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Making Sure Our Head Hurts, And Other Good Stuff…

A memory motel good day to each and all and a welcome, welcome, welcome to our door to this beautiful new day, today, that any of us may be lucky enough to be experiencing regardless of what it brings and regardless of the consequences as long as we survive it.  Opportunity for forward beats no opportunity every time!  lol

Our friend in the pics had been pretty constant in checking us out with slow but steady meanderings that we’d catch here and there at all hours of the day for several days.  The others stayed mostly in a group, and we’d see them strolling around together or chilling, whatever, always together.  This one would hang out with them but then take off on its own and always seemed to be looking for something or perhaps checking the perimeter.  lol  When we saw it walking by so close we pulled out our phone and made a noise you would use with a horse or other domestic animal, even a small child, lol, as we snapped the two pics, which we thought was funny because the look seems to be a timid “what” or “I wasn’t doing nothing look” that reminded us of when our children were young.  lol

We have always gotten along well with most alive creatures as well as small children and know it is more about energy with both, they sense better than those older and certainly more than full fledged adult sheeple, who seem to sense less and less as they go, vibrating at lower and lower frequencies along the way, denser and denser, lol, or as we enjoy saying, more matter the noun and less of anything that matters.  Hahahahahaha…

We’ve been doing some good research, chasing answers like we should, and we can tell the difference now that we are back at it and more internal than we were and less external than we were.  It is always a balance and when not in balance it is give and take until back in balance or too far to find the way back, and the slope gets more and more slippery as you go.  That being a person stuff is such a trap!  When you have to be a person you need to be able to, but it is that having to be able to that gets you, tricks you, and then you go from having to be a person to choosing to be a person, and that’s where the line gets crossed and the internal and then the external start reflecting that.  It is such a rigged catch-22 or damned if you do and damned if you don’t situation.  You can’t survive externally, in human form, without being a person, but being a person is bad for you internally and you will pay for it internally and externally.  Pull some forward progress out of that crap if ya can.  lol  It aint easy!

Isolation helps, undoubtedly awesomely, there are too many well documented throughout history examples of solitude and isolation being so beneficial to internal growth to  attempt to ignore, but we refuse to start climbing mountains looking for temples to settle down at, that’s just not us.  lol  Well, that and we are still pretty sure that manifested as a male biologically, regardless of our energies we can’t get out of our human animal container before death without a female, which, we couldn’t have gotten manifested as a biological male without a female just came to mind out of nowhere and made us smile, we had never thought of that before.  Too funny!

When you’re hot you’re hot though as they say, and it does seem that the most “fun”, certainly progress, is had with internal growth during time alone and when that good thinking and thunking stuff, chasing any and all questions for truths, is front and centered.  Much like when in the zone so to speak as a person, say basketball, when you can’t miss and everything you throw up is nothing but net and you just want the ball, to do it again, when in the zone internally it is the same except with knowledge.  Really!  You can be pondering and pondering something for an extended period of time over multiple days, weeks, whatever, rolling the known truths around and around, figuring and figuring, and then one day while thinking about something else unrelated, boom, knowledge, pieces click, whatever, without even having been thinking about it and you will become more “aware” and have made progress forward without even understanding how the pieces or whatever clicked “now” somewhere back behind what you were working on.  It is all energy, and that energy is love.  The more love, the more energy.  The higher the frequency of vibration, the more energy, the more love.  It really is a wonderful connection internally, and then when projected externally it is living and loving, a better and better you and yours and your world, for a better world.

The truth is just a ride you have to choose to get on and then once on, stay on no matter what!  It’s that choosing to stay on no matter what stuff that gets us all!  lol  We are all silly humans and external with our fragile bag of ka-ka ego self out too many moments and not our awesome and wonderful internal self enough moments.

Although never a Star Wars fan, and we have maybe only seen the first or first few movies of the series when younger and certainly never payed any attention to it as a brand or series or whatever, wasn’t there a sort of a catchy thing, quotes and memes or whatever, of Yoda saying there is no try, only do or do not?  We know there is a supposed quote of Henry Ford saying “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right?  Both apply!  There is no not truth once there is truth, there is just truth once found, then love or fear, and then forward or not from there.

You’ll never get to heaven if you’re afraid of hell!  Hahahahahahaha…


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