, back at it, always things to do, thinking and thunking and all that, the day, this day is not over yet, and anything could happen.  Right now we’re headed out for some good food and drink if we can find it!  lol


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