We All Do The Best We Can… Most Of The Time…

A very warm and wonderful good morning to each and all, and a come and get you some of this to the beautiful new day we apparently have front and center in our way.

Days come and days go, and they wear folks down when not excited, when not passionate, when not pushing forward, charging up their hills of their day chasing amazing and magic, seeking truths, living and loving hard.

That us and ours and our world for a better world stuff no longer the front of their focus and they fall off point.  They get caught up in the man made make believe pretend of the external skeleton land where we all must go to get anything done, to find our truths, to be who and what we are.  There’s just so much out there to slow us down and stop us if we let it.  So much out there with no purpose or value except to hold us down and back!  Folks don’t realize how dangerous it is to them internally.  Heck most don’t realize how dangerous it is to them externally for that matter.  lol

We are constantly reminding our self that interaction with the external is a choice for the most part, optional, we don’t have to interact.  If it is not relative to us and ours and our world for a better world, or relative to our forward or truth seeking, it really has no value and is a waste of our precious time, attention and energy, our moments.  We all only have so many breaths left, any of us alive.  You would think those breaths, what we do during them forward, would be pretty important, and we try, we try, we try…

We hear so often that “it is fun” or “everyone does it” or “please the desires the heck with the rest” from folks close enough to us for us to ask what the heck they are doing and why.  Ummm…  Really?  Really?  Ugh, and we can see why we aren’t very close to very many people.  lol  We don’t do well with weak.  We don’t do well with folks who don’t understand their ego or consciousness or the difference between the two and which one they are, the animal or the awareness at any given moment.  Just too much to even attempt to reconcile with them and we have to just let them be and try to avoid them, the unnatural hits they stay open to and pretty much invite into their life could easily get to us if we aren’t careful and nope, we’ll pass on that, thanks.  We don’t care if they think we are rude or a snob or better than them, always a popular response, it is really just safety and security but that explanation is never to their liking.  Hahahahaha…

Unnatural hits spread far and wide in the us and ours and our world for a better world realm, and anyone inviting them in, even urging them on by doing things they know they shouldn’t do, creates energy drains on anyone and everything in their world with reckless disregard.  The mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe don’t care, whack, whack, whack, it’s just doing the equations of any interaction and what is brought by anything or anyone, anything matter the noun, to any of those interactions.  A pretty good nothing but trouble situation that if we could all see it we would all run and hide from those folks instead of associating with them in any way.

They’re family though, or friends, or our drinking or drug buddies, or our co-workers or our neighbors, they are always people we “think” is okay to have in our lives or that we choose to associate with for whatever reasons we validate to our self.  Heck, we may drink the kool aid of our kryptonite still once in a while but we have put enough space between us, currently 1500+ miles, lol, to be able to recover quickly when we do drink the kool aid and catch our self doing so.

The rest?  Unless us and ours and our world for a better world, well we know to wish everyone well but most folks well away from us, but in today’s world that is frowned upon by the man made make believe pretend external skeleton land as well all those conforming so nicely, swilling that kool aid like it’s life saving.  lol  It aint!  It just keeps them from important and wastes their time, attention and energy so they get less done, never become all they can be, and die with tons of regrets before their time. Who jumps into that line?

Senseless, and to us it all looks like an auto pilot over eating ant farm of zombies, currently shopping at the Dollar Store, eating pulp and sugar water at the dollar menu, watching the latest ka-ka on the television, wearing the latest overpriced whatever, listening to the latest media made whatever, and paying more attention to politics and religion as if they weren’t there to control the masses, while using their phones to pretend they are awesomely happy and everything is awesome and they are wonderful by posting pic after pic, wanting attention from more and more folks who don’t care about them and know it is all make believe because theirs is as well.  lol  Yet whenever called on the carpet or caught and forced to reflect on their life or actions everything is someone else’s fault when it comes to their life.  A big bag of misery, fronting most moments, that eminence front stuff, lol, and then lashing out at those near them and others, in frustration, with those closest to them always suffering the most.  Why would anyone get in that line and drink that kool aid?  Yet they drink it and drink it and drink it, and we’re wrong for not drinking it or worse, pointing it out to them.  Hahahahaha…  Silly humans, come on evolution.

Busy, busy, busy, we’re getting up there with haters in the crooked and unregulated cash advance industry.  Several times we have been told to be careful, that some folks are looking for us.  lol  Apparently, meddling in their billion dollar legal loan sharking business is not welcome!  If we had feelings we might, might be hurt.  lol  Once clients understand that any and all of it is a process and are informed and educated about the industry and things like a loan is a loan is a loan and hence subject to usury laws they feel empowered.  That’s the word they use!  They want to take back control of their finances and life and get rid of these crooks in their world stealing all their money, and they all promise to only seek legitimate APR products or asset based funding forward, go figure.

We are dealing with about 18 creditors at this time between our clients.  A few have already settled here and there, others are screaming and hollering and threatening and working that intimidation and harassment avenue of approach, which really isn’t going to help with the amicable resolution of the matters but does earn their salary.  The rest don’t seem to know what to do?  Nobody ever really goes after them, let alone someone with the knowledge of the industry that we have from the inside having worked hard to do clients right and get them what they needed with legitimate products and seen first hand the back stabbing and lies and crookedness throughout the industry.  Heck even we have had underwriters call us trying to steal deals from their employer, asking us if we want them.  We always said NO!

We have said since day one in the industry that they were crooks!  We have said the whole industry knows who the worst offenders are and does nothing about it, even though the industry has pretty much eaten itself to starvation and the battle for any good deals is a free for all.  We have traced deals that went through six (6) brokers, all who got paid on the deal unbeknownst to the end client.  It really is incredible, the lies and promises that never come to fruition , and the businesses destroyed from these deals non stop one after another.  The default rate across the industry is, depending on sources, 10-16% but they don’t care, they make the money too fast to worry about it.  Most of those defaults never recover, the businesses, and many close or file for Bankruptcy, and there are over 300 plus business related BK filings every day now across the country.

We try to talk them out of it, potential clients, and make sure they know we are a last resort.  We even tell them we’d be happier to have them pay us a small referral fee and we can talk them through it, even tell them what to say and how to direct any attorneys they may have to hire.  So far anyone we have told that to becomes a client insisting they pay us to handle things, which is always a huge mess we have to straighten out and assess first, before anything.  We have to see everything from before first deal and everything and anything between them and the Broker or ISO or Funder all the way through present, emails, texts, whatever, and we need bank statements as well.  We make sure to fully assess the situation first!  Why?  Because once we do that the rest is a process.  Once we assess and go over everything with the clients they know where they are, how they got there, and see what is ahead good and bad from there and how they will use the process, including the courts if needed, to get them where they need to be forward, and back in control of their future and rid of these crooks.

Fun, fun, fun, and since we picked up two more major clients this week and have tons of emails, texts, and what have you coming from multiple sources to organize and assess, we should probably get back at it.  lol  We are paid too well not to, and take our responsibilities to each client and their situation personal, because it is to them!  We bring calm assessment to the clients, inform and educate them, and hand hold them through the entire process they have chosen forward to get them where they need to be.  Apparently we are very good at it, they say.  lol  We do love helping folks and putting out as much good energy as we can, and we surely are passionate about stopping bad guys.

So up, up and away, the breeze in our cape…  Hahahahahahahaha…


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