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The Words of Seth, and Ra and The Law Of One… Love / Light And Light / Love…

  A wild, wild, wild, good day to each and all and a sparks will fly to this beautiful new day, today, that we love, love, love…

Life’s a pretty crazy thing to start with, just being alive, and even a bit more so for fools like Commander Cray Cray, but it’s been even more cray cray than ever in our world as of late.  All good stuff of course, but levels of cray cray not even remotely, pun intended, considered by us.  lol

Sometimes you slip a bit further down the rabbit hole and sometimes you tumble like a rag doll.  We’re usually not bad with the baby stepping, we use feel, we’re very energy oriented so to speak, and we’d say that although we don’t crawl, we’re safety and security minded and cautious, and work forward as best we can.

We will say we have long said that we would not be surprised if Winnie The Pooh came flying through the front door with wings, nothing surprises us.  If nothing matter the noun is real and we have no idea what is really here or anywhere or even where here or anywhere really is, surely anything is possible…  Anything!

We’rag doll fell oh yes we did, and it got way out of control quicker than spit so to speak, we never had a chance.  One simple thing led to another and that led to another, then a few popped from that and then it was like the cray cray vortex was out of control and cray cray was everywhere, we couldn’t keep enough tabs open.  lol

We were lucky, it started in an effort to help someone, always beneficial, we’ll take that.  lol  We were just doing some research to pass along some requested information regarding Ingo Swann and what might be a good place to start to learn more about him.  Now we had learned of Ingo Swann a long, long time ago, a wonderful and awesomely talented individual with great intelligence and great depth.  He did some incredible things!

In doing our research we thought to get up to speed so to speak, in reference to remote viewing, and that’s where we fell before we ever had a chance to notice our footing in the rabbit hole was even weak.  We were gone!

Names were familiar to us, although we didn’t know from where or when or why, and that led us to some amazing remote viewers and some unbelievable stuff, and that led us to Seth and his words and Ra and The Law of One stuff, both of which we knew far more than we rightfully should have, and then from there all cray cray has broken loose, including possible attendance at the ECETI Ranch the end of the month for a Remote Viewing event.  All awesome stuff!  Hahahahaha…

As for Seth, read every word. Do it!  lol As for Ra and The Law of One stuff, read again and again!  Hahahahahahaha…  Incredible consciousness stuff!

The history is not important, but we have always stayed out of the ET, alien, ufo stuff, it has always been a no brainer to us by feel and we always just assumed that with information, disinformation and misinformation there was no way to tell real from fake, man made from not, non terrestrial from earth made, and that’s why we never followed the disclosure movement.  After some recent viewings of documented remote viewings done by some of the best in the world today, everything from the crucifixion ruse to the Exodus to Egypt and The Pyramids to Atlantis to JFK to 9/11 to the moon to mars to, it goes on and on, we’ve had confirmations of many things we thought we knew all along and never bothered to pay much attention to, and Seth and Ra then confirm it again and again, to seal the deal.

When you have so many lingering questions answered all at once it’s like a waterfall of cleansing, and the growing as if a flower or even a weed through a concrete crack, and the joy of both.  Whether it was regarding the Haves, aliens, multiple universes, dimensions, realms, consciousness, creation, unbelievably so much, in just a very short time, which by itself isn’t real, between some serious remote viewing by multiple remote viewers and Seth and Ra and a few others, we have done some wonderful forward and are quite amazed with it.

We got some “close but no cigar” stuff, but nobody “likes” to be wrong, even when what seems like purely guessing, but with not much thinking and thunking we could see where our thinking and thunking, which was ours and not dug from books or listened from others, let alone freaking channeled, lol, was pretty darn good and merely needed some further understanding by us to be more accurate to what we now truly believe to be not just our truth but The Truth.  lol

That truth of course being that all there is is the pure light of the true love for everything and all, and that we, each and all, are one and are each and all of the one…

Love / Light and Light / Love…  Winner, winner, winner! lol

We have always said that none of us understand our own wrong thinking, and we are very fortunate to be able to straighten some of ours out lately in regards to the ego and consciousness, through reading some of the Seth stuff and The Law of One stuff by Ra.  All of it resonated very deeply within, very quickly…

From there we are now who and what we are now and it seems very far from the who and what we were then, even though it’s really not, in the bigger picture.  lol  We long felt we were on the right path despite the great difficulties and hardships, and now have merely confirmed our beliefs, condensed our potential probability paths for progress and are more resolute than ever forward.

We had spent so much time to understand the separation of consciousness and matter and of the important being anything not matter the noun, and understanding our being the not matter the noun stuff, the important part, and always knew consciousness came before matter.  Now, understanding the UNITY of the two and the creation of matter by consciousness, the dynamics of our understandings not only are clearer but now make sense with our dimensional, probabilities, energy, the universe and other ideas and beliefs.  We feel like a kid in the candy store who is allowed all kinds of treats and can’t wait to get more…  Good thing we can believe anything, because it has been some really unbelievable stuff…  lol

Anyhooh, of course everything else is well and we are working to catch up to our new forward.  We’ve been semi busy with our clients and they are happy with us and our help, and although we have not taken even one new gig big or small, we’ve certainly been preoccupied, so we’re lucky we’ve been able to do what we have done for our clients.  We also have managed to work closely with our son and getting him off to a good start in the adult world.  He’s doing better and better in school, has employment lined up, and our relationship grows, joyfully, every day.

Enough, enough, we’re late, we’re late, and we’re still not solid on our feet to even begin to grasp where we now are in the rabbit hole, or wait, is that, in and of The Whole…  Hahahahahahahahaha.


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