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Live And Learn, We Must Learn to Live…


A we all live our mistakes good day to each and all, and an exciting welcome to this beautiful new day, today, that we have, as we do with each we encounter, the opportunity to fresh start forward no matter where we were previously or where we may be when we wake.

Each and any day we are fortunate to wake to is nothing but opportunity!  No matter how ugly the day ahead, no matter how ugly the day before or how ugly the year before, no matter how far we were or are from true self / true path, any new day, any today, is nothing but the opportunity for forward. a better us, a better ours, and a better our world, for a better world.

Many a day any of us wish we could hit reset or start over or have a redo on something we thought, said, or did, but there is no back button, there is no undo.  Alive is only forward!  It doesn’t matter where we were or are, it never does, because it is always just the next position from which to move forward from.  Sure, being one move from checkmate is nice, but sometimes we are one move from being checkmated, and realizing that they are both really the same position, having that mental attitude, is the only way to get up and push forward every day, no matter what.

There are always hard lessons to be learned, there are always mistakes that are going to be made, but it is the inability to handle those hard lessons, to handle made mistakes, that holds folks down and back from forward.  That’s the ego!  The ego doesn’t take criticism well, hates to be wrong, and reacts by throwing a temper tantrum or taking its ball and going home or by just refusing to participate whatsoever.  The ego really is a fragile bag of ka-ka.  Ours, yours, any and all, an ego is a fragile bag of ka-ka.

The ego is the greatest obstacle, the toughest opponent any of us will ever face!  The ego loves winning, it loves admiration, adoration, accomplishment, it loves being right.  The ego hates losing, hates being wrong, and doesn’t handle criticisms very well.

The ego is the enemy of consciousness!  It belongs to our pack / associate animal container and has no idea we, consciousness, are even there.  The ego sucks!  It’s the ego that doesn’t like when things don’t go it’s way!

Our thoughts are that the ego is the densest vibration of consciousness, the closest to actual matter the noun, and the link, if not the actual connection itself, between consciousness and the pack / associate human animal it is contained in, and that through evolution, eventually consciousness will overcome it, the ego, and at that time consciousness would no longer need its container.  It is our thinking that, as we wrote long ago, that somehow while both are evolving at their own pace externally as well as internally, the human container and consciousness, that consciousness is actually passing through, as if using the human container for some unknown reason(s).

When we wrote of it long ago we were unaware of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but upon learning of it could immediately see the correlation and saw it not as the human “needs” changing but rather the evolution of the consciousness within that human, and immediately drafted a diagram showing the consciousness under the pyramid as a small block that gradually passes up through the pyramid of “needs” as it evolves, with the end goal being the small block of consciousness perched on the tip of the pyramid, having overcome the obstacle of the container.

With just a quick glimpse of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs one can see the development of the ego and the overcoming of it as one develops and advances upward in the pyramid to the top, with basic needs being met at the bottom and overcoming the ego the rest of the way, towards “enlightenment” at the top of the pyramid.

The human animal is the same at the bottom of the pyramid as at the top, and nothing of the pyramid can be “passed on” to the children of any human through the genes or DNA so there is no evolution of the animal itself relative to the pyramid, relative to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, so what changes?  What changes the “needs”?  The pyramid would suggest that once the needs of one level are met then the needs at the next level become the needs, but common knowledge, logic and experience tells us that most folks never get very far up the pyramid and it is not because the needs at any level were not met, is is usually because of the ego…  It is usually because their consciousness has not overcome their ego enough, at any level of the pyramid where the “needs” have been met but that they do not progress upward from.

The separation, the distinction between the container and the contained, seems to be covered over, hidden even, which begs the question why?  The man made make believe pretend skeleton land of the external seems to be geared toward the lower density, towards humans believing they are just “smart animals” instead of being animals with something added.  Our suspicion is that the entire of our existence is about that “added” to the human container and the deliberate trickery to hide any and all knowledge relative to it.

The ego holds us down and back, any, each and all of us, and is the chain that binds us to our container, and the overcoming of the ego is the evolution of our consciousness.

We must all live to learn and learn to really live, and overcoming our ego is the only way forward, the only way to true self true path.


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