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Looping The Northwest, The Adventures Of One Fool…

A momma rock me like a southbound train good morning to each and all and a can you hear me knocking to this beautiful new day, today, here for our dance.  Never late and always at its best, the day sets a good example.

What almost any of us do “out there”, externally, while we wait to die, if not “awake” and or “aware”  is a combination of our animal and programming, and even if “awake” and or “aware” there are lots of moments when we are on auto pilot or “ego out” or just not paying enough attention.  It isn’t easy “out there” in the man made make believe skeleton land of the external to be “on” as much as any of us may wish.

Multitasking interactions isn’t the same as walking and chewing gum or other multitasking.  Moments are moments, they are here then gone, and when interactions, which is where the mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe does the math any time anything matter the noun interacts with anything else matter the noun, sure, easy peezy, but when you add humans to any of those equations of interactions, that’s where the trouble starts.

That’s when simple math becomes a crap shoot because you never know what any other human is being or bringing to the interaction, which, related, could be why humans are so good at and give so much value to their ability to control others.  Heck most of us have a hard enough time being and bringing what we know we should to any interaction and have our own troubles, so just imagining those not “awake” and or “aware” or being at varying levels of “awake” and or “aware”, let alone if “ego out” or on auto pilot, makes any and all interactions with other humans extremely important as well as dangerous both internally and externally.

All control is man made!  In Nature, being is natural, so everything alive in Nature only knows how to be and bring its best to any interactions.  It’s that free will thingy that changes that.  Well, that and fear of course…

We have long said, if someone approaches us in any way, our first immediate response is what do they want?  Safety and Security first!  The same goes for when we think of approaching another, we always, when considering approaching them, wonder what do we want?  Those truths are important yet we constantly get in trouble because of them, and we have long said they are like basic starter truths, where humans choose not to bring the truth and or choose to be less than their best and or choose control, blah, blah, blah.  lol  For us, external application of those truths helps us know our limit with alcohol when we are single, lol, because after that we start telling pretty women they have nice shoes or a pretty smile, and when not actually doing it, although sometimes when too far gone we do know we are doing it, we know it is just our ego and our manimal, lol, wanting to have sex with a pretty woman and figuring out how to go about it by letting her know that she could choose us.  Very basic stuff!  That’s not where the trouble comes from though, we know how to avoid the words and actions of our self to have sex with pretty women, like we said, that’s basic stuff.  The trouble comes with those truths when someone else approaches us or when we blatantly ask them what do they want.  We are known for saying “hit your pitch” when approached, which usually sends folks into confusion or defense which we then have to deflate, unless a serious hard seller, who will then hop right over it and even if perhaps adjust a little, continue right on coming in strong, which rarely ends well for them with us, lol, and they get mad and react or run off.  Truths are simple, humans make things complicated!  Hahahahahahaha…

We noticed we had been sort of circling around the area, as shown on our map, out in the Northwest, and thought it was funny, and not just because recreational marijuana is legal and sold everywhere.  lol  With several clients and our son in the area we had been trying to stay relatively close to one or the other to visit as needed while still staying to our self, which after settling in with being on the road now a few months, we highly prefer.  People watching is one thing, and that is always fun and educational, but interacting is another, and we have learned to limit our interactions with other humans as much as possible when they are a choice.  To us it is an upgrading of the value of our moments, a getting back to being more internal than external, as well as an effort to keep us out of trouble should we slip.  lol  We have always wished everyone well but most well away from us, and the first few months of reckless on the road abandonment of that did us no progress but certainly some slowing down and hindering of our forward us, ours, our world, for a better world.  Hahahahaha…

Boise, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, Boise, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, we were on a steady loop of short term, some days one day stays, of our own making, but when not stocking or driving or arriving or visiting or leaving, all of which involved being and bringing our best, energy draining interactions, we would find things to occupy our time rather than rest or do the thinking and thunking we normally would and should have been doing.  We were being a person too much and not working on personification enough, and felt it.  The moment we think we are somebody we have crossed the line that some never get back and recover from.  Fortunately we have danced the dance long enough that we quickly became aware of our own folly and hypocrisy and were able to get back to being Nobo Dy and break away from our latest “ego out”, auto pilot, manimal stuff and get back to reality. lol  Knowing that the further you are along means the further you fall and the worse you will be when you fall and thus the more natural and unnatural hits to you and yours and your world, and thus the world, is an eye opener we know to try to keep front and forward in our thinking, and when we don’t, the consequences are solely on us, usually severe, and never any forward progress internally or externally, go figure.  lol

Now instead of staying on the road and hopping from place to place almost every night we do our research and find places we would like to stay for a few days at least or a week or even more, and sit.  If we can walk to local businesses to stock supplies that is fine and if not we just load up before we arrive.  As long as we are close to who we are next planning on visiting and have wifi we are all set, and so far, with limited troubles, between xfinity and what we are able to find we have been fine throughout our travels.

Right now we’re researching to spend some time on the beaches of the Pacific Ocean itself, and will make sure to do so before we leave the area when our son graduates.  There are some awesome spots in Washington and Oregon that we are considering, and we are looking forward to it.  We are going to make sure we stay right on the shore and have already found some great choices that will let us hear the waves and walk the beaches daily, although a few may be too close to one or more of the many lighthouses that line the coast so more research is needed before a proper choice is made.  Research, research, research… lol  We will probably head to the shore when we get back from our quick trip east.

The ability to be off grid and not need any power allows us to stop wherever and whenever, pretty much anywhere, for as long as our food and water supplies last, and when we do stop it is for as long as we want and then we move on.  We don’t eat much food, never have, but keep hordes of dry goods on hand in case of emergencies, and 350 gallons of fresh water lasts us quite a while when showers are less than two gallons and coffee makes up most of the rest of our use.   Even better, we purchased a portable filter system that allows us to get water from streams or lakes, rivers, ponds, whatever, and we love it.  We are definitely hooked on the RV and thankful we followed through with the actions of the two year plan we had to get it.  It has greatly improved our forward progress internally, which of course we are seeing externally.  Funny how that works!  lol

Enough, enough, although rambling always helps us clear our head, this day still wants our attention, and a few more opportunities to bring and be our best, if naturally occurring, should never be run from or even delayed but always dealt with and faced head on with the respect and attention, the love, due.  We’re on it!



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