October 2019, What A Beautiful World…

A make it an amazing, good day to each and all and everything, and of course open arms to this beautiful new day, today, always deserving of praise.

If the moment is new and the moment is now, and as always will be what it is, every single one, just imagine all the moments of each and all and every thing, the moments here, the moments there, the moments everywhere, always and forever, all together, the nows. lol  An apparent infinite nows!  Now, and now, and now, every moment.  So much in so little every part of the all!..

Back on the road, we’re south for the winter.  No sense not having temperate weather when it is an option, as we have long said.

We’re also back walking tons more, and our thunking has been better for it, we’re sure.  We also noticed our ankle tan, something we hadn’t seen since last year in Vegas.

With lots going on for clients we have been all over the place since leaving Spokane in May, hard to believe, but oh well, gots to make the paper, but like we have said, we are very, very fortunate, very blessed, to be able to make paper helping folks.

We still haven’t made it to the Edgar Cayce Institute, although we do take advantage of our membership for the online access to his amazing work.  Vegas, Kansas, Atlanta, Myrtle Beach, some incredible walks, we are always the observant.  lol

Of course what we see on the ground, out in the streets, is nowhere close to what we see presented in the news.  It is almost as if everyone has already turned into zombies and the zombie apocalypse already happened and we are dealing with the aftermath, which appears to be apathetic acceptance unfortunately.

For those trying to get ahead, things seem very opportunistic.  Everyone is hiring, there are jobs everywhere open and waiting for anyone wanting to work.  For those not wanting to work, things are horrible and getting worse and it is getting harder and harder to just survive and do whatever else one wishes.  Of course the opportunistic atmosphere has been a windfall for the crooks, and big dollar hustles are easy to find, and the minions of the Haves are scooping millions, billions, and probably trillions from the Have Nots, which is most, and it certainly isn’t just the United States.  If you take the time to go to a site like Newseum and check out the newspapers from countries around the world you will see chaos, and the magnitude of it, is not localized.  It would appear, observationally of course, lol, that there is currently a world wide battle for control of the masses being done, and other than some splinter areas it is being done through chaos and the swinging of the pendulum of consensus of localized masses to the extremes.

In simplest terms, the Haves have most of the Have Nots at each other’s throats for the most ridiculous stuff, most of which is EGO related, the biggest weakness of us humans.  The we’re all different and special and unique and important has become we’re different so you are wrong, or worse, we’re different so you must be evil.  For the record, this can only be happening because folks aren’t that smart externally and or they aren’t that deep internally.  Ah, the fun, the fun, the fun…

Here in America the extreme left of the pendulum is having a horribly tough time claiming that anyone not in agreement with them is extreme right of the pendulum, which tells us the chaos and troubles are only going to get worse since most of those not in agreement with them are far from the far right they are being accused of and being treated like by the left.  The live and let live crowd has become live like we tell you or else crowd!  lol

Just one small example of the extreme nonsense is the hysteria surrounding climate change here in America.  The, right now, we only have 12 years left crowd trying to force their ways because of the as they say we’re all going to die soon existential scenario.  Now don’t get us wrong, being environmentally conscious should be a way of life, but using the roughest of numbers, if we shut down America, everybody leaves and we turn the lights off on the way out, all three hundred million of us, gone, no more, it would make no difference,  NONE! lol

As we said, roughest numbers!  The simplest…  America makes up less than 5% of the world population! Hahahahahahaha……

To further the ridiculousness, it appears that 90% of the plastic crap in our destroyed oceans comes from just, JUST 10 rivers.  Eight are Asian and two are African.  They are the Yangtze, Hai He, Yellow, Pearl, Amur, Mekong, Indus, Ganges, Nile, and Niger.  These Asian and African rivers are polluted by up and coming, growing rapidly cultures and peoples, many of which are still living in third world conditions.  Should we expect more or less pollution from these rivers in the next 12 years before we’re all gone or soon going and the world crosses the rubicon to destruction?

Now granted, we don’t like to see the trash and waste, the ultra consumerism, unchecked and unrestrained capitalism driven America we see every day, coast to coast and top to bottom we see on the streets in our travels.  There’s lots to do and lots to be done, but it starts and happens with each individually in their thinking, speaking and doing…  Throughout history, conquering people has never evolved them!  Hahahahahahaha

Trickery…  Plain and simple, as always has been and always will be, the Haves are tricking the Have Nots…

What we are seeing in America now, as we have said before, is the mainstream manipulation of the selfishism indoctrinated into folks and the controlled projection of individuals onto others via EGO.  Something done time and time again throughout history, the Haves have just gotten much, much better at it.  lol  It is easy to forget how not long ago here in this country we had the Red Scare and everyone not in line was a communist, or how not so long ago here in this country anyone not in line was a witch.  Perhaps a more famous one elsewhere, although it did spread far and wide, The Spanish Inquisition, if anyone even still remembers that, let alone bothers to do any real research on it. lol

Since the baby boomers started selling their parent’s homes and putting them in nursing homes, America has steadily been pushing more and more selfishism on each and all.  To the point where now all little weeds are flowers and if not a victim you surely must be a perpetrator!  lol

There is so much going on regarding bigger and bigger pictures, and the Haves, who always have a plan, know what they are doing, and are doing what they think they should do to get the world where they think it should be forward.  This is about control, nothing more, nothing less!

As long as individuals are focused on anything but bettering their own thoughts, their own words, their own actions, they are putty in the hands of the minions of the Haves and that is what we see.  The chaos will surely continue and surely get worse, and we await the crescendo…


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