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Struggle The Fights and Fight The Struggles, Internal Begets External…

A bringing home the rain good day to each and all and a we always keep the wolves away to this beautiful new day, today, that is more than welcome to keep trying though, and we will always respect and love the dance.

Rest and relaxation in the world of thinking and thunking does not come easy when the more you know means the more you don’t know and you never know how long, how many breaths left you have to figure anything out.

Be a person or personify?  That is always the question once any consciousness is “awake” and or “aware”.  We grow internally and things change externally.  Right up until any and every time we stop growing internally, then all hell breaks loose externally, the gloves really come off, and it is a crap shoot until we smarten up internally again, if we ever do.  lol

Once you dance the dance, most end up running from, or turning away from the truth when it gets ugly, and it will only get uglier and uglier as you go, the abyss of consciousness.  Heck most bail when it just gets difficult or uneasy!  We call them wading pool fools.  lol  Ignoring them at best and at worst, well, letting any or all of the not so pleasant truths within any of us run amok unchecked, let alone running with them, lol, gets us the external we have as a shared consciousness experience, “out there” in the man made make believe pretend of the external with our meat puppets, and why it is so difficult and dangerous “out there”.  A forest of delusional illusions everywhere!  lol

The truth is a tough teacher, for sure the toughest!  Life aint for the weak!  Existence, that’s for the weak, but only for humans, Nature don’t play that man made make believe game.

We are all only as good as we are bad and as bad as we are good (self judged of course) as we grow internally.  It’s the choices and control after that, the application so to speak, of the truths we know and what we do with them.  Once dancing and the truths come, how we deal with internal truths externally is up to each, and that’s where being a pack / associate animal with a fragile bag of ka-ka ego gets us all in trouble.  We have to deal with and overcome being a person in order to personify, a near impossible task for so many reasons at so many levels.  Come on evolution…

There is no such thing as good and evil, that is man made at every level, including individualistic, and always part of any control structure. There is only love, the pure light of that love, creation, and whatever part or piece of that any individual consciousness is, and everything else is just to get us there.  Which, for some reason, those “running the show” of our current man made make believe pretend external seem to think that since they can’t stop it they can at least slow it down, what seems to be the natural evolution of love, consciousness, through the true self true path of individuals as part of the whole.  The question of course is why?  The only obvious one is control, it is not that they are evil.  If they didn’t think that what they are doing was “right” forward them, theirs, their world for a better world they wouldn’t be doing it.

So then it becomes do they know and just don’t want any of us to know?  Or worse, after all these centuries they still don’t know and are guessing, which is where when you stare into the abyss of consciousness long enough that it stares back you think you are the abyss and start making things up, which is where most religions and cults come from.  The further you go, once you stop, you hinder your self, but if you turn around and go back by choice you hinder others, that’s the way it works.  Then of course when you add into the equation that the further one is from true self true path the blurrier and more distorted their decision making capabilities and you get the ka-ka shows observed throughout history of “leaders” and “followers”, when the reality is “lost” and “losters”.  The further you go back the more damage, the more unnatural hits to you and yours and your world, and that of course impacts “the world”. lol

We have long said that for us most troubles externally during interactions with others comes from the wading pool fools as we call them.  Folks just “awake” and or “aware” more than most who have previously headed for deeper waters but stopped or turned away and gone back.  They use their awareness for control and their ego thrives more and more as they hinder their self and or others more and more, all the while their decision making capabilities get blurrier and blurrier, which is kinda funny, logically speaking, for its immaturity when seen from deeper waters.  Which, many times it is our “knowing” smile or outright laughter that gets us into trouble with them.

Control and use of mostly those not even “awake” or “aware” but also those less “awake” or “aware” than they are who many times merely think mistakenly that following leads to shortcuts for their self.  We occasionally get to interact with them and they never like it!  They tend to want to “take us on” or “put us in our place” if we point out their folly, if they even think we know, which some are “awake” or “aware” enough to do, or when forced to explain or way worse, actually demonstrate to them that their ka-ka only works backwards not forwards in the waters.  A very rude awakening to them!  We have “slapped many a peepee”, male and female, with truths they either thought nobody else knew or did not want to think about, sometimes because we were forced to and sometimes because we could and were still dumb enough to think we could help others.  If it is all internal there is nothing any of us can do for any other except to bring and be our best to us and ours and our world, for a better world and to any and all interactions externally as we can.  We actually can only “help” by being and bringing our best, not by trying to help!  Hahahahahahaha…

Nothing in Nature goes out of its way to change anything else in Nature, that is man made ka-ka!  If everything is as it should be, always has been and always will be, then surely nothing needs change?  Everything is what it is right now and that is all it is until not now forward and any and all changes will come from interactions and or their being “awake” and or “aware”.  Math and choices!  With the math coming from the equations done by the mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe with any interactions of matter the noun that occur, and the choices being the application externally of the internal within the particular pack associate human animal container based on the level of”awake” and “aware” within and how blurry and distorted the decision making capabilities at their current distance from true self true path.

