Sweet And Just Rewards For Standing Up With And For The Truth…

  A never say never good evening to each and all, and a thank you very much, nice try, good luck next time, to this beautiful new day, today, that we have been dancing all day with and which it looks like, although there is still some left of this day, didn’t take away our Birthday this day, today.

Another awesome day, we’ve been at it since before the sun rose and will still be at it well into the night.  There is always something that needs to get done, and if not, there is always thinking and thunking to do, that’s just the way it is.  Give us a few minutes and we can pack them full, give us a whole day and we can do the same, especially when focused and on point.  There is always something we are working on forward for a better us, ours, our world, for a better world, and there is no such thing as being caught up with thinking and thunking, so how anyone could ever be bored makes no sense.  It would almost seem that in order to be bored you have to not want to do things that you should or think and thunk about things you should, a trick of the ego for sure.  Hahahahahaha…

Sometimes we will go days with just naps of a few hours each here and there, whenever we can’t keep our eyes open.  We’ll have so much stuff front and center in our thoughts though that we will jump right back up when we wake, jolted, as if we tripped and dropped everything and have to quickly get our ka-ka back together.

The rabbit hole is always deeper than where you are!  Sometimes we will have a question which we think it should be easy to research and be done with and it will turn into a frustrating three or four day learning adventure with so many windows and tabs open and notes and bookmarks.  In the age of information, there is so much information, misinformation and disinformation, you have to check and recheck, verify sources and materials, and chase down what should be simple facts like they are needles in a haystack.  The freaking man made make believe pretend skeleton land of the external does its very best to hide just about anything and everything that it can and to make it as difficult as possible for any and all stubborn enough to keep at it.  Ignorance may be bliss but knowledge is a pain in the butt!

We are well!  We are always well, and figure that it’s sort of impossible to be unwell, at least for any length of time not seriously brief, if we are alive.  Any longer than that, if alive, makes it a choice whether we know it or not.  Then it’s just a question of whether we do something about it or not, any of us.  We are, almost all of us, our own puppet master, but most are very good at hiding the strings from their self, especially when they don’t want to see them.  There is an old Native American saying, “You can not awaken anyone pretending to be asleep!”…  Hahahahahaha…

Change is what gets us to forward and actions are what bring about change, but it is our thinking that has to change first usually and that’s always the hard part.  As we have long said, if left to their own devices most folks don’t change unless they have to, they just get sneakier, and we all get comfortable in our own hells and none of us can understand our own wrong thinking.  Forward is rarely easy, even the path of least resistance, and their is always a price whether we know it or not.  In Nature there is no place for the weak except with humans, but with consciousness we don’t have to deal with that ka-ka.  Energy is what it is, and each, any, and all consciousness is energy.  Just varying in size, pieces of the whole, which we have long said is based on love, which is also how we have said one personifies, with, through, being, love.  That’s how we get to be bigger and bigger pieces of light!  The more we love, the more we personify, the more our piece of light grows, the more our light shines, and there is no bullshitting or weak ka-ka whatsoever involved or allowed in that equation, just truth!  Although each’s way is their own and no two are alike, one thing is for sure, truth is the only way to love, to growth, to being a bigger piece of light, a bigger part of the whole!

Our thought is that if a big enough piece of light, personified enough, we, the consciousness that we are, any of us, can “be” without being matter the noun, without our meat puppets and its fragile bag of ka-ka ego.  Cray cray? Yep, but we own our cray cray!  lol

Ahh well, anyhoooh….  lol

Work, our clients are all happy and work is doing well.  We managed to save one client 28k on just one business deal last week, and since it was money they didn’t have, they were extra thankful.  We also picked up a couple of small gigs doing some writing for a few folks, some research for a few and some business start up work for one.  We’ve still got a back log of referrals and folks who want our help, but until we find the right assistant we can only spread our self so thin.

Family, our son has finally settled in at school and is doing awesome, our mother is well, and apparently Dulcinea is still alive, based on a blocked call, as we stay strong and love true.  Now that his mother can no longer deprive him of his father, since he turned 18, we are getting to know each other and already have a very healthy relationship forward to grow with, which me thinks is because he is now finding out that his father is not who and what he was told.  lol  We tried to tell the naughty folks long ago that the truth is the truth and that we were who and what we were and not who and what they falsely portrayed, that our son would be an adult a lot longer than he would be a child, and that the truth, and their crimes, lol, could not be hidden from him forever.  Now the gig is up, the charade is over, a child has his father in his life again, and a father his child.  As for the naughty folks, we can only wish them well but well away from us, and try not to giggle like a school girl as their ugly truths are exposed with no effort, just us being who and what we are, just like we told them long ago…  lol  We don’t always like being right, but it sure feels good right now!  Hahahahahahaha…

The fun, the fun, the fun…





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