Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Operations, And Laughing Again, As Always…

A warm and wonderful good day to each and all, and of course a wink and wry smile for this beautiful new day, today, that we have been rocking and rolling along with thus far.

We are never one to dwell, the forward is always too important, regardless of the lesson(s) learned.  We’re already back at it with a couple of new clients, one who got took on a land deal and another who has some bad loans and a bad accountant.  lol  We had been turning down referrals for a while so had a backlog, which was nice, and with Congress and the NY Attorney General finally going after these bad guys in the MCA industry there will be plenty of small business owners who will be realizing they can stand up to the crooks and save their businesses and revenue from them.

On a funny side note, it has been funders, brokers and ISOs that have been sending me the info on the feds and State of NY finally going after them.  We even had an ISO send us a letter they received from an attorney representing a funder “for information” regarding any deals they have done with that certain funder.  The ISO, not a smart cookie, mistakenly thought the attorney was asking for his help and asked me how much he should charge?  lol  I explained that the letter was a “fishing expedition” for blame and that they better not respond or they might find themselves named as a defendant in defense of the funder’s probable claim that it wasn’t them but was the ISO instead that broke the law and defrauded the client or baited and switched them or hustled them with the promise of real loans if they took the MCA.  The ISO of course immediately asked how much trouble they could be in and what to do?  The only answer I could give them was to try selling something straight with the truth and stop selling money for loan sharks or get out of sales all together!  Hahahahahahaha…

We only know how to be us, no matter what, so not real concerned with our lost money as of late, although we are filing in court to at least attempt recouping some of it down the road.  Our guess is there won’t be any left though because either Frick and Frack, as we call them, will be shut down by the authorities, or chased into Bankruptcy by their much bigger creditors who are owed far more than us.  They have a summary judgment hearing in January as defendants for over 200k, a couple smaller suits as well, and we know of a couple more creditors owed over 100k, so between that and the hundreds of thousands probably owed to various authorities, we doubt their “Business 101 and Distribution” tactics will keep them going for very long.  Oh well…

Our son is doing well and heading home for the Holidays, back to NH.  He’s been having his ups and downs since working but is young!  lol  One day he hates his job and wants to run to be lazy and run to Telicom work or join the union and the next he is busting his butt and being told what a great job by a boss and loves his job again.  Silly humans, we are all just silly, silly humans.  lol  We can only hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.  He has anger, frustration, gambling, drinking, and women obstacles to stay aware of that could potentially hold him down and back, but at 18 he’s just starting and we all learn most things the hard way.  We can only warn him, advise him, and try to make him think, which so far our relationship continues to grow and he does call when frustrated or seeking some advise or wanting to bounce something off us or know what we think about something, so we can’t complain.  He has even come back and told us we were right or how something we told him made sense later on or during a situation, so at least he is listening and that’s more than half the battle.  lol  He’s a good kid, but life hasn’t thrashed him much so no idea what kind of man he will become, we’ll see…

Our other, older clients are all doing well, another good thing of course!  They were a bit lonely with us so busy with the restaurants, and glad we have more time for them now, but other than that everything with them that we were handling is all doing well.  With some, much of what we do is the constant reassurance or assessment of something unrelated to what they hired us for.  Is part of the gig so we don’t mind, as long as we have the time.  lol  Of course the MCA stuff we were handling for Frick and Frack is theirs and theirs alone now and we wish them well with their mess but not concerned with the results any longer, which for them, unless they pick up a good attorney quickly, will probably not end well for them.  Their tendency to not deal with things and to just hide and not pay anyone anything is not the smartest play in the book.  lol  They need an attorney for multiple things already, court cases ongoing, let alone those coming, including ours.

Ed’s headed back to NH soon, and is doing well.  He had his 72nd Birthday while we were in Spokane, and we went to Red Lobster since he hadn’t been to a Red Lobster since the 80’s and we hadn’t been dragged there since NYC in 2010.  We both had fish of course, and scallops and lobster and crab!  If you’re going to eat seafood you might as well eat it!  lol

We finally found the time to set up our old desk top computer so we could get our pics and docs and such that were there.  We’ve been dragging the thing around with us for a while in the RV but never got to it.  We hadn’t used it since we first went to Florida just over two years ago and didn’t want to lose all our stuff on it but knew it would be a time consuming project for us to find everything and to move it to our lap top.  We’ll keep everything there for now until we remember to pick up a portable hard drive and then we’ll back up everything there now that we have learned our lesson.  We don’t have much for material things for sure, we’re very simple, but our pics, especially since most are our children, and docs and such from years and years past of work, we’d like to not lose or have destroyed if we can prevent it.   We still use some of our older stuff in reference to new clients, contracts, legal work, forms we created, letters of specific purpose, situations and circumstances addressed previously that might be similar.  That stuff is always good to have, also our old writings and letters to organizations and such, even our think tank and self awareness stuff.  Who knows, perhaps one day our children might be interested in it, and with today’s technology so much can be stored in so little space, heck there are flash drives that could hold more than we could ever want to save.  lol

Enough rambling though, we’ve things to get back to and places to go while the day still allows it.  Forward, always forward!  A better us, better our world, for a better world…


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