Of course it also smacks the crap out of us any time we don’t be and bring our best to any moments during it, but eh, paying attention and being focused and forward is what we are suppose to do, and we know it, which makes us even more responsible any time we don’t. Signing up for unnatural hits is not the smartest thing any of us has ever done!
They come and they go, moments. Some in the blink of an eye and some that seem to last way too long, but they are all, just passing through. Unless of course it is us that passes through them! lol
From the “moment” we wake until we return to sleep again, if lucky enough to avoid the “big sleep”, lol, all those moments in between, all so valuable, so unique, so one and only one of it with everything the way it is “right then”, each one of them. The only way to even remotely stand a chance is to avoid them, which is what most folks prefer with many of them, but which is of course the worst possible thing we can do.
Knowing is ka-ka in that equation and is what causes all the trouble. Unaware is one thing but the moment you know, well after that it aint nothing but be and bring your best, forward, or take the unnatural hits for doing so, and you sure as heck will. If unaware, doesn’t matter what you be or bring to any interaction, math is math so all hits are natural. Be and bring your best to any interaction and same thing, doesn’t matter the consequences, will be forward and all hits will be natural. Not that natural hits can’t smack the crap out of ya and teach you some lessons you wished you never had to learn, but they are still going to be, oh, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than any and all UNNATURAL hits. Worse, unnatural hits touch you and yours and your world for a better world, whereas natural hits touch you, and yours and your world for a better world don’t get whacked with you, HUGE DIFFERENCE! It’s like the old saying about how when you do your best, the results don’t matter and you have no regrets… You FEEL better forward. It’s just math!
Being and bringing your best puts out good energy and not doing so puts out bad energy, unless unaware, so regardless of the results, it’s good stuff forward. Although as we said, no way to avoid hits, any interaction between anything matter the noun is gonna get the mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe involved. The energies of any and all matter the nouns as well as any and all energies of consciousness, which is unnatural to the matter the noun universe, and it’s any and all of those consciousnesses that are the variables in any and all of these equations. The rest is simple math. Well, simple math and quantum physics, but that’s all just math anyways! Hahahahahahaha…
We are reminded of Dr. Emoto and his awesome work with sounds and thoughts and their effects on water. If you ever want to clearly see how consciousness is unnatural to the matter the noun universe yet has a profound effect on the equations during interactions of energy check out his work. Sort of drives home the point of love being the only thing there is and the only thing all this is about! lol
His work also reminds us, front and center, that we each are responsible, we are, for what we bring to any interaction, our thoughts, our words, our actions on a much greater scale than folks realize. Every time we have the opportunity to be and bring our best and don’t, we are asking for trouble, and much worse, anytime we knowingly don’t be and bring our best we are begging for buckets and buckets of trouble for us and ours and our world for a better world. Do this on the what, how many billions of humans with consciousness, and you can see the mess we’re all in, the system we are up against, the impossibility of our task, and the resolution of our mission, each, any and all who are aware. Talk about being the underdog in the fight! WOW! If you didn’t know better you’d think there isn’t a chance, but that’s the trick, that’s the fraud, that’s the charade, that’s the false belief programming of our fragile bag of ka-ka ego, any of us. That’s the show!
That’s the whole shabang of the man made make believe pretend skeleton land of the external, with the hidden knowledge, forbidden archaeology, fake space station and who knows what else, non provable globe arc, vanishing children, written and rewritten history, conquerors conquered behind the scenes since who knows when, and so many unanswered answerable questions about almost anything and everything, right up to the present “moment” of humans as pack / associate animals which for some unnatural reason and by some unnatural means, contain consciousness.
Either the folks running the show think they know, or they do know, obviously, and although the evidence would suggest it seems to be about energy, and we aint talking gas or oil, lol, but also consciousness for sure, although seemingly termed “soul” on the energy level to many. Heck, if we had to guess we would say it’s as if someone or something is trying to slow down evolution, stunt it, especially whatever part that involves consciousness, which would really be about “slowing down the growing and gathering up of consciousness”, the pieces getting bigger, the whole of consciousness coming together, but then again wrong may be part and parcel, part of the process of right,. Creation creating, created by creation, or just a memory or simulation? How big is the picture?
Is it any wonder your head is supposed to hurt? Hahahahahahaha… The deep waters aint for the weak! Take your cray cray ticket and buckle up!
Ah, the fun the fun, the fun…
Enough rambling, although it does always make our head hurt less!
On a funny as heck to us side note, we finally understand our long attraction to purple in the visible light spectrum, and it aint the reptilians, if they exist. lol It has the highest frequency! Really, really… Although we wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where they got it, if they do exist! 😉