November 2019, We, Each And All, Have SO Much, An Unfathomable Amount, To Be Thankful For, And Are Truly Blessed…

  A for sure grand and glorious good day to each and all and the warmest of welcomes to this brandy, dandy, beautiful new day, today, that greets us, each and all lucky enough.

Wow!  Thanksgiving here in the states, another extra push forward for each and all and everything from those thankful and giving thanks and getting thanks in thoughts, words, or actions.  Certainly an awesome opportunity of and for love and light to be taken advantage of for one and all.

The Age of Aquarius truly is the age of questioning, and with all the current chaos and divisiveness throughout the world growing constantly to a crescendo on so many levels large and small it is easy to see the forward coming, the change, the overwhelming changes coming to us and our world as we advance forward as an expression among expressions of love and light, one and all and everything.  We are all truly blessed to be alive and a part of such a process!

Where would one even begin to start with the thankfulness?  Love and light, the all that is, everything and all, the past, the present, the future, heck even a speck of a speck of a speck of a speck of a speck and so on a couple of billion times is obviously blessed, sacred and important, it would be impossible for us silly humans to even imagine how blessed, sacred and important to put words to our thankfulness…

All things come from consciousness, and as known to more and more during this Age of Aquarius we are just barely into, matter isn’t real and doesn’t really matter.  It is like a scratch pad, a thing to work things out, to show the work.  A place to try things and to develop, learn and grow.  It is a place for experience and experiment good and bad as judged by one own’s self and any collective one may associate with or be subject to.  It is an expression of love and light!  The awe of the infinite in infinite ways matter the noun universe itself demonstrates the infinite love and light of consciousness, of The Consciousness, Creation, Creator, and each and every smallest and tiniest speck of it, which includes us.

This could surely explain some devoted and even sometimes fanatical relationships between any speck of light of THE LIGHT, internally.  All any speck of light can do is to be a bigger speck, to be more a part of the whole, and of course their are infinite thoughts, words and actions, by infinite specks of light doing just this at and in multiple levels and dimensions of existence.  Regardless of the vibration or frequency at which any energy may be perceived, all energy is, always has been, and always will be.  Energy can not be created or destroyed, merely used and at lower levels abused.

Who and what we are, any of us, any moment, is who and what we are until we learn and grow, develop, and change, hopefully forward, a bigger speck of love and light of THE LOVE AND LIGHT, and when we do the same then applies again the very next moment, the very next now, who and what we are is who and what we are until we learn and grow, develop, and change, hopefully forward, a bigger speck of love and light of THE LOVE AND LIGHT, and when we do the same applies again the very next moment, the very next now, and again, and again, and again, infinitely…

Existence by itself is thankfulness!  Thankfulness grows within each speck as it grows, whether acknowledged or not…

Ever thankful externally, for love and lessons, for every thing and everyone, for all that is, was, will ever be, for each speck of love and light of THE LOVE AND LIGHT.




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