Credit Repair, Passion Drags Us Into Another Horror Show To Help Folks…

A take, take me home good morning to each and all, and a tip of the hat hello to this beautiful new day, today, that those of us fortunate enough to, seem to be experiencing.

The rabbit hole always goes deeper and further, and there is no end to the infinite, so the true self true path adventure is never ending.  Regardless of the amount of love and light we become of The Love and Light there will always be an infinity more, an endless true self true path adventure.

We have long said things always happen for a reason and we have long said we never know what we will get involved with and just try to follow our passions.

We’ve been working, helping folks, it’s what we do, and consider it a sincere blessing to be able to make good honest paper doing what we do.

We were down in Miami recently to file a Bar Complaint and a lawsuit for a client.  We had to be around before hand to use the law library and familiarize with the court.  While there we made sure to spend some time with some good folks we have done business with in the past and while catching up over lunch they asked if we could help them with something.  That’s how it always starts!  lol

Their project is pretty big, a call center off shore with multiple verticals that will be tied into a small main office here in the states.  These are good guys who try to do things right so of course we said we’d help any way we could.

It was while discussing various verticals that Credit Repair came up.  We’d done Credit Repair for clients as needed but never really looked into the behind the scenes big business of it because we never thought that much about folks selling it and charging folks $100 or more per month, plus more for monitoring because the Credit Repair folks are all affiliates of the monitoring companies and get paid to send them clients, which they probably don’t tell their clients.  We also had spoken with many folks, including clients, who complained about their Credit Repair companies or “guys” not getting the results promised or even close after charging them several thousand dollars.  The whole thing stunk to us because we know real credit repair is just sending letters to the big 3 reporting agencies and sometimes to the creditors, or furnishers as they are called.  The big 3 are Trans Union, Equifax, and Experian.  That’s it!  Really!  We have even talked people through doing it on their own.  We told them what to send and they would call us every month with what came back and we’d go from there with the next letter.  It is just a process!  It can take 6 to 12 months or more, depending on what you dispute and how determined you are.  lol


Since Credit Repair was one of the verticals these guys wanted me to help them set up they asked me to take a look at an active company another friend of theirs, one not always doing things the right way we should ad, lol, was operating.  They said they were told they could look at his, so we had unlimited access to the entire operation from lead source to collections.  We learned we were long right, it stunk from front to rear!  We ended up telling the folks asking for our help that we could not be involved if that was what they wanted us to set up for them.  They said they knew we would say that and asked us how to set Credit Repair up right so they could have it as one of the verticals.  That’s how our latest adventure, Credit Repair, began.

We went and did our due diligence!  We found that most of the big companies used automated software, monitoring affiliation, and a library of letters available for electronic client signatures to overcharge folks for a very simple service.  We looked at the different software, chose Credit Repair Cloud, a very popular and easy to use software, and went and got Certified with their software.  We followed that up with Disputing Certification just to make sure there wasn’t something out there we didn’t already know, which turned out there wasn’t, go figure.  lol

As we began looking into doing it right we learned more and more about those doing it wrong and why they were not getting the results they should have.  We learned about the computerized E-Oscar system the big 3 use for incoming mail disputes and how the system gives incoming dispute mail a two digit code, of only 26, to sort incoming disputes through the automated system before ever reaching a human, if ever.  We learned that the big 3 do not like folks using Credit Repair companies, consider it a loophole in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and stall and delay when they are used.  Something the Credit Repair companies take advantage of to charge far more months than actually needed when done right.  We found out that just by not mailing the letters from the same general area or zip code of the client, the automated system my brand the mailed dispute letter as “frivolous” and stall or send a letter saying the client is using a Credit Repair company and the FCRA states the individual may dispute anything on their credit but does not mention Credit Repair companies.  This is just a stall because they will eventually deal with the dispute, so as we said, it just adds to the time it takes and the more monthly fees the Credit Repair company then gets to charge the client.

Another thing the Credit Companies we researched did wrong was they don’t bother to spend more of all that money the clients send them to track the letters they send.  Without tracking that automated system has another reason to stall and delay or perhaps never even receive the letters, and we did come across companies that often “skip” letters just to prolong the process at the client’s expense.

After a couple weeks of serious due diligence we put together what we considered a legitimate, designed to help the client for minimal costs, Credit Repair company on paper for the folks who had asked for it.  They loved what we did but decided not to send the letters from the client’s location but did agree to pay for tracking.  Unfortunately they decided to charge what the average company using Credit Repair Cloud software charged, $90 upfront and $90 per month instead of the much lower prices we showed them they could do it for and still make a good amount of honest money.

This was of course their business to do with as they wished, and we’re going to go ahead and help them with the other verticals and some other stuff as needed but of course now can’t be involved as an actual partner or player so to speak, other than just helping them get it up and running and such, organized and what have you.  We only do things right!

Anyways, so that’s why we had to open a Credit Repair company!  Hahahahahahaha….

We set it up, have clients already, their Client Logon is on the front page of, and we’re training someone who previously worked for us to run it, and once he is trained and all is well we’ll give him a Credit Repair web site and set up an office with staff for him.  We purchased access to the Credit Repair Cloud software, but are just using our Limited Power of Attorney and simple Agreement we always do, because why fix that if it ain’t broke.  lol

The client portal is awesome though and we are using it for all our other clients as well already, not just for Credit Repair.  It allows the client to upload docs, message, see what’s going on with their stuff, and has great resources like calculators, budget, income and expense tools, and lots more.

Our clients have two choices for the Credit Repair service.  For $20 per month we audit their credit reports with them to decide what to dispute and go over the responses they get each month from the big 3 or creditor / furnisher.  We send them the letters through their client portal each month and they just print, sign and mail with tracking, and since we know to have the big 3 send back an updated credit report with their response, we don’t need to try to sell a monitoring service to our clients, something they don’t really need, but can use theirs if they already have one and choose to keep it.  For $40 per month we print the letters, put them in envelopes with stamps and tracking, and send the letters to the client Priority Mail and they just open the Priority Mail and mail the enclosed letters every month.  Credit Repair done right!  We should get great results, we always have doing it right anyways, and save folks from wasting tons of money for crappy Credit Repair at greedy prices!

We’re already getting referrals, and expect that once we get over the hump and have enough clients with awesome results we should develop an amazing word of mouth business from social media.  In the meantime, we’re going to run some ads on Craigslist starting in January and spend the rest of the month tweaking the system for our own use and enrolling clients as they come, for $20 per month or $40 per month!

We’re off, we’ve added another arm of Güldies on this adventure to help as many folks as we can, to put out as much good energy as we can…


CRC Software Certification

Basic Disputing Certification

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