Push… Push… Always Forward…

A Good Golly Miss Molly good morning to each and all!  We were about two when Little Richard released that one in 1965, now there was a soul with passion.  That’s all you can ever hope for, regardless of anything else, nay, above all else, passion.

You know with that passion comes all kinds of ups and downs, and with passions it is really, really ups and really, really downs, unexplainable to those without the understanding which only comes from the experience of passion itself.  Although we are always surprised that folks who do have a bit of passion for this or that don’t broaden it across the spectrum of their living and loving?  It’s like, well, you see the awesome and amazing of passion here, why wouldn’t you want to bring it to more of you and yours and your world for a better world?  They fail to connect the dots and correlate the truths?

Sad, but not of course because everything is the way it should be, always has been and always will be.  Which kinda tosses that sad, any sad for that matter, which is very helpful.  Funny how understanding works!  Just saying…  lol

Yea, pretty sure we would know that the moment we aint laughing is the moment we know our ka-ka is weak and needs to be addressed quickly and brought back to being on point.  Even at the very least we should be laughing at our self or the ridiculousness of it all or pretty much anything external, come on, the giggles just come up.  It is a good way to feel forward true self true path when it’s all funny, a relaxing, understanding, shaking your head smile where you are always concerned about bursting out laughing at the next thing forward.

Anyhooh, back to those passions and feeling them and finding them throughout our living and loving experience, broadening the existence of them in relation to us and ours and our world for a better world and all that.

Observationally speaking, to us anyways, it seems the highs and lows of passion seem to keep folks from other passions, especially when they don’t see the connections, like when there is only one thing that is all they are “on” passionately.  When this occurs it appears to almost drain the rest of their entire existence, as if they’ve no energy left to fight for or with, forward, anything else in their lives and that one thing consumes them with its highs and lows and becomes their existence.  It is all the who and what they are in their head…  These don’t usually end well, and the lows are always worse, far worse, than the highs ever get to be.  It is easy to see the torture that would be inside their head, reaching, always reaching because they know they are there, for the highs above the highs experienced, because of the lows endured along the way, but not understanding the need for other passions or how they belittle their own passion and do it a disservice with expectations let alone it consuming them.  It really is ugly and internally as well as externally painful to watch but hey, not our circus, not our monkey.  Sounds a lot like addictions too by the way, just saying, and wonder what if any studies there are relative to addictions actually being passions, surely immature ones, but any port in the storm kinda stuff, which is certainly what they look like.  Love or fear?  Certainly not fear…  lol

Now when you get passions spread across a spectrum of living and loving you can certainly see the difference, even if the passions are to a lesser degree, wow those folks are exciting observationally.  The energy is so much better, and it’s pretty much what’s next with anticipation of their forward.  Sure, few and far between and not easily observed, but that is because they are busy living and loving, that them and theirs and their world for a better world stuff.  The internet, we will say, has opened up the opportunity to observe more and more highlights, talents, passions than any library ever could to us.  Other than research, definitely our number one thing for the internet.  Anything or anyone at the top of their game so to speak, in the zone, the highest and best natural anything is always observationally incredible, you can feel the energy, the love, which is really anything expressing itself as it is naturally.  Rare in humans but everywhere else naturally, which always shows us that Nature is nothing more than an expression of LOVE, an example, examples, all around us, every tree, every blade of grass, every bird, every ant, anything and everything alive except humans because of that free will thingy.  Nature is a reminder of who and what we are, love, and that of course which is also LOVE , showing us that life is about suffering, survival, and forward.

The rain keeps falling and we keep walking and thunking, we adjust well.  That and we do love the rain and the rain loves us.  If not for the laptop we wouldn’t even be concerned.  lol We’re just not the umbrella type, never have, never will, and are more the rain hat and a jacket

We picked up a few more small fires to address, clients with serious to them fixes needed.  Nothing too complicated, just processes ignored that then snowball south on folks when they don’t do their own research and learn what they need to learn to do what they are trying to do until it is too late.  Usually we get an email or text from someone we know regarding someone they know or a client of theirs and we’ll say sure how can we help, or we just get that conference call with them and the person, those are always the funniest.  They go through the disaster and the terrible situation they are in and the first thing we have to say is okay, calm down that aint helping nothing and will only hurt you and yours and your world and make things worse as far as getting back where you need to be and forward.  Upset and stressed is not where you want to be making decisions from, we are always saying.  lol  Most things are a process, so stress?  Toss that ka-ka, not very useful, very hurtful.  That is usually the first thing we bring to any equation, calm assessment.  lol

As long as we are good internally we know we are good externally, so we know that is where to stay focused and on point, not the other way around, that only leads to distraction, confusion, and bad decisions made without proper assessment and reflection let alone without true self true path forward or us and ours and our world for a better world forward.  Usually the two are relative but sometimes not, especially when it comes to clients though.  It is more getting them first back in control of their situation, understanding their situation and then assessing it and then making sure they have the information and such needed, the education, to be able to make the most informed decision they can forward.  We do not make decisions for folks, not our job.  Each’s situation is theirs no matter what it is!  Their perception, their perspective, their individualistic journey, and their forward opportunity.  We can only help them help their self, or we really aren’t helping them, really…

The day is young and we’ve lots to get done.  Days of the week don’t really mean anything to us other than what is open or not open, same thing with what time of day it is.  We don’t sleep enough to be concerned with time of day other than anything external we need to act upon but don’t really think about it.  We do most of our stuff on the phone or through the internet and those two are available all day every day so we pretty much are as well.  We thought of this after looking at our phone and seeing that we have had conversations or texts at all hours of the day lately due to some west coast and traveling clients and contacts as well as a few folks not paying attention to the time, lol, which we don’t mind.  We always try to get right back to folks and if not on the phone or busy with something we are usually pretty quick, no sense in letting things build up let alone back up.  That’s when an emergency comes along and nobody is ever ready at that point, so regardless we are always safety and security first, which includes that good boy scout always ready stuff.  It’s like when we see guys out in public or driving with flip flops, so emergency not ready, it’s too funny, like their life is so easy and non survival geared that the edge a pair of sneakers or shoes would give them in an emergency is so far from their field of vision.  lol  Remarkable when you consider they are out externally with their meat puppets in the man made make believe pretend skeleton land with the rest of us delusional illusions and there is nothing more dangerous.  We have long said, nobody leaves in the morning expecting not to make it back that night even though lots sure don’t…  lol

Oh well…  We have to remember that we, any of us, should only be concerned with us and ours and our world for a better world, and can only control our own thoughts, our own words, and our own actions, and the most any of us can ever do for anyone else is make them think, that’s it, but at the same time we have to remember that interaction externally is a choice, that free will thingy, so we have to weigh the options and surely also the consequences when it comes to why we would or even should interact with anything or anyone external any time we go to do so.  That old think before you speak and for sure think before you act stuff.  You sure can’t think before you think!  Hahahahahahaha…


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