With Purpose, With Passion, But Lost In Direction…

  A cray cray good day to each and all and a YAAAAAY to this beautiful new day, today, that we have been tussling with so far.

We’re still sort of settling in with our changes of late.  Our notebook is full of scribbles and circles of things to research, things to verify, things to try to understand better.

We had always been good, we didn’t want to have our thinking and thunking, our own figuring, influenced by others.  We didn’t want to be saying we agreed or disagreed.  It’s also sort of like, if everyone else is eating apples, you just assume you will like apples.  It would just seem better to not know that everyone else liked apples before you try one and decide.

Reading the works of RA regarding the Law of One, as well as the Seth material, really whacked us upside the head.  We’re not even done with the RA books and already intend to reread them, there’s just so much there that we can relate to and understand that we just rush from page to page gobbling up the words, looking for more we understand, but not dwelling on some really good stuff that we don’t understand so well.  Like the Tarots and Archetypes and their relationship and such, the three sets of 7 and whatever.  We’ve known some folks into Tarot and thought we knew a bit about them but now know was almost nothing.  Stuff like that and other material is worth rereading the books for, something we normally would never do.  lol

It’s like we always know, what’s for us and what’s not, what we should be concerned with and what we shouldn’t, but we’re never sure if our intuition is right.  You have to just run with it and then learn to trust it as you go apparently.  But we have often thought that if you handle things well, and we do, how can you really tell if your intuition was right?  You end up questioning your questioning and the next thing ya know you’re thinking about the indefinite number of potentials and possibilities and saying to yourself that it doesn’t really matter what you do because you are going to do everything anyways.  The possibilities of potentials hones the skill we’re guessing, the knowing, because otherwise we could see our self running in circles, chasing our own tale so to speak, if you start trying to chase down variations of potentials and possibilities and then try to put a feel to them all you would never do anything else and nothing would ever get done, no decisions would ever get made.

There was so much stuff there that we could relate to, the Law of One stuff.  The service to self as negative and service to others as positive and the back and forth polarities and all that make them up in the color spectrum, let alone the densities and the beings and the…  Just incredible.

We would definitely have to say, notwithstanding our close but no cigar stuff, and of course the stuff we didn’t know and had never heard of before, the rest of that ka-ka was affirmation, buckets and buckets of it, and we couldn’t be happier about it.  At least now, if is our own wrong thinking that we don’t understand and so can’t change, at least we know we didn’t make it all up in our head, but if we did, at least apparently others have to, hopefully lots of others.  Although we’re not sure what’s out there for Law of One sort of cray cray, once we finish reading and rereading we’ll look around and see.  Would certainly be interesting to see what became of the group involved with the channeling itself as well as what became of the publishing of the books and such, how they were received and what others understood of or from them.  We’ll get to all that when we get there…

Hasn’t been easy just to get done stuff we have had to get done, but we have managed very well, and top notch too, our work has been outstanding as of late and our clients are all happy.  The helping people part maintains our focus!  Which, we recently had a client tell us that if they hadn’t hired us they would have had to close their doors within a week or so and couldn’t thank us enough for what we have done for them.  Was nice!  Felt good!  They have 50 plus employees!!!

Things are also going awesome with our son.  He is soon to graduate and has employment lined up.  We already have a wonderful start to our relationship, he speaks of the positive influence we have been on him already, and we couldn’t ask for more than that.  Our talks get better and better as he tests the waters so to speak, figuring out who and what we really are.  We’re going to help him get where he has to be and make sure he is settled in as he starts his career off and then we’ll head out.  We’re not sure where we’re headed at that point, no clue, not even a hint.  There’s a few places we could go, clients and business acquaintances who would love to see us if we stopped by, but then what?

We passed on the remote viewing event at perhaps one of the more famous locations for consistent paranormal activities, the ECETI Ranch.  We had too much going with clients and our son and our own whacks to the head with the Law of One stuff to put any real energy into it if there and so chose not to at this time.  We can always get back to it if we choose in the future, there will be more events, although we would like to stop for a weekend at the ranch just to see what we can feel.  Normally that stuff stays away from us so it would be interesting at the least just to see if we picked up on something.  Which, reading the RA stuff helped out there as well, and made some sense of our past experience with such things.

We’ve got tons on our plate right now internally with this Law of One stuff, and obviously we came across it when we did, which was by accident, for reasons as yet unknown to us.  We’ve now got plenty of answers and hordes more questions regarding who and what we are.  We’re thinking and thunking and rethinking and rethunking, so much we knew, so much we thought we knew, so much we didn’t know, so much we shouldn’t have known.  We’re different already and feel it!  Strange, very strange indeed, but exciting forward right now!

Are we a Wanderer?  We’ve been called it, specifically, and from Ascended Master to Light Worker and related terms, many times over the years when we stuck our head up publicly regarding consciousness and / or self awareness.  Worse, we have been told and others have said they were told, that we are one of the oldest souls here, several used the term, like a dinosaur. lol

We know we have always been different, an anomaly is our term, and we have always tried to help people and see helping people, a life of service, as what we are suppose to do, all of us.  We also thought that the piece of paper that says we blew out a Doctor administered Wechsler and have an IQ of 175 helped explain some of that being different stuff, but now have to try to figure out if there might be more to it apparently.

On the bright side, even if not a wanderer, a being from a higher density that came to help with the “harvest” and just can’t remember yet, lol, at least we have a pretty good feel that we are “harvestable” so to speak, and hopefully moving on to 4th density when the defecation hits the rotary instrument and earth goes there.  It’s the if we’re suppose to do more and what is that more we’re suppose to do, stuff?  Cray cray stuff for sure, and we’re just starting all this figuring out, we haven’t even finished the RA books let alone reread them.  Our thoughts are all over the place such that our thoughts, words and actions are already changing forward here and there.  Like we went from clear to blurry and then clear again or from blurry to clear or from clear to blurry, on various thoughts, beliefs and such, sometimes bits, sometimes bigger, of all varieties.  Perhaps the best way to put it would be that we are or seem to be better suited to our self, if there is such a thing…

Forward, always forward…

We’ve lots to do and are on it, answers and questions, questions and answers, and finishing and rereading RA’s Law of One books, so we better get back at it.


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