The troubles in the wading pool of consciousness are from the repercussions, almost none internally and considered normal things that happen to others externally when they do happen.  If you stop or turn around from any true self true path there, it is like landing on a pillow we like to say.  You may not like why you like or hate something, you may not “like” a few truths and so not deal with them, whatever, but with so many new truths it is easy to “cherry pick” them and still “feel” like you are moving forward even while bypassing or ignoring a few others.  All that fun stops when folks head for deeper waters.  The splashing and fun among others becomes the solo individualistic journey it is.  The fun and games become serious when you have to apply externally more and more true self true path truths known internally.  Even more difficult considering most of the man made make believe pretend of the external is designed to stop or at least slow you down.

In the deeper waters of consciousness is where the truths start to get personal and ugly and those not properly ready, willing and able, fall, and we all fall as part of the process, which could perhaps be relative to the current “world show” trying to soften folks and make them weaker, more reliant on the system itself, and less able to withstand criticism or difference even of opinion if not the “accepted” norm, which is of course always ka-ka and always has been throughout history.  Here, drink this kool aid and then go get others to drink it, and remember, anyone who won’t drink the kool aid is evil because you drink it and you are good.  Hahahahahahaha…  Silly humans…  Never drink kool aid from another, we all have enough trouble not drinking our own kool aid or passing it out and wanting others to drink it.  The ego is a monster, one and all of them that any, each, and all of us have…  We are all monsters!  Bwahahahahaha…

Of the many, many, many, more and more every day thanks to evolution, that become “awake” and or “aware” and make it to the wading pool, some will head towards the deeper waters, wanting to know more.  Some of those that do will try and try again after falling in the deeper waters, but not most.  Few get very far!  The ego is strongest when it is weakest.   It will use survival as its last escape, its fail safe for control, and this is easily understood because it is clearly demonstrated with addictions, where the ego is convinced it is trying to protect us when it is actually killing us!  The truths get uglier and uglier and the application of our internal known truths gets harder and harder, with worse and worse consequences externally with both natural and unnatural hits, as if a rigged game, as we have said and previously rambled about.  Practical application becomes extremely difficult at best.  Heck, approval by association all by itself is damn near impossible without the excuse of being unable to move!  lol

The application of our internal known truths, externally, gets us forward to growth, internal, as we apply them naturally “out there”, being who and what we are internally out in the external, but we have to drag our human pack / associate animal human container and its fragile bag of ka-ka ego “out there” externally to get any of that done and that’s where and how we all fall in our application and end up with unnatural hits for not being and bringing our best to any and all interactions “out there”.  Natural hits are gonna happen anyway, which is understood as observed in Nature.  Nothing is guaranteed in Nature, and we all know, ka-ka happens!  It’s the unnatural hits that are to be avoided and that are the ones where if made in the wading pool they are manageable but in the deeper waters get too much for most, even though most unnatural hits would and could be avoided if we bring and be our best to ALL interactions and most are not ready, but how does a work in progress do that, let alone do the right thing every single time no matter what?

Again, it would appear we are set up for failure, which we refuse to believe, but that helps keep us searching internally for the answers we seek, knowing that is where they are.  That, and the knowledge that conquerors have already burned the world down many times over in search of or to hide the answers we seek, so being a Lex Luther of sorts and doing that, as desirable as that is for its simplicity if we had the means, and which is why we clearly understand those who may have thought they had the means historically that tried such things.  A conqueror would question every last person if they could for the answers we all seek or to hide them if others knew.  That apparently has never worked before though so becomes null and void as an option to anyone outside the folks running the show at this point.  Now, you would have to, what, blow up the entire world and hope somehow that someone with the answers survives for you to question? Good luck with that…  lol

No, the rabbit hole is deep and vast, deeper and vaster than perhaps possibly imagined or even imaginable.  Opposite rules but can’t win, evolution appears Natural so slowing and or hindering, confusing and distracting won’t stop it.  But then again maybe there isn’t anything to win and this is all part of the progress, a bigger picture than any can imagine.  The evidence points to there being a difference between consciousness and our human animal containers and that’s a start.

That’s where “awake” and or “aware” begins for any and each.  Where things go from there seems to be a “neener, neener, neener you don’t know and will never know” that has the fingerprints of humans all over it, and that is our cause, whether they seek as we do, or hide answers we seek.  There are truths known that we know are hidden.  We know not why they are hidden or if those hiding them even know themselves why they are hiding them.  We also don’t know if those hiding them have truths hidden from them or even if they are seeking truths.  It goes on and on, far more unknowns than knowns, but to where?

The fun, the fun, the fun…   Very easy for us to see why we could never stop true self true path and chasing the answers of creation, of consciousness!

As Pythagoras is quoted as saying “Truth is so great a perfection, that if God would render himself visible to men, he would choose light for his body and truth for his soul.”

Funny per our “All there really is, is the pure light of true love of everything and all, and everything else is just to get us there…


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