Cleaning Day… Clean House, Clean Head, Clean Heart…

A smell the squeaky of that clean good day to each and all, and a let the sun in welcome to this beautiful new day, today, that we each, those of us that do, have at our disposal at the moment, front and center, wanting our attention.

Yep, a good chill day!  An early morning walk and then some fresh coffee while we straightened out and cleaned the house.  lol  It never takes very long, we don’t make much of a mess.  We’re more the clean as we go and put things away, so just a good wiping down and some Febreze on all the fabrics and we’re good to go.  By the time we were ready for a second cup of coffee the place was clean and we sat down to play some chess.  We did laundry the day before, filled up the gasoline and water tanks, and even managed a Jiffy Lube oil change as well.  We try to take care of things and get them done.

The RV is running great and we are thoroughly enjoying our new adventure.  We’re learning to use the RV Parks, Campgrounds, Truck Stops, Rest Areas, Walmarts, and even Street parking pretty well for parking overnight.  We alternate and move around as needed or convenient.  That, and wifi!  lol  We make sure we are never very far from good wifi, and have only had to use our phone as a hotspot a few times so far so we can’t complain.  Daytime is usually easy, and it is only sometimes at night and for overnight that good wifi is ever an issue.  We have never been booted from anywhere, just a few warnings, but we’re pretty good at staying out of the way and low profile. With the inverter we don’t need a generator, which is really what makes you stand out as not passing through when in an RV.  It’s even easy to stay at a 24 hour Walmart or bus stop or casino or other business that doesn’t allow overnight parking when you blend in with the other parked cars and aren’t off by your self with a generator going or a propane tank sitting next to you on the ground.  lol

We’ve a couple of calls we have to make today and we’re waiting for some responses via email that we may have to address if and when they come in, but other than that and a bit of research we can do later and some documents we need to look over we’re pretty much caught up, under control and on point with everything and ready for anything that might pop up emergency wise.  We’ve some volunteering we’re scheduled for tomorrow and maybe Monday if we’re still around, but nothing today or this weekend.   There’s a Mensa event with one of the local chapters, and we’ve been keeping an eye out for them as we travel, but we always end up talking our self out of actually showing up because it is socializing and that is ego, instead of helping out, volunteering, which is at least being helpful and productive.  We’re learning!  lol

We’ll probably just chill with some thinking and thunking, perhaps a longer walk, and then go back and forth between playing chess, catching up on world news and propaganda, and browsing the internet for comedy or music.  Sounds like a great day forward!  Should be easy to survive this today.  We say should cause ya never know and we still need to stay as alert and safety and security conscious as always. Too much happens to too many folks who don’t!  lol

When we have time on our hands we always end up thinking we should be helping more folks and that we should take on more clients, then things will go crazy and we’ll be glad we didn’t take on more, and it just keeps going back and forth like that.  We really could use an assistant, but if not a girlfriend / assistant it would be too complicated because we could only use them for simple and shallow stuff if remote because we would have to keep them harmless to us and our clients.  Even face to face and in an office setting, employees are a handful with professionalism, responsibility, sensitive, and very private stuff.  It’s nearly impossible remotely!  Since women pick their men, the girlfriend thing is even more remote, which of course to us is funny.  Not much opportunity to be picked by any woman when you avoid most interactions and never stay anywhere for any length of time, so no woman gets a chance to know anything about us let alone enough info for any semblance of a responsible decision to even want to get to know us.  lol  In a way though, really it is kinda nice, that’s the thing, if and when it does ever happen, because it pretty much will have to be love at first sight or meeting for both of us or it aint likely for anything to happen.  Good thing we can be alone without being lonely and for the most part can keep our fragile bag of ka-ka ego monster chained up in the basement or at least fool it with tricks and treats.  Although when life is wonderful, just like when it is horrible, it’s nice to share it with someone and you want to, but we know that if not both in love, any wonderful is ruined and the horrible is worse, so better safe than sorry…  Hahahahahahaha…

Ahh well, back at it…  This day, today…



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