What To Do, What To Do, And Then Where to go…

  A crystal clear good day to each and all and a that’s the way uh huh uh huh I like it to this beautiful new day, today, that we have survived tussling with thus far and hope to continue to.

No two days are alike, even when they seem to be, and for most folks, routine and ruts, comfortable in our own hells, even considering them our comfort zones, we’ve all had days that just all seemed the same.

That’s all part of the trick, part of the illusion of ego and low density, by choice whether we know that or not.  Oh well, we are all just silly, silly humans.

None of us are ever who and what we are for more than the moment we are them, and that doesn’t even bring into play how far off true self true path we may be or have been, during any of those moments, so sure, outside, externally, our days may seem the same, but internally we are never the same moment to moment for all kinds of reasons.  lol

They aren’t kidding when they warn that the whole world is against you being you!  lol  Although the funny part of that is that sure, the entire world is against you, and that’s pretty darn rough, but ummm, part of that world, that external, and ummm, kinda the most important one, the most powerful one, the most everything you know one, and the one most against you, which happens to be far more dangerous to you than anything else out there in the world externally, is you.  lol  Our own pack / associate human animal meat puppet container!  Why?  It’s weapons of mass destruction, the fragile bag of ka ka ego and free will…  Hahahahahahahahahahaha…

Ahh well, life is just one big question, the beginning, followed by an unknown number of smaller questions, and aint that a shame…  lol

The issue though, you see, is let’s say dum de dum you’re walking down the street, or in our case, we were the head alterboy at our catholic church and holding a book open for a bishop or a cardinal or one of them high hat visiting guys to read from with their arms spread, and for some reason you just don’t buy the story they been drilling into your head for as long as you can remember, about the big question, the beginning, any more.  It just doesn’t sit well with you, makes no sense, and you want better answers!

Anyways, so once you start questioning on your own that big question and actively searching for the answers regarding the beginning of it all, you’re screwed, completely screwed!  From then on you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t…  Really really…

The more truths you find along the way, the more the external world around you falls away, and the more truths you ignore once known, the worse and worse your external existence due to the unnatural hits.   It’s a no win situation!  Life almost without being a person externally or a miserable and painful existence while rotting from the inside out, even if unaware of it but surely worse if aware of it.  In simpler terms, we can’t all do like Henry David Thoreau and build a cabin in the woods where he stayed for two years, two months, and two days, and even then, it was land owned by his friend Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Not that Walden wasn’t a great read, and we are a big fan of self sufficient simple living, that’s for sure.  lol  In today’s world though, everything costs money, so you gots to make your paper!  You have to be a person to make your paper…  lol

The fun, the fun, the fun…

We’re excited for our son!  He’s been hired, and when he finishes school he’ll be headed to the Reno, Lake Tahoe, Sacramento area, thereabouts, working in the Telecom field.  If he gets a better offer it could change, or if he lets the claws back east pull him back, and that is still strongly in play here so we’ll have to wait and see.  But he was excited to be hired and it gives him a base to start forward from if he takes advantage of it.  We all live our mistakes and he is young so has plenty of them coming.  We try to warn him, but that’s all we can do.  We make sure he knows he is responsible for his decisions and doesn’t get to blame them on anyone else or anything else, and has to own them and the consequences of them.  We tell him to follow his heart no matter what and take the natural hits for that, no matter how ugly.  We tell him to set goals and to stay focused and on point with them and to always be and bring his best to every moment he can so he never has any regrets and can let the chips fall where they may and still stand proud.

He is young though, and his mother kept him away from his father for a long time, so he is just learning who and what we are.  He is just learning we will tell him the truth whether he likes it or not!  lol  We reminded him that when he was a child we couldn’t tell him there was a Santa Claus because we never wanted him to ever doubt anything we ever told him.  How could we love him and not always tell him the truth?  Once the trust of truth is broken it is nearly impossible to regain, regardless of the rationalization.  It is going very well though, and we have an enjoyable relationship already, the truth does that.  Hahahahahahaha…

We’ll continue wandering close through graduation and may even head towards where he ends up and stay close while he settles in.  As long as the clients are all happy we can do what we want and go where we want, as long as we stay out of trouble of course.  We’ve been doing much better though, and have been volunteering with community meal programs and also companionship volunteering, just sitting and visiting with folks at a local Hospice.

Enough, enough, we’ve a busy day still…



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