September 2019, And The Beat Goes On…

For sure a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee good day to each and all and a gushing greetings to this beautiful new day, today, that we each have to make or break our way forward should we be so willing and able, to the best of our abilities

The seconds, the minutes, the hours, the days, the weeks, the months, the years, the decades, the centuries, the eons, all man made social structures which mean nothing more than what we choose them to.  lol

The past, the present, and the future all happen in the same moment, because everything that ever was is brandy dandy new every single moment and all there is, is the moment, that being, and it is merely the perspective that changes.  lol

The frequency and the vibrations of the energy, those are the things that vary the energy as perceived, or as they may be perceived.

The energy, you may say, lol, well of course, that is the infinite love and light of the one that we are all a part of, personifying our own consciousness as we learn and grow internally through the scratchpad external we have available to us, to be bigger parts of the one creation, more of the one creation, more love and light, more light and love!

Ahh, the joys of being cray cray… lol  Or in our case, Commander Cray Cray! 🙂

Not being concerned with the moving picture show that is the external scratchpad, understanding its use and functionality, using discretion when it comes to interaction, the knowing of it being a choice, a choosing, and searching, or at least pondering, lol, the purpose of any choosing to interact in any form, fashion or manner, and the attempt, often in vain, of forecasting the multiple myriad of consequences.  Hahahahahahahaha…

Back on the road may have us a bit loopy, who knows?  Or….  Bwahahahahahaha…

The good news is that it doesn’t even matter!  Blah, blah, blah, none of it….  Like the song says, nothing really matters…  The value of anything can only be put there by something else…. 😉

The left turn is that there is nothing else!  SO if there is nothing else, just the pure love and light of the light and love, there can be no value on anything.  lol  The state of anything is the state that it is and nothing else!  IT can only be what IT is, and to place value on it, on anything, regardless of what it is, implies separation…  Of which there is none!  Wawawawawawawawawa…  There is no separation…  Never has been, never will be, that is the illusion of existence of anything matter the noun, a pretend separation, a veil from truth, to be overcome perhaps?  Or perhaps USED!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The old saying I am you and you are me and we are each and every?  Bwahahahahahahaha…

There is only one, we are all a part of it, everything is, expressions of it, individualistically, perceptionally, perspectively, personality.  Specks of the brilliance yet all of it.  To be is to be unconditionally loved, so blessed, so valuable, and given quality time, moments, that’s all they are, to be all that we can be any moment, or the next, or the next.  SO many opportunities to experience the existence of being, those freaking moments.  Not to judge them, not to control them, not to anything else except be who and what we are, NO FUCKING MATTER WHAT, lol, and that is our truest expression of the love and light, the light and love that we are, the shiniest our speck shines and the brighter the whole of the one that all is…

Enough rambling, we’ve walking to do, thunking to do, this night…  And there’s Atlantic waters a hundred feet or so away with miles of beach left or right to walk. lol


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