Bye Bye Boise and Running From The Cold…

  A weather, it’s what’s outside, good day to each and all, and a big smooch to this beautiful new day, today, that we all, any fortunate enough to, get to dance, dance, dance with, and enjoy forward, always forward…

We headed out of Boise a few days after the graduation.  It had already started to get cold at night, into the 30’s F and the days seemed like fall in New England without the colors.  The wind whipped the falling everywhere leaves and temps would get into the 50’s F.  Definitely time to get out of town!  We’ve learned that when it comes to the RV we like the temps at least in the 50’s F at night.  We don’t use the a/c much at all and the same for the heat if we can help it.  We have wheels, no reason not to find pleasant weather, we’re learning…

We could have gone directly south into Nevada, towards Reno then Las Vegas, and been warm.  lol  We were foolish!  We had decided we should knock out our visit to San Antonio, it was owed and we figured south is where we were going anyway so why not now.  We decided to go east and turn south at Denver but were not paying attention to the weather.  In our head it was mid October, fall at the latest, and not winter.  We were wrong!

The whole trip across Idaho was freezing cold and rain and wind.  Wyoming only got worse, with sleet and horrible visibility, many miles were driven under the caution lights on the highway at speeds of 35 mph and less.  When we turned right at Denver it was just as ugly but with higher elevation, and we didn’t stop until just north of Pueblo, CO, with temps at 37 degrees F, almost 1,000 miles from where we started.

We woke in the cold and headed right off further south looking for warm weather.  New Mexico was a bit better, not much, and extremely windy, and we ended up in Lubbock, TX with temps in the high 50’s F before we stopped again.  From there we hopped SW to San Antonio and the finally much warmer weather, high 70’s to low 80’s F.

We have no luck though, and the very next day, the rain and cold came to most of Texas.  Overnight the temps dropped to low 40’s F and then stayed in the 40’s F with rain and wind all day.  The fun, the fun, the fun…

With graduation over, our son is headed to South Dakota for a few days of training and then to NE Nebraska for work.  He has a good head start and we are very proud of him.  We’re going to stay away and let him settle in some with adulthood.  We’re not going near that cold either!  lol

Our visit in San Antonio went well, we enjoyed some awesome authentic Mexican food and met some nice people.  Downtown San Antonio is very nice with the river walk but the traffic is horrendous like most cities these days.  Our business acquaintance wants us to stay awhile and we’re looking at places to stay but aren’t sure whether we should head for better weather instead.  lol

We’ve been busy with work and head stuff, thinking and thunking, figuring.  We’ve also been researching, we’re funny that way.  With the clients all happy we’re really just looking for nice weather to relax for a bit.  Looking around though, most of the area is going to be rainy and cool for the next few weeks, so the question is where to go for better weather?  West toward lower California or east towards Louisiana, and how far either way til some relaxing warm weather?

Oh well, we’ll hunker down for at least today, unless the weather really improves, and we’ll head off tomorrow.  We’ve work we can do, and always more researching, so we’re good here, and wifi is good signal off our phone if nothing else.  lol

Goodness, gracious, what a weather system!  Our hunkering down didn’t last long and we decided with temps still in the 40’s F to just keep going west until we found good weather.  There was 40 miles leading to Flagstaff with snow on the ground, not a good sign, so we kept going.  The Hoover Dam was nice but the weather was just starting to break.  As we came down into Nevada the temps started to rise, and we were just outside Las Vegas when we finally, finally, found good weather we could sit and stay for a while with.

Las Vegas!  We’ve never been a gambler, and although we’re not sure if we’re trying to get lost or trying to be found, we know the weather will be nice for a while still so we’re going to stay a bit.  Over 2,300 miles in about a week, with almost all of them cold, windy, and rainy, and with little to no sunshine.  What an adventure…

It’s a beautiful day!  Sunny, high 70’s F…


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