June, July, August 2019, The Adventures Of A Happy Fool Continues…

 A fine and well good day to each and all, and of course a warm welcome to this beautiful new day, today, that we get to have and to hold.

We were reminded the other day that we are new every moment, we really are.  Actually, EVERYTHING is brandy, dandy new, every moment…

We were in Kansas, slow rolling towards Alabama after stopping in Wichita.  The flooding on the news was nothing to what we saw on the ground, same for Oklahoma, and same for Arkansas.  We saw the Arkansas river and it was angry.  lol  From the much higher ground of the highway we passed buildings with water rushing through them and the water was almost covering first floor windows, just the top of the window frame and a few inches below was above the water line.  We saw some areas where the water was halfway up the telephone poles.  Mother Nature always bats last they say!  Incredible!!!

Wow!  Has been a few months since we started this and wrote the above.  We had just gotten back to NH in June.  Now it’s August and we’re headed for September.  Time waits for no one, like the Stones sang. lol

It has been a busy Summer of 2017!  lol

We are well of course, we are always well.  Even though there are always folks telling us we are not always well, which makes no sense to us, we are well. lol

Observationally speaking, we are unsure how we would not be well, for to be is well enough by itself for one to be well.  Heck we must be doing better than anything not even here! 😉

There are good days and there are better days.  Any day is a good day regardless of what happens as long as you survive.  That’s a good day!  The rest of any day you survive can only be a varying degree of relative betterness.  Hahahahahahaha…

It has been quite an up and down adventurous few months, and we’re sure as always it will take some time to digest some of it.

With September just around the bend and some mediation postponements we’re non chalantly working on our scheduled travels.  As long as we are south enough to avoid lower 40’s F we’re fine.  That’s about our bottom zone of preference.  It can get down to about mid 40’s at night and we don’t mind, as long as that is the coldest at night. lol

There are some spots we want to check out, so for now, our goal is to spend the Fall and Winter as close to the beach as we can get, on it if available, as long as the temps fit our low zone threshold.   With the Atlantic and the Gulf to play with, we have from about Jersey down the east coast and back up the west coast of Florida and around the turn towards Texas to play with.  Unless dragged away for client stuff where our presence is needed hands on, that’s where we’ll be.  Hahahahahahaha…

We’re headed out soon, always forward…







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