Sunshine, Pretty Girls, And Flowers…

A make it happen, make it happen, damn it make it happen good day to everyone and every thing, we’re funny that way.

We screamed our existence to the universe early today and have been go go go non stop, but that has to be better than doing nothing.  lol  There is no forward for any of us when we do nothing.  Actions are what makes things happen, actions…

We all think we can, say we can, but too few act upon those first two to get anything done forward.  We know, we procrastinate a bit as well as anyone and we even know better.  It’s one of our weaknesses, but comes from putting too much thought into things, knowing what we want to do but wanting to think some more on it.  lol  Especially when given a deadline!  We always want to present our best and like anyone we always doubt our self, even though we are pretty good and get things done and they are usually done very well, we will say that.  Still, if we did them sooner we would still do what we figure we will do and really just need to relax more and self doubt less and just do them.  We know is just a silly human ego thing.  Hahahahaha…

We let a little Mardi Gras in the last few days, and today is Fat Tuesday, the most important and last day of the  celebration.  We met some good folks who wanted to show us “their” Mardi Gras, but it was definitely not the Mardi Gras we see on the streets.  lol  Fancy dressed folks in fancy rooms overlooking parade routes, catered, with wine and food in abundance more than they should be, lol, and folks getting plowed with free alcohol just because someone wants to impress them with how much money they can spend and they think they should take advantage of it.  Was not our cup of tea but we bit our tongue and played nice, we didn’t want to get tossed off the balcony.  lol  Although we did make sure to avoid as much interaction with inebriated individuals as we could, they were everywhere, and they were all professionals and college educated, which made even less sense as to why they would be acting the way they were, like alcohol and a party means anyone can act like a ka-ka head and it’s alright.  If there had been an emergency there was only one or two of us around who would have been calm with clear thinking heads, that’s for sure. We played nice though and then snuck out as soon as we could without being rude.  We did good, for us…  Hahahahaha…

As for Fat Tuesday, we have seen it up close and personal when in New Orleans years ago so we want to check it out here in Mobile and will make sure to walk around the parade routes tonight and see how they rock it here.  We turned down some invites, we’re just not very social, is hard to observe and pay attention when forced to interact.  lol  Interaction externally is a choice, and unless it has value it really is a waste of time.  There is a famous quote about being alone unless the company will improve on that.  Might be Oscar Wilde, but could be Byron or one of them.  lol  We certainly agree though, and are fine by our self and agree, if the company, the interaction, does not improve on that with good energy or good conversation or learning what purpose does it serve other than entertainment, distraction, passing time?  If alone we are always thinking and always getting stuff done in our head, even when out and about.  We observe and process the external while working on our internal stuff or things we are working on external.  We are civil and polite to anyone we come across but would rather watch anything of Nature being natural than deal with as the song says, an eminence front, one of our favorite songs by The Who, which is what folks bring to most interactions externally unfortunately, and we have no use for anything not real, not truth, we’re funny that way.  You can’t call them on it when you pick up on it, you’d make more enemies and there is no gain, and folks don’t want to talk about such things, they just want to work their hustle out there in the man made make believe pretend skeleton land with their meat puppets.  Hahahaha…

The fun, the fun, the fun…  Yep, we were just told we aren’t normal, which we always take as a compliment, and are told pretty often when we are dumb enough to interact.  We only drink the kool aid of truth and even try to not drink our own kool aid when it doesn’t seem natural and we find our ego out when we lose focus and fall off point.  Unfortunately if you don’t constantly remember that idiot is there it sneaks out any and every chance it can, because as we have said, it really thinks it is in charge, doesn’t even know we are here, and thinks it is taking care of us, protecting us, and doing what is best for us, which is all ka-ka of course but the ego can’t understand its own wrong thinking and can’t comprehend being wrong.  It is quite the piece of work, and comes with any human animal once it gets consciousness, awareness.  Like the line says, what is bad for the ego is good for the soul!!!  We try to remember that and keep our idiot occupied with stuff.  As long as it thinks it is in charge, thinks it has everything under control and thinks all is well, we can keep it calm and quiet and out of our way, which is always the goal.  No ego is best but we sure aint there yet!

Heck, we have said we believe we don’t really need these bodies and that once we personify enough love within we can exist without them while we wait for evolution to catch up, sort of like Jesus or Mohammad or Buddha, or for that matter tons of ancient religious figures.  We, consciousness, are just passing through these animals we have to drag around with us, we are evolving through them, they are a vehicle, a tool, a box, but regardless, they certainly are matter the noun so we know they aint real and don’t matter, that’s for sure.

Nope, enough rambling, back at it.  We have folks blowing up our phone and text messaging and emails and we already fell a bit behind today and need to get at them as well as wrap up some things, and we always have to keep moving forward no matter what.  Besides, is Fat Tuesday and that should always include some celebration and some observing externally whenever you happen upon it, so we still have plenty of miles to walk before it ends at midnight.  The sun is shining more today than the last month, also a great plus for as of late…

Happy Mardi Gras!



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