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Love is Evolution… Evolution is Love…

A love is all there is good day to each and all, and also to this beautiful new day, today, that brings with it the opportunity to express our love, our “Being”, forward, for a better us, our world, for a better world.

Once consciousness, yours, ours, any, awakens, it feels, it knows, that it is energy, that it is a spark of light, of love, a piece of the whole that is, the pure light of true love of and for anything and all…

How big a spark of light, of love, how big a piece of the whole that is, the pure light of true love of and for anything and all would you like to be?  That is the question…

How big of a spark of light, of love, how big a piece of the whole that is, the pure light of true love of and for anything and all can we be?  That is our answer…

A question is our answer, and our life is the expression of that question projected externally…

Thinking and thunking, it seems to us that love is the only way to find the answers we need to be and become more of who and what we are, and that love and the sufferings of love are where we find the truths that make us who and what we are, any of us, that we may grow, that we may gather more consciousness, even perhaps personify and not need our container, but that we may be more than what we were and forward more than what we are, that we may evolve…

The evolution of anything matter the noun takes interactions with other things matter the noun, and time, usually lots of time.  The evolution of consciousness just takes love!

Since anything matter the noun is merely energy vibrating at the frequency at which it is sensed and Natural, it is subject to the Natural Laws and could take eons of interactions to change its frequency, to evolve.

Consciousness is not Natural to the matter the noun universe!  It is the ONLY thing unnatural to it!  Thus making it the ONLY thing not subject to its laws.  What this means is that relative to the chicken and the egg, which came first question, with matter the noun being the chicken and consciousness being the egg, it seems we would have to say that consciousness came first and then their was matter.

You can’t have matter the noun without energy and the only energy without matter the noun is consciousness, which would mean that any and all matter the noun is a projection of consciousness.  Consciousness begets anything matter the noun!

What does this mean to us as consciousness contained in a human pack / associate animal?  To us it means that we are either creation creating, created by creation, or a memory / simulation.

It tells us that life is too short for anything but love, because it is the only thing that gives life purpose, meaning and value.  It tells us that anything imagined can be accomplished with and through love and that nothing can be accomplished, thus nothing forward, without it.

Love is evolution and evolution, is love…

We must love unconditionally and endure the sufferings of love, the Natural hits.  We must love our self first, internally as the spark we are, as the piece we are, and with that love we grow, we forward, we evolve.  We have long said, all there is, is the pure light of true love of and for anything and all, and everything else is just to get us there.

Everything external, anything matter the noun, is an expression of love in some form, fashion or manner whether we know it or not, and thus evolving with and through that love.

There is much truth hidden and hard to find, and there is great trickery amok and there has been for thousands of years, conceived and concocted by the fragile bag of ka-ka ego of humans.  Our bondage is our bodies, our containers, and the only way out is love.

The battle is not between good and evil, the battle is between matter the noun and consciousness.  The battle is between creator and creation, creation and created.  Heck the whole evil thing could merely be the first self doubt of creation or of the creator, a question, and be the chasing of the truths of the origins of creation itself or the creator.  We have no idea how big the picture really is or how big or small a part of a part of a part of a part any of us or anything we know of is, was, or will be.

All we have is that spark, that one thing, that bit of energy, the light and love that we know we are, any consciousness, and the knowing that there are other sparks and that we feel, we know, there is a greater spark that we are either a piece of or part of.  That is all we have, and what any does from there is up to them…

We recommend being and bringing the love and light that any of us are and chasing the truths that make us more of who and what we are, always loving more, always shining our light brighter, always wanting to be a bigger spark, a bigger piece of the whole.

Consciousness would certainly not be concerned with making more of itself or lasting longer, those are matter the noun concerns, very and only ego concerns.  The man made make believe pretend skeleton land of the external is the projection of the combined ego belief of those controlling it and their use of consciousness, of energy, to influence and manipulate it forward based on their own belief system.  They want your energy towards their own use and can’t do that with and through love so have devised thousands and thousands of ways to do it and thousands and thousands of ways to prevent love, the only thing that can stop them.  Which is why everything is opposite and nothing makes true sense.  If you knew you were a god would you stay a slave in sufferable bondage to another?

Lucifer, Satan, Baphomet, or any other such, are created by ego, whether they exist or not, no matter how “evil” portrayed or experienced, because anything matter the noun is an expression of love and consciousness itself is love, and right or wrong, all there is, is love and the expressions of love and the questioning and answering of love through expressions, which would make “evil” just an expression of a question of love, but still love.

It’s an illusion, trickery, for control, which is ego, which means it is man made.

Bring me your god and bring me your devil, and upon questioning one would expect their differences to be ego related, thus man made…  Which would mean created by men to hide truths related to creation and / or a creator and for control.

Good and evil are the pettiness of human ego as expressed toward evolution and control forward.  Evil is just a denser vibration frequency that needs more energy to exist and does not grow, gather more consciousness, with and through love, but through the use and the denial of use by others of their energy, it is parasitic by nature.  Evil, as known, is the path of least resistance forward, the easiest matter the noun path for the ego…

The bigger the ego, the weaker it is and the easier the path it will take forward.  If we lock our ego in the basement and fight it whenever it gets out we choose true self true path, if we let it run amok we choose a mainstream religion, if we think we have some control over it we choose a fringe religion or consider our self spiritual but not religious, and if we follow it obediently with reckless disregard we choose evil…

Evil is live, backwards.  The trickery and illusion starts right with the word, and is itself, man made as all words are, go figure…  Yep, go figure…  lol

Civilization then, any, is merely the ego of the humans in charge seeking the answers to the questions of consciousness and its and their origins, purposes and meanings, while maintaining power and control and perpetuating the widespread institution of their own belief systems forward.

Love is the only defense, and love is the only offense!  Love is the only way, and truths are our guides…

Like the song says, love is all there is…


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