Our time is finite, this existence. A fact none can change, at least none that we know of or have ever heard of. Certainly not possible to be infinite in human form, all living things come and go, some very quickly, some not so fast, but all living things stop being alive, anything alive must die…
We sometimes wonder how many of our ancestors we have put in our gas tank? Oil is made up of plants and animals that have decomposed, but then again so is natural gas, hence the name fossil fuels. lol
Pretty sure, by definition, fossil fuels come from decomposing living organisms. Folks like to say plants and animals of course, but conveniently leave humans out of that equation as if humans are not animals, which is seriously funny. At least to us anyways…
Even funnier considering part of the big trick is to keep folks acting like animals, keep them at their lowest vibration.
None of us can possibly be more than the animal we are until we know the animal we are! Well, that, and then knowing the monster we are of course, but knowing we are an animal is first.
We can only be as good as the bad we know and as bad as the good we know. Knowing isn’t the same as acting upon though, and that is where all the variables come in for any of us.
That’s why even the best “acting” of us can do the most horrible things and why the worst “acting” of us can do the most wonderful things. Like the old saying, the world is a stage and we are all actors with very, very tiny parts. lol
The only value that is ever there is any value each on their own decides. The only good or bad ever there is the same, it is only good or bad as each and any decides. One’s heaven is another’s hell and one’s hell another’s heaven. One’s good is another’s bad and one’s bad another’s good. The picture doesn’t even need to get very big to see that neither really matter except to the individual and theirs and their world for a better world.
The worst of “actors” has done all they could and they are still gone or will be gone and things will still go forward. The best of “actors” has done all they could and they are still gone or will be gone and things will still go forward. Existence itself will still keep rolling forward, for some strange reason, as it always has. Although we have no inkling if it always will, that’s a picture too big for human imagination still.
All any of us really have are the who and what we bring and be to any interactions we participate in and the consequences of those decisions and the equations of those interactions forward and the natural and unnatural hits that may come from any interaction. Whether we know it or not we pilot our own ship, which is why whatever we think of our self we become, whether we try to or not, because the external is just a projection of our internal.
Our reality, any of us, expressed externally, is just where we put our self to either be who and what we “think” we are or to not be who and what we “think” we are, combined with the consequences of our decisions right or wrong as we each internally decide and place a value of, plus any natural or unnatural hits we brought upon our self from our interactions. The external is just a scratch pad for our use, a place to “show our work” so to speak, our internal work projected externally.
Because of the fragile bag of ka-ka ego and the monster that it can be that consciousness brings to its pack / associate animal human container, as if a side effect surely, we mostly see fear and ignorance instead of knowledge and love! We are not physical beings having spiritual experiences or spiritual beings having physical experiences, those are both man made tricks. We are consciousness, we are love and light, bits, pieces, and a whole, and everything is just an expression of that in one form, fashion, or manner, so our physical is an expression of that and anything considered a soul is merely another expression of that.
A few quick and easy to research arguments against both, physical and spiritual, would be astral projecting, remote viewing, and certainly ghosts, to name a few. lol
Of course our biggest thought against being physical beings, humans as “smart”, evolving animals, is that there is no such thing, we know matter the noun isn’t really there and is mostly just space, even at the atomic level of neutrons, protons and electrons, and the even smaller quarks and leptons. Heck, a hydrogen atom is 99.9999999999996% empty space! As for a human, well, almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus, and about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. The reality is that there is nothing really there, no matter what “it” is, if “it” is matter the noun…
Ahh, we love to make our head hurt… Hahahahahahahahaha…
We are well, we are always well, is just the way we are. Clients are all happy and we have had some great progress with a few of their things we have been working on. We also just finished up some smaller, short term gigs, but are undecided if we should take some more smaller gigs or another larger project of a client. The spectrum is full on both sides, and we even recently spoke to the owner of a publicly traded company with almost 3 million in Merchant Cash Advances. The industry has chewed up the smaller fish, that’s what that tells us. How the heck that owner can explain paying 1.5 plus fees for that money to the shareholders is beyond us, and he didn’t like our telling him that either! lol Oh well…
The thing is we don’t want to over extend our self professionally, which is why we turned down a few bigger gigs and took some smaller ones, but then what happens is we have to make our self busy when we have time and nothing work related to work on. We try to research or play chess or think and thunk, sometimes all three at the same time, lol, and do the best we can, but the ego has to be occupied productively, even if foolishly, or can jump out and / or run amok, and staying internal is easier said than done. We’re very good at tricking and treating our ego but it is a never ending war with battles that can be won or lost in the blink of an eye.
The fun, the fun, the fun…
Our days and nights are our own but not, we never know when a call or email will need our immediate attention or for how long or what deadline we may be dealing with regarding anything that comes up. Some days we are on the phone all day to the point our blue tooth dies again and again. lol Some days we aren’t on the phone at all unless we speak to our mother or our son or Rick & Cheryl. Some days are spent busy as heck, working on projects, handling emergency calls and situations, and even face to face meetings with clients or attorneys or business acquaintances. We don’t do social media of any sort so that is a plus, a bother we don’t have to waste time, attention or energy on. We’re certainly not social enough for any of them as prescribed nor weak enough to follow our ego there if it tried. lol
One day at a time, that’s life, doing the best we can, being and bringing the best we can, doing as much good as we can, trying not to want, trying not to judge, fighting our fears and ignorance with our love and knowledge, being who and what we are, no matter what, regardless of the consequences, always forward…